Check out these other Brunner titles
Ten Abiding Principles Solid, objective and inspiring thoughts for everyday living.
$7.99 + shipping.
Cut and Split
Devotions based on over 40 years of cutting and splitting wood at Brunner's Beech Springs home. (Temporarily out of stock)
$7.99 + shipping.
Madstone or Perfect Pearl
The evolution of the Christian church in today's subjective culture.
$11.99 + shipping.
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Need a Sunday break? Call or text 414-412-1820 or email M. Clifford Brunner: <> and book him for a Wednesday or Sunday service. Click on Brunner icon to see profile.
This Passing Day is here for you and to glorify and praise Jesus Christ, our Lord. Our focus is on the objectivity of the truth of the gospel and how to use the truth of Scriptures in combatting the subjective thinking of today's social culture. I hope that you enjoy the devotions and other resources found here. Please remember to pray for this ministry and pass it on to a friend when you get a chance.
God bless your day in Christ!
M. Clifford Brunner
© 2023 by This Passing Day / 9537 Town Line Road, Kewaskum, WI 53040 / 414/412-1820 /