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M. Clifford Brunner has been involved with publishing and God’s Word for nearly 50 years. Graduating from Marquette University in 1974, he began a decades long career spanning nearly five decades in the book publishing, inspirational writing, and online ministry fields.


Starting with Ideals Publishing in 1975, Brunner worked in the editorial department as both the editor of Ideals and Country Scene Magazines. While at Ideals Publishing he wrote a number of books including Wings Upon the Heavens and Until The Race Is Won.


After a brief stint with Bolens Corporation and an introduction into the world of marketing and advertising, Brunner came back to his publishing roots in 1988 joining the staff of Christian book publisher, Northwestern Publishing House, as Director of Product Development. It was here he was immersed in the world of devotional publishing at Northwestern and first became interested in the devotional writing format. Eventually he became Vice President of Marketing and was instrumental in the development of several new product lines including

the Christians In Crisis series and Lutheran Parent Magazine.


In 1996 Brunner was called by Christian Life Resources to become its Advancement Director. It was here that he developed an appreciation for the many critical life issues that face Christians today. It was also at this time the first online devotions, Today In God’s Word, was developed. In 2006 it incorporated as This Passing Day, Inc. His Previous works include: Cut and Split in 2018, Ten Abiding Principles in 2017, and Madstone or Perfect Pearl in 2015.


Today the author continues as president of This Passing Day, Inc., devoting much of his time to writing and online ministry. He and his wife Holly live outside Kewaskum, Wisconsin. Many of the stories appearing on the This Passing Day website originate from their little Kettle Moraine valley home they call Beech Springs.

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