Wilderness time? God has a name, El Roi, the “God who sees me or finds me.” When we feel both “lost” or “misplaced,” alone in the barren wilderness of life, El Roi finds us and gives us comfort.Sometimes when we are on the run due to life’s circumstances, and we’ve found some place to hide, our wilderness, that’s when the God who sees us, steps in and gives us a piece of life to hold on to, and a vision of our heavenly home to keep us from running too far.
Think about it. Wilderness experiences aren’t permanent. Each is tolerable, as long as El Roi, the God who sees us, is there to tell us it will be OK. We will always find home again.
God’s Word tells us: “After this, the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision: ‘Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward’” (Genesis 12:4).
We often go through times when God presses us down hard, and we feel He has somehow lost touch with us. We retreat, looking for relief, withdrawing into a wilderness. We climb into it and look for a place to draw up our legs and buckle our emotions to something stable and just hide. Sometimes running away is good, as long as we are running to Him and not from Him
“Heavenly Father, when things go bad in our lives and our hearts hurt so badly that we seek shelter from the pain, help us to find that place in the wilderness where You, El Roi dwell, just waiting to help us. In Jesus name, Amen!”
“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew 6:34) www.thispassingday.com