Beech Springs Marketing
A division of This Passing Day, Inc.
Helping you believe in what you set out to do.
Elections matter at every level. Responsible leadership does not come from nowhere. It comes basically from winning local elections, advancing a commonsense and pragmatic agenda that attracts voters and motivates them to vote for you. It’s all about believing in what you set out to do. Planning to run for office? You can win if you believe you can. It’s not about believing you have a chance; It’s about believing winning is possible when you do it the right way. Your candidacy is an opportunity to make a difference in your city, county or legislative district. We will show you how to use five simple rules to win elections through dedicated personal leadership and volunteer voter contact.
Rules for Winning An Election
You personally asked me for my vote.
My friend said I should vote for you.
Someone I respect is voting for you.
I believe you will win because it seems everyone supports you.
I have researched what you believe and I agree you can win.
Winning an election is simple: you need more votes than your opponent. The challenge is figuring out how to get them.
​First, understand your local area. Find the base voters who will support you no matter what. Don’t waste time convincing them—they’re already on your side. Instead, focus on two key strategies to supplement those base voters.
Persuade Undecideds: Persuasion, when done right, wins you a vote and takes one away from your opponent. This nets two votes from one voter. It’s an effective strategy to boost your numbers.
​Turn Out Supporters: Focus on identifying supporters and ensuring they vote. This strategy targets voters who are likely to support your candidate but may need reminders to cast their ballots.
​Every area is different. The time you invest in each strategy will depend on your local area and campaign. Your Indivisible Organizer can help you make a plan. But remember, the key to every successful campaign is direct voter contact. Reach out, connect, and secure those votes. That’s how you win.
How it works?
Direct voter contact is key to winning elections. Talking to voters is essential for making an impact. Who you talk to and how you do it is just as important. Face to face events: The best voter contact is direct. Imagine convincing a friend to do a chore. You wouldn't send a letter; you'd have a conversation. Face-to-face talks are the gold standard. Knocking on doors and speaking to voters is how we’ll win.
Direct mail is the key: Direct mail is critically important. You can turn out supporters, persuade undecideds, and get out in front of your opponent. People read their mail. An iterative approach to mining critical votes is the key.
Why it works?
Direct mail and events allow candidates to engage directly with voters, creating a personal connection that can be pivotal in earning support. Face-to-face interactions build trust and allow candidates to convey their message more effectively.
These also increase a candidate's visibility in the community. The more visible a candidate is, the more likely they are to be recognized and remembered by voters creating a sense of momentum and excitement that every campaign needs to win.
Need to raise money? Every campaign does. Direct mail and face-to-face fundraisers, and other events can help raise the necessary funds to sustain campaign activities and advertising efforts.​ You need to build a campaign narrative; why people are supporting you. Events and direct mail advertising contribute to the overall story the campaign is telling about the you and your vision. These are key to connecting you with your community.
In summary, these multifaceted tools are crucial for voter engagement, visibility, and momentum. They are indispensable in creating a winning campaign strategy.