Skeptical? I tend to be a skeptic about most things. If someone says “it must be this way,” I am always willing to look at the possibility of it “being another way.” While my skeptical nature often prevents me from traveling down this or that foolish path, it also keeps me from being quick on the trigger to accept good and timely advice.
Think about it. There are times, as circumstances dictate, when everything just clicks and I just can’t help diving headlong into someone else’s good advice.
God’s Word tells us: “Laban and Bethuel answered,“This is from the Lord; we can say nothing to you one way or the other” (Genesis 24:50-51).
Don’t miss the times in my life when things just happen and there’s little doubt God is behind them. We often look for complicated solutions because it seems logical complicated problems require it. But we need to leave ourselves open to the possibility of God’s simple solutions. It’s never a good idea to be a skeptic. If God says here is a simple way to go, there‘s little reason to look for another way. Our task is to put our human judgment aside and simply follow in awe.
“Heavenly Father, forgive us when we look for complicated solutions to seeming complicated problems in our lives without first committing our problems to Your care. Doing the impossible for You is never a question. In Jesus name, Amen!”
“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew 6:34)