Owning our time? How do you value your time? We all share in the product of time, the passing of the moment, equally. If that were the case, however, then time would treat each of us the same. Right? Its value would be the same to you as to me? If I gave you $5 it would be equal to $5 whether it was in your wallet or mine. Would time be any different?
Think about it. Perhaps this is the key to getting more value from our time every day; stopping long enough to be a guest of time and our Lord who blesses us with time; to entertain time and make it our friend and not our overseer.
God’s Word tells us: “Jacob was in love with Rachel and said, “I'll work for you seven years in return for your younger daughter Rachel” (Genesis 29:18).
God has promised us great blessings in this life if we are patient enough to understand time is the tool He uses to grant the blessings. Time can be a valuable ally when we take the time to own it before we use it. Beginning each day in prayer thanking God for the time before it starts flying by may be just the thing to slow it down long enough to own it as opposed to it owning us.
“Heavenly Father, time passes so quickly it sometimes feels that we never own it but that it somehow owns us? Forgive us Lord when we forget that time is a gift from You; a gift that we can own if only we take the time. In Jesus name, Amen!”
“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew 6:34) www.thispassingday.com