Just a number? Having been a patient at a very large hospital a number of times, I know what it’s like to be nothing more than a number. I grew up, however, in a house with a bunch of kids. Although there were six of us, one thing I remember about my father was that he treated each of us as both a child and a person. None of us were alike. I am grateful that he understood that I was more than just child number two. I was Mark, one of his six.
Think about it. Our God is a very personal God, concerned with our names, our faces and our time, minute by minute. We are never just numbers to Him.
God’s Word tells us: “He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me” (Psalms 18:19).
With all the responsibilities of fatherhood, can there be any more important than ‘knowing” your children? To be known and loved; there can be no greater gift we give our children than a correct understanding of both knowing them personally and as God knows us. There are enough opportunities in life to be treated as numbers; may the home never be one of them.
“Heavenly Father, being known is important to us. Our name and our personhood are gifts You have given us. Thanks be to You O Lord. May we always remember to use names wisely, always cautious to render our greetings in love and personally. In Jesus name, Amen!”
“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew 6:34) www.thispassingday.com