A step ahead of our anger? Anger. Most of the time we don’t plan it; it just seems to well up, and like a boiling pot, spills over, scorching whatever it touches. What happens to all of the spent energy and hurt this anger produces? Is it just floating forever out in space traveling at the speed of sound toward some unsuspecting planet or star?
Think about it. Anger seldom results in anything good and God certainly wills that in our anger we do not sin. Yet, every day angry words and actions occur, even among good Christians, on an alarming level. The question is: Does God use our anger to change us?
God’s Word tells us: “the Midianites sold Joseph in Egypt to Potiphar, … the captain of the guard (God used his brothers’ anger for good.)” (Genesis 37:36).
God knows our anger patterns well. Fortunately for us and those around us he’s always one step ahead of our angry outbursts. We may lose it every now and then, and there is never an excuse for doing so, but thank the God that our angry habits often become the very resources He uses to fire His divine plan for delivering His grace right on the mark every time.
“Heavenly Father, when we become angry and commit sin in our anger, we know we are forgiven in Christ. Thank You Lord for using even our temper at time to do good in Your plan for us and for others. In Jesus name, Amen!”
“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew 6:34) www.thispassingday.com