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What if?

What if? There’s an old adage that go es, “If ‘what if’ was all we had, all we’d have is a whole lot of ‘if’ and precious little ‘what.’” There’s a lot of wisdom in that thought. When you and I focus on the “what if’s” in life we aren’t able to find out the ‘what’s’ we’re so anxiously searching for.

Think about it. How DOES God want you and I to handle the “what if’s” that constantly push into our lives? Focusing on the “what if’s” can really take our attention off the truly important “whats” in this life.

God’s Word tells us: “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.” (Isaiah 41:10).

If we truly trust God to handle stuff, big or small, we need to sit still and let Him do it. When we try too hard to do the work, we miss out on the pleasure of seeing Him get it done. Take a look around you. Perhaps He’s already taken care of the “what if’s” and He’s only asking you to settle down and enjoy the “whats.”

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew 6:34)


What if?

What if? There’s an old adage that go es, “If ‘what if’ was all we had, all we’d have is a whole lot of ‘if’ and precious little ‘what.’” There’s a lot of wisdom in that thought. When you and I focus on the “what if’s” in life we aren’t able to find out the ‘what’s’ we’re so anxiously searching for.

Think about it. How DOES God want you and I to handle the “what if’s” that constantly push into our lives? Focusing on the “what if’s” can really take our attention off the truly important “whats” in this life.

God’s Word tells us: “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.” (Isaiah 41:10).

If we truly trust God to handle stuff, big or small, we need to sit still and let Him do it. When we try too hard to do the work, we miss out on the pleasure of seeing Him get it done. Take a look around you. Perhaps He’s already taken care of the “what if’s” and He’s only asking you to settle down and enjoy the “whats.”

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew 6:34)


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