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(08.23.21– Carrying Others –1 Corinthians 13:1)

My friend, may I ask you a question? God grant that we are willing to both be carried and to carry others. If it's all about loving and caring, why wouldn’t we?

My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I'm M. Clifford Brunner.

This is the eleventh anniversary of the passing of an old canine friend and companion, Webley the Wiener Dog. He died in Holly's arms from complications of old age and cancer. We knew that Webley was ailing for some time. He had lost most of his eyesight and couldn't hear well any more. He continually bumped into things that the other dogs could easily see. We had to be very careful of his ailments and limitations since it was easy to step on him or open a door and conk him on the head. Webley was continually underfoot because he needed to know we were close. He was afraid of what he couldn't see clearly or hear plainly. If one of the other dogs barked, he picked up on it immediately. There was no checking to see if there really was a visitor or an invading chipmunk. He wouldn't have been able to tell anyway.

Webley loved to ride in my truck or Holly's car. It really didn't matter if it was a short trip or long. He just wanted to come along. He wanted to be close, to feel the presence of a hip or hand as he snuggled on the seat. He needed that reassurance. As I watched him grow older and more fragile, I was at times aggravated at his dependence. When the other dogs were escorted outside to do their duty, he would lag behind, walking slowly and sometimes not finding the door. If I didn't watch him closely, he'd travel down the hallway and end up back in the Great Room right where he started. Then I'd have to go shove him in the right direction or, better yet, pick him up and carry him to the door. He'd look up at me with eyes clouded by glaucoma and wag his tail. Sometimes I would whisper an encouragement if I thought of it. But, he really couldn't hear it. He only saw my moving lips. My sympathy was sometimes absent; I was busy and he needed to step up and deal with things. All the time he just wanted to "come along" the best that he could. Didn't I understand?

Perhaps the reason Webley bothered me so much was because he reminded me of who I was rapidly becoming. My hearing isn't what it used to be. I've got bad knees and arthritis just like he had. If it weren't for trifocals, I couldn't find the light switch. Age is catching up with me as well. Webley poked at me at times with his infirmities and made me uncomfortable. As I look back now over the past 13 years I knew him and reflect on his coming, going and passing, I guess Webley really taught me this: life is all about a willingness to give others the simple things we sometimes take for granted. Most people are just looking to be a part of our lives, to "come along" knowing there is a hand ready to reach out and carry a bit of their burden at times. Goodbye my friend. You just wanted to go along. God grant that we are willing to both be carried and to carry others. It's all about loving and caring. You taught me that Webley. NOW I understand!

We pray. Heavenly Father, You have taught us that life is all about a willingness to give others the simple things we sometimes take for granted like giving them some time, taking care just to be there, and simply touching their lives in simple yet loving ways. Most people are just looking to be a part of our lives, to "come along" knowing there is a hand ready to reach out and carry a bit of their burden at times. Forgive us Lord when we forget this, remaining so focused on our needs, our wants and our feelings. Often others in our lives just want to go along with us, share our lives without invading them while adding a little love in the process. Grant Lord that we are willing to both be carried and to carry others, becuase It's all about loving and caring. In Jesus name we pray. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


Want to go along?

(08.23.21– Carrying Others –1 Corinthians 13:1)

My friend, may I ask you a question? God grant that we are willing to both be carried and to carry others. If it's all about loving and caring, why wouldn’t we?

My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I'm M. Clifford Brunner.

This is the eleventh anniversary of the passing of an old canine friend and companion, Webley the Wiener Dog. He died in Holly's arms from complications of old age and cancer. We knew that Webley was ailing for some time. He had lost most of his eyesight and couldn't hear well any more. He continually bumped into things that the other dogs could easily see. We had to be very careful of his ailments and limitations since it was easy to step on him or open a door and conk him on the head. Webley was continually underfoot because he needed to know we were close. He was afraid of what he couldn't see clearly or hear plainly. If one of the other dogs barked, he picked up on it immediately. There was no checking to see if there really was a visitor or an invading chipmunk. He wouldn't have been able to tell anyway.

Webley loved to ride in my truck or Holly's car. It really didn't matter if it was a short trip or long. He just wanted to come along. He wanted to be close, to feel the presence of a hip or hand as he snuggled on the seat. He needed that reassurance. As I watched him grow older and more fragile, I was at times aggravated at his dependence. When the other dogs were escorted outside to do their duty, he would lag behind, walking slowly and sometimes not finding the door. If I didn't watch him closely, he'd travel down the hallway and end up back in the Great Room right where he started. Then I'd have to go shove him in the right direction or, better yet, pick him up and carry him to the door. He'd look up at me with eyes clouded by glaucoma and wag his tail. Sometimes I would whisper an encouragement if I thought of it. But, he really couldn't hear it. He only saw my moving lips. My sympathy was sometimes absent; I was busy and he needed to step up and deal with things. All the time he just wanted to "come along" the best that he could. Didn't I understand?

Perhaps the reason Webley bothered me so much was because he reminded me of who I was rapidly becoming. My hearing isn't what it used to be. I've got bad knees and arthritis just like he had. If it weren't for trifocals, I couldn't find the light switch. Age is catching up with me as well. Webley poked at me at times with his infirmities and made me uncomfortable. As I look back now over the past 13 years I knew him and reflect on his coming, going and passing, I guess Webley really taught me this: life is all about a willingness to give others the simple things we sometimes take for granted. Most people are just looking to be a part of our lives, to "come along" knowing there is a hand ready to reach out and carry a bit of their burden at times. Goodbye my friend. You just wanted to go along. God grant that we are willing to both be carried and to carry others. It's all about loving and caring. You taught me that Webley. NOW I understand!

We pray. Heavenly Father, You have taught us that life is all about a willingness to give others the simple things we sometimes take for granted like giving them some time, taking care just to be there, and simply touching their lives in simple yet loving ways. Most people are just looking to be a part of our lives, to "come along" knowing there is a hand ready to reach out and carry a bit of their burden at times. Forgive us Lord when we forget this, remaining so focused on our needs, our wants and our feelings. Often others in our lives just want to go along with us, share our lives without invading them while adding a little love in the process. Grant Lord that we are willing to both be carried and to carry others, becuase It's all about loving and caring. In Jesus name we pray. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


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