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(12.30.21– Looking Forward! –Hebrews 11:8)

My friend, may I ask you a question? Perhaps there's some promise that you're waiting patiently for but are beginning to doubt will ever happen. Perhaps it's something you've asked God for and He hasn't as yet responded?

My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I'm M. Clifford Brunner.

The hardest promises to believe in are those that are sure to come but must be waited for. A friend, a sibling, child or parent makes a promise that's important to you; it's something in your life that's needed, something that you desire with all your heart. You know the promise-giver well and your faith in them is unshakable. No matter how long you have to wait, you just know the promise will be kept. As much as you want to believe a promise will be fulfilled, the temptation to become skeptical, however, even unbelieving, is always an option we seem to be driven to explore. It's human nature to become defensive about us and suspicious of others when our desires aren't met on our timetable. Yet, if the promise- maker is trustworthy, there ought to be no reason for us to doubt. They've come through in the past–they'll come through now and in the future. We simply have to measure future performance on past performance when it comes to promise- makers who've always come through in the past.

Dewayne Gamez writes: "If a person has proven themselves as keepers of their word in the past, we find it much simpler to have confidence in their word, or promises, right? Think about times in your lives that someone made a promise to do something for you, or not to do something. The first time they made this promise is a testing ground. If we do not know them, or their "track-record" with keeping their word, we have a small ounce of doubt, or hesitance about the promise. If they are people that have made numerous promises and not kept them, well, we have a much more difficult time trusting their word. That is the reason we have contracts, collateral, and credit scores. But if a person has proven their word is their bond, we tend to let up our guard. They have already proven their integrity! We can stand sure that they will come through. Sometimes, I wish we were born with that assurance. But in this world, there are many that deceive, and mislead. Integrity is hard to find in the world. True Godly integrity that is." (Faith Doesn't Always See The Promises Fulfilled. Dewayne Gamez, Sermon

Perhaps there's some promise that you're waiting patiently for but are beginning to doubt will ever happen. Perhaps it's something you've asked God for and He hasn't as yet responded? There's no harm in thinking about it or even making note of it. Promises unfulfilled are simply gifts waiting to be opened. As the year ends and a new one is about to begin, bring your concerns to God and He will comfort you, even when there's no sign of an answer to that promise. God is faithful. He has always kept His promises to you and I in the past. His record is perfect. Waiting on Him is a sure thing. Our job is patience; His is promise.

We pray. Heavenly Father, often in our lives there's promise we wait patiently for but sometimes doubt will ever happen. Sometimes it things we ask You for and You have been silent, without any answer at all? Dear Lord we know there's no harm in thinking about it or even making note of it. Promises unfulfilled are sometimes gifts waiting to be opened. As the year ends and a new one is about to begin, remind us to bring our concerns to You and we know that You will comfort us, even when there's no sign of an answer to that promise. You are faithful and have always kept Your promises to us in the past. You have a perfect record. Waiting on You is a sure thing. Our job is patience; Yours is promise. In Jesus name we pray. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.



(12.30.21– Looking Forward! –Hebrews 11:8)

My friend, may I ask you a question? Perhaps there's some promise that you're waiting patiently for but are beginning to doubt will ever happen. Perhaps it's something you've asked God for and He hasn't as yet responded?

My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I'm M. Clifford Brunner.

The hardest promises to believe in are those that are sure to come but must be waited for. A friend, a sibling, child or parent makes a promise that's important to you; it's something in your life that's needed, something that you desire with all your heart. You know the promise-giver well and your faith in them is unshakable. No matter how long you have to wait, you just know the promise will be kept. As much as you want to believe a promise will be fulfilled, the temptation to become skeptical, however, even unbelieving, is always an option we seem to be driven to explore. It's human nature to become defensive about us and suspicious of others when our desires aren't met on our timetable. Yet, if the promise- maker is trustworthy, there ought to be no reason for us to doubt. They've come through in the past–they'll come through now and in the future. We simply have to measure future performance on past performance when it comes to promise- makers who've always come through in the past.

Dewayne Gamez writes: "If a person has proven themselves as keepers of their word in the past, we find it much simpler to have confidence in their word, or promises, right? Think about times in your lives that someone made a promise to do something for you, or not to do something. The first time they made this promise is a testing ground. If we do not know them, or their "track-record" with keeping their word, we have a small ounce of doubt, or hesitance about the promise. If they are people that have made numerous promises and not kept them, well, we have a much more difficult time trusting their word. That is the reason we have contracts, collateral, and credit scores. But if a person has proven their word is their bond, we tend to let up our guard. They have already proven their integrity! We can stand sure that they will come through. Sometimes, I wish we were born with that assurance. But in this world, there are many that deceive, and mislead. Integrity is hard to find in the world. True Godly integrity that is." (Faith Doesn't Always See The Promises Fulfilled. Dewayne Gamez, Sermon

Perhaps there's some promise that you're waiting patiently for but are beginning to doubt will ever happen. Perhaps it's something you've asked God for and He hasn't as yet responded? There's no harm in thinking about it or even making note of it. Promises unfulfilled are simply gifts waiting to be opened. As the year ends and a new one is about to begin, bring your concerns to God and He will comfort you, even when there's no sign of an answer to that promise. God is faithful. He has always kept His promises to you and I in the past. His record is perfect. Waiting on Him is a sure thing. Our job is patience; His is promise.

We pray. Heavenly Father, often in our lives there's promise we wait patiently for but sometimes doubt will ever happen. Sometimes it things we ask You for and You have been silent, without any answer at all? Dear Lord we know there's no harm in thinking about it or even making note of it. Promises unfulfilled are sometimes gifts waiting to be opened. As the year ends and a new one is about to begin, remind us to bring our concerns to You and we know that You will comfort us, even when there's no sign of an answer to that promise. You are faithful and have always kept Your promises to us in the past. You have a perfect record. Waiting on You is a sure thing. Our job is patience; Yours is promise. In Jesus name we pray. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


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