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Utter despair?

Utter despaire? You and I really need to be careful when dealing with trouble. If focusing on it too much, it easily becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. When reacting to trouble without giving it a good look first, it’s unlikely we will discover any real benefit from it.

Think about it. Troubles have substance and source and beg analysis and per- haps a little risk-taking. You may just need to scrape away trouble’s “dirty face” to find the hidden treasure that lies within. Otherwise, it is easy to become despaired when all we can see is the rudeness that surrounds most of life’s problems.

God’s Word tells us: “Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today…” Exodus 14: 10-15).

Despair is often the product of unfaithfulness. Next time you see trouble coming stop and size it up before you despair. Perhaps by sidestepping it you may be missing out on an opportunity. Or, as as it has been said, “Stick around and find out what’s on the other side.” Otherwise, who knows what blessings you might be overlooking?

“I pray today in Jesus name that when things seem darkest, we take care to look around us in the assurance that things will always get better if we wait on the Lord and patiently trust Him to turn on the lights. Amen!”

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew 6:34)


Utter despair?

Utter despaire? You and I really need to be careful when dealing with trouble. If focusing on it too much, it easily becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. When reacting to trouble without giving it a good look first, it’s unlikely we will discover any real benefit from it.

Think about it. Troubles have substance and source and beg analysis and per- haps a little risk-taking. You may just need to scrape away trouble’s “dirty face” to find the hidden treasure that lies within. Otherwise, it is easy to become despaired when all we can see is the rudeness that surrounds most of life’s problems.

God’s Word tells us: “Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today…” Exodus 14: 10-15).

Despair is often the product of unfaithfulness. Next time you see trouble coming stop and size it up before you despair. Perhaps by sidestepping it you may be missing out on an opportunity. Or, as as it has been said, “Stick around and find out what’s on the other side.” Otherwise, who knows what blessings you might be overlooking?

“I pray today in Jesus name that when things seem darkest, we take care to look around us in the assurance that things will always get better if we wait on the Lord and patiently trust Him to turn on the lights. Amen!”

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew 6:34)


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