The sword? (03.01.11--Valor!--John 15:13)
May I ask you a question? Does the Bible or our Constitution speak more to our duties as believers and citizens to go beyond our own happiness to serve others?
My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.
I'm M. Clifford Brunner.
It’s been said that “courage is not the absence of fear; rather it is the ability to take action in the face of fear.” If you visit my office at Beech Springs you’ll see that wisdom imprinted on a plaque mounted between two crossed, Civil War swords. In some respects at first sight it might seem a bit of a contradiction–swords and fear? It would seem that, per- haps, the hardware and the wisdom don’t compliment each other. Keep this in mind, however: the sword isn’t an image of bravery but the promise of it. For centuries the act of strapping on a sword indicated that the wearer was willing, no matter how fearful, to use the sword. The sword itself did not bring courage. That was the result of removing it from the scabbard, diving in and using it despite one’s fear.
Here's a story: Butch O'Hare was a fighter pilot assigned to an aircraft carrier in the Pacific during World War II. Once his entire squadron was assigned to fly a particular mission. After he was airborne, he discovered his fuel tanks had not been topped off properly and he had to return to the carrier. As he was returning, he spotted a squadron of enemy planes heading toward the fleet to attack. And with all the fighter planes gone, the fleet was defenseless. Single-handedly, he dove into the formation of planes and attacked them. Butch shot until all his ammunition was gone; then he dove and tried to clip off a wing or tail, anything that would make the enemy planes unfit to fly. Finally, the enemy squadron took off in another direction, and Butch and his fighter, both badly shot up, limped back to the carrier. He was recognized as a hero and given one of the nation’s highest military honors. Later he was asked how he was able to so fearlessly fight off an enemy squadron single-handedly. O’Hare’s response: “I don’t think I could of done it without first being afraid. That’s what made me take the first dive in. After that it was just a matter of shooting and flying.” (Author unknown)
Are you a brave Christian willing to not only to confess Christ but stand-up for Him, defend Him and tell others about Him? In this life there is not probably a more fearful task than this. Strapping on the sword and having a willingness to dive in and do battle with Satan and his angels is daunting to say the least. However, you and I are called by God to love one another and love the gospel of Christ with a courage that faces our fear of death with the Sword of the Spirit raised and a willingness to dive in, despite our fears. There will never be a day when we are not, to some extent, afraid of doing this. But remember this: the truly brave will, when confronted with our fears, know only one way to go; and that’s for- ward. Grasp the Sword of the Spirit and know that in the scabbard it is only a symbol; in hand it is the very hand of God.
We pray. Heavenly Father, we are called by You to love one another and love the gospel of Christ with a courage that faces our fear of death with the Sword of the Spirit raised and a willingness to dive in, despite our fears. Forgive us when we lose faith and fall back in fear. There will never be a day when we are not, to some extent, afraid of doing this. Help us to remember this: the truly brave will, when confronted with their fears, know only one way to go; and that’s forward. Help us to grasp the Sword of the Spirit and know that in the scabbard it is only a symbol; in hand it is the Your very hand.
In Jesus name we pray. Amen!
Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.
If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”
<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.