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The keys?

(11.29.21– What I Possess! –Matthew 13: 45-46)

My friend, may I ask you a question? What does the future hold? How much risk should I assume financially? What are the likely costs? What if I lose everything I have?

My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I'm M. Clifford Brunner.

As I look back over the past year and ahead to the next, like you, I see a picture of uncertainty. What does the future hold? How much risk should I assume financially? What are the likely costs? What if I lose everything I have?

Here's a story: A jewelry merchant had a store with many beautiful gems in it. Some were reasonably priced, and some very expensive. One stone in the store, a flawless pearl, was strikingly beautiful, prominently displayed in its own case. Many people, rich and poor, would come to view it. There was no price shown. When asked the merchant would always answer, "That one costs everything you have." No one was willing to pay the price. One day, in the middle of winter, a poor man came into the store to escape the cold. He noticed the pearl, and fascinated by it, was unable to take his eyes off of it. Finally, he approached the merchant and asked what it cost. "Everything you have." was the response. He spent a long time looking at this object of unique beauty from every angle, until at last he turned around, and taking off his worn overcoat, he handed it to the merchant and announced, "I'll take it." Without hesitation, the merchant unlocked the case and gave him the pearl. He asked the man to wait and disappeared into the back room. He came back in a few moments with his own magnificent fur coat and the key to his shop in hand. With just a hint of a smile, he handed both to the surprised man, saying, "You gave me everything you had, and now everything I have is yours." He then put on the poor man's overcoat and went out the door, leaving the shop and all its riches to the a poor man now very rich indeed. (Author unknown.)

I know it's hard to be a risk-taker in today's economy. There are so many pitfalls seemingly looming out there to swallow a person whole who hasn't figured everything out to the "nth" degree. But what about the Christian who has declared by faith that he relies on God for his food and shelter and all else is up to God's providence? Are you and I willing to risk everything we have, give it all into God's possession, in order to claim that prize of priceless worth, eternal life in Christ? The lonely valleys of economic and personal pressure are God's proving ground for a strong faith that trusts in Him. It is His way of transforming proud sinners into redeemed, poor-in-spirit, trusting believers. Are you poor in Christ? Would you like to be? Take off the cloak of your possessions today and hand them personally to the Merchant of Heaven, your Heavenly Father. In return He will give you a cloak of righteousness that will insulate you from all worry and care. Even better, open your hand and find the keys to the the Kingdom of Heaven itself. Risk? This one is guaranteed. Go for it!.

We pray. Heavenly Father, help us by Your Spirit to be willing to risk everything we have, give it all into Your possession, in order to claim that prize of priceless worth, eternal life in Christ. We know that the lonely valleys of economic and personal pressure are Your proving ground for a strong faith that trusts in You. It is Your way of transforming proud sinners like us into the redeemed, poor-in-spirit, trusting believers You want us to be. Make us poor in Christ by taking off the cloak of our possessions today and handing them personally to the Merchant of Heaven, our Heavenly Father. In return we know You will give us a cloak of righteousness that will insulate us from all worry and care. Risk? This one is guaranteed. Help us to go for it!. In Jesus name we pray. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


The keys?

(11.29.21– What I Possess! –Matthew 13: 45-46)

My friend, may I ask you a question? What does the future hold? How much risk should I assume financially? What are the likely costs? What if I lose everything I have?

My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I'm M. Clifford Brunner.

As I look back over the past year and ahead to the next, like you, I see a picture of uncertainty. What does the future hold? How much risk should I assume financially? What are the likely costs? What if I lose everything I have?

Here's a story: A jewelry merchant had a store with many beautiful gems in it. Some were reasonably priced, and some very expensive. One stone in the store, a flawless pearl, was strikingly beautiful, prominently displayed in its own case. Many people, rich and poor, would come to view it. There was no price shown. When asked the merchant would always answer, "That one costs everything you have." No one was willing to pay the price. One day, in the middle of winter, a poor man came into the store to escape the cold. He noticed the pearl, and fascinated by it, was unable to take his eyes off of it. Finally, he approached the merchant and asked what it cost. "Everything you have." was the response. He spent a long time looking at this object of unique beauty from every angle, until at last he turned around, and taking off his worn overcoat, he handed it to the merchant and announced, "I'll take it." Without hesitation, the merchant unlocked the case and gave him the pearl. He asked the man to wait and disappeared into the back room. He came back in a few moments with his own magnificent fur coat and the key to his shop in hand. With just a hint of a smile, he handed both to the surprised man, saying, "You gave me everything you had, and now everything I have is yours." He then put on the poor man's overcoat and went out the door, leaving the shop and all its riches to the a poor man now very rich indeed. (Author unknown.)

I know it's hard to be a risk-taker in today's economy. There are so many pitfalls seemingly looming out there to swallow a person whole who hasn't figured everything out to the "nth" degree. But what about the Christian who has declared by faith that he relies on God for his food and shelter and all else is up to God's providence? Are you and I willing to risk everything we have, give it all into God's possession, in order to claim that prize of priceless worth, eternal life in Christ? The lonely valleys of economic and personal pressure are God's proving ground for a strong faith that trusts in Him. It is His way of transforming proud sinners into redeemed, poor-in-spirit, trusting believers. Are you poor in Christ? Would you like to be? Take off the cloak of your possessions today and hand them personally to the Merchant of Heaven, your Heavenly Father. In return He will give you a cloak of righteousness that will insulate you from all worry and care. Even better, open your hand and find the keys to the the Kingdom of Heaven itself. Risk? This one is guaranteed. Go for it!.

We pray. Heavenly Father, help us by Your Spirit to be willing to risk everything we have, give it all into Your possession, in order to claim that prize of priceless worth, eternal life in Christ. We know that the lonely valleys of economic and personal pressure are Your proving ground for a strong faith that trusts in You. It is Your way of transforming proud sinners like us into the redeemed, poor-in-spirit, trusting believers You want us to be. Make us poor in Christ by taking off the cloak of our possessions today and handing them personally to the Merchant of Heaven, our Heavenly Father. In return we know You will give us a cloak of righteousness that will insulate us from all worry and care. Risk? This one is guaranteed. Help us to go for it!. In Jesus name we pray. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


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