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The fix

04.12.21 Dealing With Change! – Matthew 18:3

My friend, may I ask you a question? Is it sometimes best as Christians to possess a willingness to understand that God has a plan for change in our lives.

My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day. I'm M. Clifford Brunner

There are few things in life more dreadful to me than moving furniture. It's not that I'm concerned about the amount of effort that needs to go into moving each bookcase, end table or desk. That really doesn't bother me. It's the idea that everything would have been fine the way it was. I guess it's a time thing. I could have spent my time fixing something as opposed to changing something. The fixing seems more important than the changing. Of course the assumption is that changing doesn't fix anything. That, according to my wife, is a false assumption. Changing the furniture around DOES fix something. At the very least it fixes her whim to see things in a different arrangement; and it may even make the room more useable. "THAT!" she says, "is change that is as much a "fix" as it is a "change."

Sometimes it’s best as Christians to possess a willingness to understand that God has a plan for change in our lives.

Here's a thought from Joseph Mazzella: "I finally had to put away my old watch today. It had gone through over 50 batteries and half a dozen wristbands. One of the first digital watches ever made it had served me faithfully and well. Gradually, though, the numbers on it had faded until I could no longer read them clearly. I couldn’t bring myself to toss it in the trash, however, and put it in my dresser drawer instead. When I went to the store to look for a new one I was amazed by the selection. There were dozens of digital models there. Some not only told the time and date, but also glowed in the dark, showed me the time zones, and even doubled as a stop watch. I looked at them all and then settled on an old-fashioned, clock-face model with numbers and a second hand on it. I've never been one who enjoyed change and often had to be dragged into it by those around me. Still, though all the changes in this life I am reassured by the one thing that never changes: God loves us. I keep this truth shining bright in my heart and soul everyday. With this truth I'm able to accept the fact that life is full of change and to go wherever its changes may take me. With this truth I'm even able to grow in love, joy, and oneness with God through all the changes in my life." (Joseph Mazzella)

We may not enjoy the changes that life brings us, but with God's help we can make them all work for good in our lives. One day, though, the watch inside of us will stop ticking. One day we will face the greatest change of all with only the love we have chosen, the joy we have shared and our oneness with God to light the way. Now, that's a change that's more than just a "change;" when God decides to take this old furniture, we call our earthly bodies, and move them around into something that fixes an eternal problem, death. Hard not to ask, "where do you want it moved; and how soon?"

We pray. Heavenly Father, We may not enjoy the changes that life brings us, but with Your help we can make them all work for good in our lives. One day, though, that watch inside of us will stop ticking. One day we will face the greatest change of all with only the love we have chosen, the joy we have shared and our oneness with You to light the way. That's a change that's more than just a "change;" when You decide to take this old furniture, we call our earthly bodies, and move them around into something that fixes an eternal problem, death. Forgive us when we forget this most important fact of living here on earth. Grant us Your peace until that day arrives. In Jesus name we pray. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


The fix

04.12.21 Dealing With Change! – Matthew 18:3

My friend, may I ask you a question? Is it sometimes best as Christians to possess a willingness to understand that God has a plan for change in our lives.

My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day. I'm M. Clifford Brunner

There are few things in life more dreadful to me than moving furniture. It's not that I'm concerned about the amount of effort that needs to go into moving each bookcase, end table or desk. That really doesn't bother me. It's the idea that everything would have been fine the way it was. I guess it's a time thing. I could have spent my time fixing something as opposed to changing something. The fixing seems more important than the changing. Of course the assumption is that changing doesn't fix anything. That, according to my wife, is a false assumption. Changing the furniture around DOES fix something. At the very least it fixes her whim to see things in a different arrangement; and it may even make the room more useable. "THAT!" she says, "is change that is as much a "fix" as it is a "change."

Sometimes it’s best as Christians to possess a willingness to understand that God has a plan for change in our lives.

Here's a thought from Joseph Mazzella: "I finally had to put away my old watch today. It had gone through over 50 batteries and half a dozen wristbands. One of the first digital watches ever made it had served me faithfully and well. Gradually, though, the numbers on it had faded until I could no longer read them clearly. I couldn’t bring myself to toss it in the trash, however, and put it in my dresser drawer instead. When I went to the store to look for a new one I was amazed by the selection. There were dozens of digital models there. Some not only told the time and date, but also glowed in the dark, showed me the time zones, and even doubled as a stop watch. I looked at them all and then settled on an old-fashioned, clock-face model with numbers and a second hand on it. I've never been one who enjoyed change and often had to be dragged into it by those around me. Still, though all the changes in this life I am reassured by the one thing that never changes: God loves us. I keep this truth shining bright in my heart and soul everyday. With this truth I'm able to accept the fact that life is full of change and to go wherever its changes may take me. With this truth I'm even able to grow in love, joy, and oneness with God through all the changes in my life." (Joseph Mazzella)

We may not enjoy the changes that life brings us, but with God's help we can make them all work for good in our lives. One day, though, the watch inside of us will stop ticking. One day we will face the greatest change of all with only the love we have chosen, the joy we have shared and our oneness with God to light the way. Now, that's a change that's more than just a "change;" when God decides to take this old furniture, we call our earthly bodies, and move them around into something that fixes an eternal problem, death. Hard not to ask, "where do you want it moved; and how soon?"

We pray. Heavenly Father, We may not enjoy the changes that life brings us, but with Your help we can make them all work for good in our lives. One day, though, that watch inside of us will stop ticking. One day we will face the greatest change of all with only the love we have chosen, the joy we have shared and our oneness with You to light the way. That's a change that's more than just a "change;" when You decide to take this old furniture, we call our earthly bodies, and move them around into something that fixes an eternal problem, death. Forgive us when we forget this most important fact of living here on earth. Grant us Your peace until that day arrives. In Jesus name we pray. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


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