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The eyes have it?

The eyes have it? (10.14.21–Hidden Blessings –Acts:9-2-4)

My friend, may I ask you a question? Are you looking for Jesus? You and I are surrounded by a very messy world that needs sorting out in the worst way. Is that where He is?

My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I'm M. Clifford Brunner.

After a long summer of cutting, building, fixing and repairing, my garage workbench is a total mess. Everything seems to pile up over summer in anticipation of that cool, fall afternoon when I clean things up. Recently I needed a brass fit- ting for a plumbing fixture that needed repairing. I knew it was somewhere on that workbench; so I dug in and began sorting out the mess. My mind was bent on that half-inch brass fitting. I could just see it in my hand. Unfortunately, even though it seemed like the prize, I found other things instead. There was that bag of tent stakes I had been looking for. That turned up first. Then there was a box of electrical outlets. I forgot I bought those. Great! On and on it went; 5” nails, my missing claw hammer, a socket tester. Every one of those things had been missing and needed. I wanted a fit- ting and found much more; a whole lot of things I forgot I needed just as much as that brass fitting.

Here's a thought from Maria Carey: I wanted to see Jesus today. I saw the old man instead standing by the pump at the gas station. We said hello to each other as we shared our smiles and left on our way. I wanted to see Jesus today. I saw the most delightful little child with his mother and she was so sweet to him at the Wal-Mart. I smiled at each and the little fella reached out to touch my arm and my heart as I said, "Hello, little one." He laughingly, fled away. I wanted to see Jesus today. I saw the old lady, a bent figure with curved spine holding two very heavy shopping bags. She looked so tired. I watched as she tried to cross the street. I was afraid she wouldn't make it as I said, let me carry those things for you. We made it across the street and I carried those bags up 3 full blocks right to her doorstep. She thanked me and I felt so good. I wanted to see Jesus today. I saw the man at the train station, he asked for spare change and I looked at him. Without thought of what he would do with the change, I gave it to him. I did so with a prayer and blessing. Then I left and caught the train home. You see I really wanted to see Jesus today and He really wanted to see me too. (Maria Carey)

Are you looking for Jesus? You and I are surrounded by a very messy world that needs sorting out in the worst way. Perhaps we will find Him as we touch the mess around us, straightening, sorting and putting things in order. As we touch the lives of those God has given us to sort through, we may not find exactly what we’re looking for: total peace or spiritual fulfillment. But, we will find Jesus. He’s in the eyes and sighs of those we love: a son or a daughter, a spouse, a friend or, perhaps, a total stranger. He’s there, looking for us. And, unlike that brass fitting, along with many other prizes, many unexpected but each valuable, he will be found. Looking for Jesus? Look no farther than where you are.

We pray. Heavenly Father, surrounded as we are by a world tending sorting out in the worst way, help us to find Jesus as we touch the the world around us, straightening, sorting and putting things in order. As we touch the lives of those You have given us, help us to find our Savior in the sighs of those we love: a son or a daughter, a spouse, a friend or, perhaps, a total stranger. We know he’s there, looking for us. He will be found. Lord may we never look any farther than where we are living in this life. In Jesus name we pray. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


The eyes have it?

The eyes have it? (10.14.21–Hidden Blessings –Acts:9-2-4)

My friend, may I ask you a question? Are you looking for Jesus? You and I are surrounded by a very messy world that needs sorting out in the worst way. Is that where He is?

My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I'm M. Clifford Brunner.

After a long summer of cutting, building, fixing and repairing, my garage workbench is a total mess. Everything seems to pile up over summer in anticipation of that cool, fall afternoon when I clean things up. Recently I needed a brass fit- ting for a plumbing fixture that needed repairing. I knew it was somewhere on that workbench; so I dug in and began sorting out the mess. My mind was bent on that half-inch brass fitting. I could just see it in my hand. Unfortunately, even though it seemed like the prize, I found other things instead. There was that bag of tent stakes I had been looking for. That turned up first. Then there was a box of electrical outlets. I forgot I bought those. Great! On and on it went; 5” nails, my missing claw hammer, a socket tester. Every one of those things had been missing and needed. I wanted a fit- ting and found much more; a whole lot of things I forgot I needed just as much as that brass fitting.

Here's a thought from Maria Carey: I wanted to see Jesus today. I saw the old man instead standing by the pump at the gas station. We said hello to each other as we shared our smiles and left on our way. I wanted to see Jesus today. I saw the most delightful little child with his mother and she was so sweet to him at the Wal-Mart. I smiled at each and the little fella reached out to touch my arm and my heart as I said, "Hello, little one." He laughingly, fled away. I wanted to see Jesus today. I saw the old lady, a bent figure with curved spine holding two very heavy shopping bags. She looked so tired. I watched as she tried to cross the street. I was afraid she wouldn't make it as I said, let me carry those things for you. We made it across the street and I carried those bags up 3 full blocks right to her doorstep. She thanked me and I felt so good. I wanted to see Jesus today. I saw the man at the train station, he asked for spare change and I looked at him. Without thought of what he would do with the change, I gave it to him. I did so with a prayer and blessing. Then I left and caught the train home. You see I really wanted to see Jesus today and He really wanted to see me too. (Maria Carey)

Are you looking for Jesus? You and I are surrounded by a very messy world that needs sorting out in the worst way. Perhaps we will find Him as we touch the mess around us, straightening, sorting and putting things in order. As we touch the lives of those God has given us to sort through, we may not find exactly what we’re looking for: total peace or spiritual fulfillment. But, we will find Jesus. He’s in the eyes and sighs of those we love: a son or a daughter, a spouse, a friend or, perhaps, a total stranger. He’s there, looking for us. And, unlike that brass fitting, along with many other prizes, many unexpected but each valuable, he will be found. Looking for Jesus? Look no farther than where you are.

We pray. Heavenly Father, surrounded as we are by a world tending sorting out in the worst way, help us to find Jesus as we touch the the world around us, straightening, sorting and putting things in order. As we touch the lives of those You have given us, help us to find our Savior in the sighs of those we love: a son or a daughter, a spouse, a friend or, perhaps, a total stranger. We know he’s there, looking for us. He will be found. Lord may we never look any farther than where we are living in this life. In Jesus name we pray. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


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