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The better fruit?

03.05.21—Now What God!--Romans 8:28

My friend, may I ask you a question? Sometimes God looks at our lives the same way. Is starting over, ripping things down, sometimes the best and the only way to get the best results in life?

My friend, life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I’m M. Clifford Brunner

When does it become possible to make something better by destroying it in the first place? By nature you and I aren't wired to think that way; at least I'm not. When something is broken or no longer fully functional, my first thought is "How can I repair it?" But, destroy it first? That's just not the way I think. A number of years ago I was faced with the prospect of doing something with an old garage that the previous owner at Beech Springs has moved and plunked down next to the house. It was dingy, dank and in disrepair. I knew I had to do something. My first thought was to repair it. You know, a little paint, a mud jacking here and there and perhaps some new shingles? Ultimately, I pretty much tore it down to the rafters and rebuilt it. There were times as I was ripping out planks and windows that I felt I was wrecking something that I could have more easily repaired. But, in the end, the finished product was better. The destruction made room for the rebuilding and a better product when all was said and done.

Sometimes God looks at our lives the same way. Starting over, ripping things down, may be the only way to get the best results.

Here's a thought from Judy Miller: "If a person knows where to go, one can find wonderful blueberry patches where one can fill buckets in no time at all. Quite a few years ago, a forest fire went through the area. The regular blueberry pickers were so disappointed that the bushes had been burned and there were no berries to pick. I'm not sure how long it took, but eventually the bushes did grow again. The blueberries were even bigger and sweeter and more plenteous than previously. I have asked the old-timers in our area what caused this. They say that it was on account of the fire that the bushes produced so much better. We don't understand the principle, but it is true." (Judy Miller)

I think it is true in our lives as well. As Christians, we do produce fruit. It is a given. In people's lives, I have also seen more fruit, more plenteous and sweeter fruit being produced. It most often comes because we've gone through some fiery trial–like the blueberry bushes. Sometimes it takes a short time to produce more fruit; sometimes it takes a long time. God is working all of it for good. Does you life need major remodeling today? Trust God to know when to take it apart or simply repair it. Like that old garage of mine, it's always tempting to patch things up when it seems like so much work to start over. Ultimately, however, it's best to let God be the judge. When we're going through the fires of life, cling to His promises, trusting Him to produce more abundant, sweeter fruit despite the work it may take to get there.

We pray. Heavenly Father. We need to start every day with this question: Does my life need major remodeling today? Help us Father to trust You to know when to take our lives apart or to simply repair them. We are often tempted to just patch things up when it seems like so much work to start over. Forgive us for our lack of insight and trust in Your power to make what is bad good again. Help us by Your Spirit to understand that You ought to be the judge of what does and doesn’t need repair. When we're going through the fires of life, may we cling to Your promises, trusting we will produce more abundant, sweeter fruit despite the work it may take to get there. We pray this in Jesus name. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to "This Passing Day!"

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


The better fruit?

03.05.21—Now What God!--Romans 8:28

My friend, may I ask you a question? Sometimes God looks at our lives the same way. Is starting over, ripping things down, sometimes the best and the only way to get the best results in life?

My friend, life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I’m M. Clifford Brunner

When does it become possible to make something better by destroying it in the first place? By nature you and I aren't wired to think that way; at least I'm not. When something is broken or no longer fully functional, my first thought is "How can I repair it?" But, destroy it first? That's just not the way I think. A number of years ago I was faced with the prospect of doing something with an old garage that the previous owner at Beech Springs has moved and plunked down next to the house. It was dingy, dank and in disrepair. I knew I had to do something. My first thought was to repair it. You know, a little paint, a mud jacking here and there and perhaps some new shingles? Ultimately, I pretty much tore it down to the rafters and rebuilt it. There were times as I was ripping out planks and windows that I felt I was wrecking something that I could have more easily repaired. But, in the end, the finished product was better. The destruction made room for the rebuilding and a better product when all was said and done.

Sometimes God looks at our lives the same way. Starting over, ripping things down, may be the only way to get the best results.

Here's a thought from Judy Miller: "If a person knows where to go, one can find wonderful blueberry patches where one can fill buckets in no time at all. Quite a few years ago, a forest fire went through the area. The regular blueberry pickers were so disappointed that the bushes had been burned and there were no berries to pick. I'm not sure how long it took, but eventually the bushes did grow again. The blueberries were even bigger and sweeter and more plenteous than previously. I have asked the old-timers in our area what caused this. They say that it was on account of the fire that the bushes produced so much better. We don't understand the principle, but it is true." (Judy Miller)

I think it is true in our lives as well. As Christians, we do produce fruit. It is a given. In people's lives, I have also seen more fruit, more plenteous and sweeter fruit being produced. It most often comes because we've gone through some fiery trial–like the blueberry bushes. Sometimes it takes a short time to produce more fruit; sometimes it takes a long time. God is working all of it for good. Does you life need major remodeling today? Trust God to know when to take it apart or simply repair it. Like that old garage of mine, it's always tempting to patch things up when it seems like so much work to start over. Ultimately, however, it's best to let God be the judge. When we're going through the fires of life, cling to His promises, trusting Him to produce more abundant, sweeter fruit despite the work it may take to get there.

We pray. Heavenly Father. We need to start every day with this question: Does my life need major remodeling today? Help us Father to trust You to know when to take our lives apart or to simply repair them. We are often tempted to just patch things up when it seems like so much work to start over. Forgive us for our lack of insight and trust in Your power to make what is bad good again. Help us by Your Spirit to understand that You ought to be the judge of what does and doesn’t need repair. When we're going through the fires of life, may we cling to Your promises, trusting we will produce more abundant, sweeter fruit despite the work it may take to get there. We pray this in Jesus name. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to "This Passing Day!"

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


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