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(10.06.20—The Bigger Picture!--Titus 2:12-13)

My friend, may I ask you a question? Does it seem that every time a temptation rises in your life you’re surrendering to it as it appears to be the only option? Did you know that hope is only a small, critical moment away?

My friend, life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day. I’m M. Clifford Brunner?

There’s fine point between giving up and fighting on. Where one man falls back on despair, another surges ahead in hope. At one precise moment both have the same amount of energy and determination, and then "bang" one goes one way and the other another. I witnessed that moment recently as I watched Sammy, our youngest little dachshund digging a hole at the base of one of our large beech trees. She was after a chipmunk she was sure had somehow disappeared into the tangle of roots before her; she dug furiously. Finally, she began to lose steam and her little front paws slowed from a frantic pace to a measured one and then interrupted scratching. That’s when Frodo, we call him Hyper-Frodo, our most hype little Dachshund, showed up and began a frantic dig all over again. It wasn’t long before both were burrowing with gusto. At just the precise and critical moment he showed up and Sammy's hope of finding that chipmunk was rekindled.

Surrendering to life’s problems is always an option. Oftentimes, though, hope is only a small, critical moment away.

Here's a story: A young Christian was relating some of his experiences in the Great War. With a company of his comrades he was separated from the main body of troops. Surrounded by the enemy for days, their food ran out and their water was exhausted. Knowing they were without food and water, the enemy sent a messenger every little while, suggesting that they would be wise to surrender. One night, with no food and water left, they decided to pray to God for His help. The critical moment had arrived. By the next day they would be doomed. In the morning they heard the hum of a motor overhead. It was a plane from their headquarters. Flying over the surrounded boys, it dropped packages of food and canteens of water. On one of the packages was a note, "Don't give up. We are coming." For some days the planes passed overhead and the bread and water were dropped down, always accompanied with the message, "Hold on." Then there was the roaring of artillery and the march of infantry, and the lost soldiers were rescued and taken back to their own lines safely. The bigger picture; help WAS on the way. It was a matter of believing. (C. L. Paddock, Signs of the Times)

We're are surrounded by the enemy, as well. When we are in a tight place, he whispers, "Better surrender. Why not give up?" But when the devil says, "Surrender!" God sends along a message of hope, "Don't give up, I'm coming." The Bible teaches that we are to say "No to ungodliness and worldly passions . . . while we wait for our blessed hope" in Christ. At times it may seem that we just can't hold on any more, that our goal is just out of reach. Luckily the bigger picture is this, we have a Savior, who like little Frodo, always arrives in a nick of time. Keep digging my friend; keep digging.

We pray. Heavenly Father. When we're surrounded by the enemy, in a tight place, the devil always whispers, "Better surrender. Why not give up?" Forgive us Lord when we believe him that he is the only option, that there is no other way out of the problem. By Your Spirit Lord, when the devil says, "Surrender!" please send along a message of hope in the name of Jesus Christ, "Don't give up, I'm coming." You teach that we are to say "No to ungodliness and worldly passions . . . while we wait for our blessed hope" in Christ. But at times it seems that we just can't hold on any more, that our goal is out of reach. Remind us Lord of the bigger picture: we have a Savior, who always arrives in a nick of time. In Jesus name we pray. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to "This Passing Day!"

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.



(10.06.20—The Bigger Picture!--Titus 2:12-13)

My friend, may I ask you a question? Does it seem that every time a temptation rises in your life you’re surrendering to it as it appears to be the only option? Did you know that hope is only a small, critical moment away?

My friend, life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day. I’m M. Clifford Brunner?

There’s fine point between giving up and fighting on. Where one man falls back on despair, another surges ahead in hope. At one precise moment both have the same amount of energy and determination, and then "bang" one goes one way and the other another. I witnessed that moment recently as I watched Sammy, our youngest little dachshund digging a hole at the base of one of our large beech trees. She was after a chipmunk she was sure had somehow disappeared into the tangle of roots before her; she dug furiously. Finally, she began to lose steam and her little front paws slowed from a frantic pace to a measured one and then interrupted scratching. That’s when Frodo, we call him Hyper-Frodo, our most hype little Dachshund, showed up and began a frantic dig all over again. It wasn’t long before both were burrowing with gusto. At just the precise and critical moment he showed up and Sammy's hope of finding that chipmunk was rekindled.

Surrendering to life’s problems is always an option. Oftentimes, though, hope is only a small, critical moment away.

Here's a story: A young Christian was relating some of his experiences in the Great War. With a company of his comrades he was separated from the main body of troops. Surrounded by the enemy for days, their food ran out and their water was exhausted. Knowing they were without food and water, the enemy sent a messenger every little while, suggesting that they would be wise to surrender. One night, with no food and water left, they decided to pray to God for His help. The critical moment had arrived. By the next day they would be doomed. In the morning they heard the hum of a motor overhead. It was a plane from their headquarters. Flying over the surrounded boys, it dropped packages of food and canteens of water. On one of the packages was a note, "Don't give up. We are coming." For some days the planes passed overhead and the bread and water were dropped down, always accompanied with the message, "Hold on." Then there was the roaring of artillery and the march of infantry, and the lost soldiers were rescued and taken back to their own lines safely. The bigger picture; help WAS on the way. It was a matter of believing. (C. L. Paddock, Signs of the Times)

We're are surrounded by the enemy, as well. When we are in a tight place, he whispers, "Better surrender. Why not give up?" But when the devil says, "Surrender!" God sends along a message of hope, "Don't give up, I'm coming." The Bible teaches that we are to say "No to ungodliness and worldly passions . . . while we wait for our blessed hope" in Christ. At times it may seem that we just can't hold on any more, that our goal is just out of reach. Luckily the bigger picture is this, we have a Savior, who like little Frodo, always arrives in a nick of time. Keep digging my friend; keep digging.

We pray. Heavenly Father. When we're surrounded by the enemy, in a tight place, the devil always whispers, "Better surrender. Why not give up?" Forgive us Lord when we believe him that he is the only option, that there is no other way out of the problem. By Your Spirit Lord, when the devil says, "Surrender!" please send along a message of hope in the name of Jesus Christ, "Don't give up, I'm coming." You teach that we are to say "No to ungodliness and worldly passions . . . while we wait for our blessed hope" in Christ. But at times it seems that we just can't hold on any more, that our goal is out of reach. Remind us Lord of the bigger picture: we have a Savior, who always arrives in a nick of time. In Jesus name we pray. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to "This Passing Day!"

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


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