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(10.12.21– Hidden Blessings – John:1-4-5)

My friend, may I ask you a question? As Christians how DO we stay positive, ready and willing to encourage others as opposed to being discouragers?

My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I'm M. Clifford Brunner.

How are you at being hopeful? I've often felt that the key to remaining hopeful was the ability to find the hidden blessings in life. In just seems that hopeful folks are the ones who consistently find those small blessings often hidden among life's many challenges. It takes a positive attitude; an attitude willing to look beyond things–a visionary approach to life. When we take a visionary approach to life, we clear the path for others who look to us, as mentors and friends, to be successful. For example, just imagine that you were the father of Orville and Wilbur Wright and you, as a pastor, elder and community leader said this: "To say that man will every fly is heresy, this is blasphemy; I read in my Bible that flight is reserved for the angels. We will not have such talk here in my area." Remarkably, the Wright brothers weren't deterred and, thankfully, their father was proven wrong. I can only think that it would have been easier for Orville and Wilbur had their father been on-board from the beginning. Perhaps they would have flown in 1893 instead of 1903? Who knows?

As Christians how DO we stay positive, ready and willing to encourage others as opposed to being discouragers?

Here's a story: Many years ago a man and his family decided to take a drive on an early summer's morning. Their drive took them into a nearby desert area. The trip took the man and his family through a mining region. The trip was interrupted when they noticed a large number of mules out in an open field. Stopping in curiosity, they asked about this unusual sight. The family was told the work animals had been brought up from the dark mine passages below to preserve their eyesight. The company had found that unless the mules were regularly exposed to the sunlight, they would eventually go blind. (Author unknown. If anyone has a proprietary interest in this story please authenticate and I will be happy to credit, or remove, as the circumstances dictate.)

I imagine the same could be said for humans, not that most people are kept underground for years at a time. No, I'm saying people need regular exposure to the love and light of God. Without seeing the hope God can provide, we can easily get used to the darkness of this world. Our minds start to believe there is no hope, no love, no joy, and no goodness. Our souls are soon brought down by the darkness that is so much a part of the news. No, we need to see Jesus, the Light of God. We need to see the light of His love, His sacrifice, and the joy of His salvation. And we need it regularly. If you haven't seen it lately, it's time to take a look. God doesn't want you to go blind. Are you an encourager or a discourager? Perhaps it's time to become a visionary as opposed to a defeatist. Who knows; someone you know might be willing to take flight today and your hope for the future might be the very wind beneath their wings to lift them skyward.

We pray. Heavenly Father, Lord, we need regular exposure to Your love and light Without seeing the light of Your love, we can easily get used to the darkness of this world. Our minds start to believe there is no hope, no love, no joy, and no goodness. Our souls are soon brought down by the darkness that is so much a part of the news. We need to see Jesus. We need to see the light of His love, His sacrifice, and the joy of His salvation. And we need it regularly. Lord, help us to be encouragers and not discouragers. Please make us winners and not defeatists. Show us by Your Spirit how we might be able to take flight today and become the very wind beneath a discoursed brother or sister in Christ who needs to be lifted up. In Jesus name we pray. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.



(10.12.21– Hidden Blessings – John:1-4-5)

My friend, may I ask you a question? As Christians how DO we stay positive, ready and willing to encourage others as opposed to being discouragers?

My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I'm M. Clifford Brunner.

How are you at being hopeful? I've often felt that the key to remaining hopeful was the ability to find the hidden blessings in life. In just seems that hopeful folks are the ones who consistently find those small blessings often hidden among life's many challenges. It takes a positive attitude; an attitude willing to look beyond things–a visionary approach to life. When we take a visionary approach to life, we clear the path for others who look to us, as mentors and friends, to be successful. For example, just imagine that you were the father of Orville and Wilbur Wright and you, as a pastor, elder and community leader said this: "To say that man will every fly is heresy, this is blasphemy; I read in my Bible that flight is reserved for the angels. We will not have such talk here in my area." Remarkably, the Wright brothers weren't deterred and, thankfully, their father was proven wrong. I can only think that it would have been easier for Orville and Wilbur had their father been on-board from the beginning. Perhaps they would have flown in 1893 instead of 1903? Who knows?

As Christians how DO we stay positive, ready and willing to encourage others as opposed to being discouragers?

Here's a story: Many years ago a man and his family decided to take a drive on an early summer's morning. Their drive took them into a nearby desert area. The trip took the man and his family through a mining region. The trip was interrupted when they noticed a large number of mules out in an open field. Stopping in curiosity, they asked about this unusual sight. The family was told the work animals had been brought up from the dark mine passages below to preserve their eyesight. The company had found that unless the mules were regularly exposed to the sunlight, they would eventually go blind. (Author unknown. If anyone has a proprietary interest in this story please authenticate and I will be happy to credit, or remove, as the circumstances dictate.)

I imagine the same could be said for humans, not that most people are kept underground for years at a time. No, I'm saying people need regular exposure to the love and light of God. Without seeing the hope God can provide, we can easily get used to the darkness of this world. Our minds start to believe there is no hope, no love, no joy, and no goodness. Our souls are soon brought down by the darkness that is so much a part of the news. No, we need to see Jesus, the Light of God. We need to see the light of His love, His sacrifice, and the joy of His salvation. And we need it regularly. If you haven't seen it lately, it's time to take a look. God doesn't want you to go blind. Are you an encourager or a discourager? Perhaps it's time to become a visionary as opposed to a defeatist. Who knows; someone you know might be willing to take flight today and your hope for the future might be the very wind beneath their wings to lift them skyward.

We pray. Heavenly Father, Lord, we need regular exposure to Your love and light Without seeing the light of Your love, we can easily get used to the darkness of this world. Our minds start to believe there is no hope, no love, no joy, and no goodness. Our souls are soon brought down by the darkness that is so much a part of the news. We need to see Jesus. We need to see the light of His love, His sacrifice, and the joy of His salvation. And we need it regularly. Lord, help us to be encouragers and not discouragers. Please make us winners and not defeatists. Show us by Your Spirit how we might be able to take flight today and become the very wind beneath a discoursed brother or sister in Christ who needs to be lifted up. In Jesus name we pray. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


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