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Stepping up?

(02.24.11--Compassion’s Garden!--Mark 2:3)

May I ask you a question? Likewise, when people are hurting do we need to be going beyond words and feelings; to acting?

My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I'm M. Clifford Brunner.

Working with little dogs can be a tedious and, sometimes, unrewarding job. Holly and I certainly don’t claim to be experts. One of the things Holly does that has always impressed me is follow-through, so important in dog training. If she wants little Sammy, our 3-year old Dachshund, to sit she follows this 2-step process with an added 3rd step. First she gets Sammy’s attention with a word and a hand signal. Once Sammy’s eyes meet hers Holly give the command to “sit” again with another hand signal. Sometimes Sammy complies and sometimes she doesn’t. That’s when Holly adds that 3rd, vital and sometimes forgotten step of touching Sammy’s backside softly to push it into a sitting position. It’s so tempting, at least for me, to skip that step. However, that third step is often vital if you are looking to achieve results.

Likewise, when people are hurting we need to going beyond words and feelings; we need to act.

Here's a story: A salesman was returning home when he stopped for a break at a coffee shop. As he sat there he heard a girl quietly crying in the next booth. He asked if he could help. The 17-year old girl, Lisa, told him that she was from a broken home and had gotten into drugs and had turned to prostitution. Moved as he was, he just bought the girl a meal and continued home. When he there his family suggested he return and find Lisa and offer to help. He did and was so moved by her plight that he took her home to his family, and that started a ministry to get those girls off the streets. He acted like a good Samaritan. He could have met with his church friends and said, "we need to pray for these girls." If that was all he had done nothing would have happened. We need to pray, but we need to act. We need to pray, not for the situation itself but for the courage to step out in faith and do something according to the gifts that God has given us. (Ron Clarke)

One of the more moving Bible stories is the story of the men who were so concerned for their paralyzed friend that they cut a hole in the roof of the building Jesus was preaching and healing in and lowered him down to the Savior. They obviously loved their friend and had reached out to him with their encouragement. But, seeing the crowds and no way to get him to Jesus’ healing hands, they took that third, important step: they took their relationship to the next level. They put faith and encouragement into action. When you and I reach out to those in need compassion grows in our hearts. It’s natural. But that growth requires nourishment; and that’s adding to the relationship that 3rd important step: joining our lives to theirs and getting through life’s problems together. When others are hurting don’t be tempted to stop short of joining their hurt to your heart. A gentle touch on their lives may be all they need to make it through another day.

We pray. Heavenly Father, we need to reach out to those in need as compassion grows in our hearts. Help us Lord to nourish that compassion; joining our lives to theirs and getting through life’s problems together. Forgive us when we don’t. When others are hurting Lord don’t help us not be be tempted to stop short of joining their hurt to our heart. A gentle touch on their lives may be all they need to make it through another day. In Jesus name we pray. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


Stepping up?

(02.24.11--Compassion’s Garden!--Mark 2:3)

May I ask you a question? Likewise, when people are hurting do we need to be going beyond words and feelings; to acting?

My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I'm M. Clifford Brunner.

Working with little dogs can be a tedious and, sometimes, unrewarding job. Holly and I certainly don’t claim to be experts. One of the things Holly does that has always impressed me is follow-through, so important in dog training. If she wants little Sammy, our 3-year old Dachshund, to sit she follows this 2-step process with an added 3rd step. First she gets Sammy’s attention with a word and a hand signal. Once Sammy’s eyes meet hers Holly give the command to “sit” again with another hand signal. Sometimes Sammy complies and sometimes she doesn’t. That’s when Holly adds that 3rd, vital and sometimes forgotten step of touching Sammy’s backside softly to push it into a sitting position. It’s so tempting, at least for me, to skip that step. However, that third step is often vital if you are looking to achieve results.

Likewise, when people are hurting we need to going beyond words and feelings; we need to act.

Here's a story: A salesman was returning home when he stopped for a break at a coffee shop. As he sat there he heard a girl quietly crying in the next booth. He asked if he could help. The 17-year old girl, Lisa, told him that she was from a broken home and had gotten into drugs and had turned to prostitution. Moved as he was, he just bought the girl a meal and continued home. When he there his family suggested he return and find Lisa and offer to help. He did and was so moved by her plight that he took her home to his family, and that started a ministry to get those girls off the streets. He acted like a good Samaritan. He could have met with his church friends and said, "we need to pray for these girls." If that was all he had done nothing would have happened. We need to pray, but we need to act. We need to pray, not for the situation itself but for the courage to step out in faith and do something according to the gifts that God has given us. (Ron Clarke)

One of the more moving Bible stories is the story of the men who were so concerned for their paralyzed friend that they cut a hole in the roof of the building Jesus was preaching and healing in and lowered him down to the Savior. They obviously loved their friend and had reached out to him with their encouragement. But, seeing the crowds and no way to get him to Jesus’ healing hands, they took that third, important step: they took their relationship to the next level. They put faith and encouragement into action. When you and I reach out to those in need compassion grows in our hearts. It’s natural. But that growth requires nourishment; and that’s adding to the relationship that 3rd important step: joining our lives to theirs and getting through life’s problems together. When others are hurting don’t be tempted to stop short of joining their hurt to your heart. A gentle touch on their lives may be all they need to make it through another day.

We pray. Heavenly Father, we need to reach out to those in need as compassion grows in our hearts. Help us Lord to nourish that compassion; joining our lives to theirs and getting through life’s problems together. Forgive us when we don’t. When others are hurting Lord don’t help us not be be tempted to stop short of joining their hurt to our heart. A gentle touch on their lives may be all they need to make it through another day. In Jesus name we pray. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


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