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(01-24-22)– -Lifting Each Other Up!--1 Thessalonians 5:8

My friend, may I ask you a question? As we rush to and fro in life, taking no time to stop and encourage others, no matter what we do, is the only thing that people will see is the rushing and not the good that we might be accomplishing?

My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I'm M. Clifford Brunner.

"If you praise no one it is likely that you will never do anything worthy of praise yourself." That old adage is one of those thought-provoking statements that you have to dig into deeply before discovering the treasure that lies hidden with- in. If we never take the time to stop to build up others, our own lives are very much affected. In a way it’s kind of like the car that is never run through the car wash. Driven to get it occupants to work and play, there is never time to attend to appearances. Eventually it becomes shabby, dirty–unkempt. Few will stop on the street to admire it for its ability to go fast or get its occupants here and there safely. Rather, they will focus on the dirt, the grime and the disrepair.

The lesson for each of us is pretty simple. As we rush to and fro in life, taking no time to stop and encourage others, no matter what we do the only thing that people will see is the rushing and not the good that we might be accomplishing. In that sense, we need to make sure that we look for those opportunities that give us pause, a chance to put on a new look and a Christian shine to our lives.

This is what Hall Of Famer Lou Brock did when he took the time to be on hand in the Oakland Athletics stadium when Rickey Henderson tied Brock’s career stolen base record. According to USA Today, Lou, who had left baseball in 1979, had followed Henderson's career and was excited about his success. Realizing that Rickey would set a new record, Brock said, "I'll be there. Do you think I’m going to miss it now? Rickey did in 12 years what took me 19. He’s amazing."

The real success stories in life are with people who can rejoice in the successes of others. What Lou Brock did in cheer- ing on Rickey Henderson should be a way of life in the family of God. Few circumstances give us a better opportunity to exhibit God's grace than when someone succeeds and surpasses us in an area of our own strength and reputation. (Our Daily Bread, June 19, 1994.)

When we rejoice in the success of others, we wrap ourselves in love and encourage their faith as well as our own. The Bible tells us to put "on faith and love as a breastplate." In a sense, that is what Brock did when he made sure that he took the opportunity to "be there" for Ricky. In so doing, his humility and generosity became a sheen, a sort of polish, that everyone could see and marvel at. Ricky's success was reflected in Brock’s generosity. When we lift others up we are in turn lifted up ourselves. When we recognize the worthiness of others, we ourselves become worthy.

We pray. Heavenly Father, when we rejoice in the success of others, we wrap ourselves in love and encourage their faith as well as our own. You tell us to put "on faith and love as a breastplate.”Help us Lord to take the opportunity to "be there" for others. In so doing, our humility and generosity become a sheen, a sort of polish, that everyone can see and marvel at. Other’s successes will be reflected in our generosity. When we lift others up we are in turn lifted up ourselves. When we recognize the worthiness of others, we ourselves become worthy. Make it so Lord. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.



(01-24-22)– -Lifting Each Other Up!--1 Thessalonians 5:8

My friend, may I ask you a question? As we rush to and fro in life, taking no time to stop and encourage others, no matter what we do, is the only thing that people will see is the rushing and not the good that we might be accomplishing?

My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I'm M. Clifford Brunner.

"If you praise no one it is likely that you will never do anything worthy of praise yourself." That old adage is one of those thought-provoking statements that you have to dig into deeply before discovering the treasure that lies hidden with- in. If we never take the time to stop to build up others, our own lives are very much affected. In a way it’s kind of like the car that is never run through the car wash. Driven to get it occupants to work and play, there is never time to attend to appearances. Eventually it becomes shabby, dirty–unkempt. Few will stop on the street to admire it for its ability to go fast or get its occupants here and there safely. Rather, they will focus on the dirt, the grime and the disrepair.

The lesson for each of us is pretty simple. As we rush to and fro in life, taking no time to stop and encourage others, no matter what we do the only thing that people will see is the rushing and not the good that we might be accomplishing. In that sense, we need to make sure that we look for those opportunities that give us pause, a chance to put on a new look and a Christian shine to our lives.

This is what Hall Of Famer Lou Brock did when he took the time to be on hand in the Oakland Athletics stadium when Rickey Henderson tied Brock’s career stolen base record. According to USA Today, Lou, who had left baseball in 1979, had followed Henderson's career and was excited about his success. Realizing that Rickey would set a new record, Brock said, "I'll be there. Do you think I’m going to miss it now? Rickey did in 12 years what took me 19. He’s amazing."

The real success stories in life are with people who can rejoice in the successes of others. What Lou Brock did in cheer- ing on Rickey Henderson should be a way of life in the family of God. Few circumstances give us a better opportunity to exhibit God's grace than when someone succeeds and surpasses us in an area of our own strength and reputation. (Our Daily Bread, June 19, 1994.)

When we rejoice in the success of others, we wrap ourselves in love and encourage their faith as well as our own. The Bible tells us to put "on faith and love as a breastplate." In a sense, that is what Brock did when he made sure that he took the opportunity to "be there" for Ricky. In so doing, his humility and generosity became a sheen, a sort of polish, that everyone could see and marvel at. Ricky's success was reflected in Brock’s generosity. When we lift others up we are in turn lifted up ourselves. When we recognize the worthiness of others, we ourselves become worthy.

We pray. Heavenly Father, when we rejoice in the success of others, we wrap ourselves in love and encourage their faith as well as our own. You tell us to put "on faith and love as a breastplate.”Help us Lord to take the opportunity to "be there" for others. In so doing, our humility and generosity become a sheen, a sort of polish, that everyone can see and marvel at. Other’s successes will be reflected in our generosity. When we lift others up we are in turn lifted up ourselves. When we recognize the worthiness of others, we ourselves become worthy. Make it so Lord. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


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