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02.25.21—Shadows!--Job 22:28

My friend, may I ask you a question? The shadow of God’s presence casts understanding and wisdom. If you stand in His presence, how awesome is that?

My friend, life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I’m M. Clifford Brunner

Over the course of my lifetime I’ve stood in the shadows of many things. I’ve visited groves of virgin pines while back- packing in Northern Wisconsin. These trees cast deep and giant shadows and are awesome reminders of what our state once looked like to homesteaders like my Great, Great Grandfather back in the 1840s as they led their teams of oxen along the old military roads to the homesteading lands in the far north. I’ve stood in the shadows of the Sears Towers in Chicago, almost afraid to look all the way to the top, fearing what it would be like for that gigantic building to suddenly come crashing down upon a street full of unwary pedestrians below. Many things have cast giant shadows in my lifetime; tall bridges, towering ship masts, even the passing of the Goodyear Blimp last year as it slowly motored over Beech Springs on its way to a Packer Game in Green Bay. But, you know, few things have ever cast a more awesome shadow than did my Father as he stood over me, towering in his full manhood and I just a little boy. That was truly awesome, truly remarkable, as I look back over the last sixty plus years of passing in and out of the shadows of this life.

I was in awe of my father back then. He was so tall, so much smarter than me, so much more powerful. Yet, I was not afraid to stand in his shadow at all. He loved me, and I him. I knew that only good could come from living in his shadow. So I believe it is as and I stand in the shadow of our Heavenly Father. Only good can come from that as well.

Here’s a story: “Young Teddy Roosevelt was so afraid of going into a church that he refused to set foot inside alone. He was terrified, he told his mother, of something called the ‘zeal.’ It was crouched in the dark corners of the church ready to jump at him, he said. He had heard the minister read about it from the Bible. Curious, his mother took out a Concordance and searched for ‘zeal’ in the Bible. After an exhaustive search she discovered that little Teddy had been fixed on a passage from John, 2:17: ‘The ZEAL for your house will consume me.’” (Unknown.)

People are still justifiably afraid to come near the “zeal” or shadow of the Lord, for deep down in their hears they are perfectly aware it could “eat them up” if they aren’t one of His. Our Lord is good, but He isn’t safe. In that sense, he is like my Father. He was a good man, but don’t cross him. There was much to learn by obeying and standing in HIS shad- ow as there certainly is by obeying and standing in the shadow of the Almighty. Pines are majestic as are the Sears Towers, but their forms cast only shadows of presence. The shadow of God’s presence casts understanding and wisdom. How awesome is that?

We pray. Heavenly Father. People are still justifiably afraid to come near Your “zeal” or shadow, for deep down in our hearts we are perfectly aware it could “eat us up” if we aren’t one of Yours. It isn’t safe. In that sense, and we know that we owe You obedience, fear and honor. There is much to learn by obeying and standing in our parent’s shadows as there certainly is by obeying and standing in the shadow of the Almighty. Pines are majestic as are the Sears Towers, but their forms cast only shadows of presence. Your presence casts understanding and wisdom. How awesome is that? We pray this in Jesus name. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to "This Passing Day!"

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.



02.25.21—Shadows!--Job 22:28

My friend, may I ask you a question? The shadow of God’s presence casts understanding and wisdom. If you stand in His presence, how awesome is that?

My friend, life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I’m M. Clifford Brunner

Over the course of my lifetime I’ve stood in the shadows of many things. I’ve visited groves of virgin pines while back- packing in Northern Wisconsin. These trees cast deep and giant shadows and are awesome reminders of what our state once looked like to homesteaders like my Great, Great Grandfather back in the 1840s as they led their teams of oxen along the old military roads to the homesteading lands in the far north. I’ve stood in the shadows of the Sears Towers in Chicago, almost afraid to look all the way to the top, fearing what it would be like for that gigantic building to suddenly come crashing down upon a street full of unwary pedestrians below. Many things have cast giant shadows in my lifetime; tall bridges, towering ship masts, even the passing of the Goodyear Blimp last year as it slowly motored over Beech Springs on its way to a Packer Game in Green Bay. But, you know, few things have ever cast a more awesome shadow than did my Father as he stood over me, towering in his full manhood and I just a little boy. That was truly awesome, truly remarkable, as I look back over the last sixty plus years of passing in and out of the shadows of this life.

I was in awe of my father back then. He was so tall, so much smarter than me, so much more powerful. Yet, I was not afraid to stand in his shadow at all. He loved me, and I him. I knew that only good could come from living in his shadow. So I believe it is as and I stand in the shadow of our Heavenly Father. Only good can come from that as well.

Here’s a story: “Young Teddy Roosevelt was so afraid of going into a church that he refused to set foot inside alone. He was terrified, he told his mother, of something called the ‘zeal.’ It was crouched in the dark corners of the church ready to jump at him, he said. He had heard the minister read about it from the Bible. Curious, his mother took out a Concordance and searched for ‘zeal’ in the Bible. After an exhaustive search she discovered that little Teddy had been fixed on a passage from John, 2:17: ‘The ZEAL for your house will consume me.’” (Unknown.)

People are still justifiably afraid to come near the “zeal” or shadow of the Lord, for deep down in their hears they are perfectly aware it could “eat them up” if they aren’t one of His. Our Lord is good, but He isn’t safe. In that sense, he is like my Father. He was a good man, but don’t cross him. There was much to learn by obeying and standing in HIS shad- ow as there certainly is by obeying and standing in the shadow of the Almighty. Pines are majestic as are the Sears Towers, but their forms cast only shadows of presence. The shadow of God’s presence casts understanding and wisdom. How awesome is that?

We pray. Heavenly Father. People are still justifiably afraid to come near Your “zeal” or shadow, for deep down in our hearts we are perfectly aware it could “eat us up” if we aren’t one of Yours. It isn’t safe. In that sense, and we know that we owe You obedience, fear and honor. There is much to learn by obeying and standing in our parent’s shadows as there certainly is by obeying and standing in the shadow of the Almighty. Pines are majestic as are the Sears Towers, but their forms cast only shadows of presence. Your presence casts understanding and wisdom. How awesome is that? We pray this in Jesus name. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to "This Passing Day!"

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


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