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(12.29.21– Looking Forward! –Matthew 2: 1-12)

My friend, may I ask you a question? Is mercy our hallmark in the weeks and months to come? Like the Wise Men of Old, do we seek Him; as our mission, a mission that will find us ever busy throughout the year to come?

My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I'm M. Clifford Brunner.

As I was driving on the freeway recently I happened to notice a dilapidated old van in my side view mirror. One headlight was missing and the grill was slid out of place, nearly dragging on the road. I slowed down to allow it to chug its way past me. As it pulled up along side, I could see pudgy faces pushed against the glass returning my stares. Along side the van, barely visible amidst the rust sores and fading paint, I saw that the van was anything but a soccer mom's taxi. This van belonged to a local children's home and it was obvious that it's precious cargo were several of its young residents. As it pulled past me I was able to read a bumper sticker partially peeled from the rusting bumper; the message in black on red, "Wise men still seek him!"

As the van slowly edged its way down the highway and out of my sight, I was struck by a sudden sense of irony of that particular message slapped on that particular vehicle. "Wise men might repair their vans" I found myself muttering. They also might, in their wisdom, look to replace them altogether when they reach that state of decay. Slowly, however, the irony began to fade into a poignant sense of appropriateness; that van was "seeking him" in a very real sense.

Like the wise men of old, it was laden with offerings in search of the proper home for each precious gift. The image of shabbiness and ugliness was suddenly transformed into one of peace and mercy almost as if that tired old van was on a mission, a mission steeped in mercy and love, one that was bent on delivery of the gift without regard to cosmetic externals. The bumper sticker and the van belonged attached, I thought. Although I had seen many more manicured vehicles on the road, I found myself thinking I had seen non "wiser."

Mercy. That was the gift that van had to deliver. And that gift shone like gold, and wafted pleasingly heavenward as the incense and spices presented to the Baby Jesus by the three Wise Men from the East. A faith manifested in a merciful heart, bursts through the shabbiness of our sin and shines in brilliant testimony to Christ, the amazing gift of salvation that the Christmas story is. As you and I look forward to a New Year, one filled with promise and countless opportunities to show mercy through charity, kindness and thoughtfulness, may each of us take care to realize on the one hand how unworthy we are, like that old van, and on the other how well-suited we are to show mercy since Christ dwells within us by His Spirit, like that precious cargo that old van was carrying. May mercy be our hallmark in the weeks and months to come. Wise men DO seek Him; may that be our mission, one in the year to come that will find us ever busy.

We pray. Heavenly Father, as we look forward to a New Year, one filled with promise and countless opportunities to show mercy through charity, kindness and thoughtfulness, help us take care to realize on the one hand how unworthy we are, and on the other how well-suited we are to show mercy since Christ dwells within us by His Spirit. May mercy be our hallmark in the weeks and months to come. Wise men DO seek Him; may that be our mission, one in the year to come that will find us ever busy. In Jesus name we pray. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.

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(12.29.21– Looking Forward! –Matthew 2: 1-12)

My friend, may I ask you a question? Is mercy our hallmark in the weeks and months to come? Like the Wise Men of Old, do we seek Him; as our mission, a mission that will find us ever busy throughout the year to come?

My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I'm M. Clifford Brunner.

As I was driving on the freeway recently I happened to notice a dilapidated old van in my side view mirror. One headlight was missing and the grill was slid out of place, nearly dragging on the road. I slowed down to allow it to chug its way past me. As it pulled up along side, I could see pudgy faces pushed against the glass returning my stares. Along side the van, barely visible amidst the rust sores and fading paint, I saw that the van was anything but a soccer mom's taxi. This van belonged to a local children's home and it was obvious that it's precious cargo were several of its young residents. As it pulled past me I was able to read a bumper sticker partially peeled from the rusting bumper; the message in black on red, "Wise men still seek him!"

As the van slowly edged its way down the highway and out of my sight, I was struck by a sudden sense of irony of that particular message slapped on that particular vehicle. "Wise men might repair their vans" I found myself muttering. They also might, in their wisdom, look to replace them altogether when they reach that state of decay. Slowly, however, the irony began to fade into a poignant sense of appropriateness; that van was "seeking him" in a very real sense.

Like the wise men of old, it was laden with offerings in search of the proper home for each precious gift. The image of shabbiness and ugliness was suddenly transformed into one of peace and mercy almost as if that tired old van was on a mission, a mission steeped in mercy and love, one that was bent on delivery of the gift without regard to cosmetic externals. The bumper sticker and the van belonged attached, I thought. Although I had seen many more manicured vehicles on the road, I found myself thinking I had seen non "wiser."

Mercy. That was the gift that van had to deliver. And that gift shone like gold, and wafted pleasingly heavenward as the incense and spices presented to the Baby Jesus by the three Wise Men from the East. A faith manifested in a merciful heart, bursts through the shabbiness of our sin and shines in brilliant testimony to Christ, the amazing gift of salvation that the Christmas story is. As you and I look forward to a New Year, one filled with promise and countless opportunities to show mercy through charity, kindness and thoughtfulness, may each of us take care to realize on the one hand how unworthy we are, like that old van, and on the other how well-suited we are to show mercy since Christ dwells within us by His Spirit, like that precious cargo that old van was carrying. May mercy be our hallmark in the weeks and months to come. Wise men DO seek Him; may that be our mission, one in the year to come that will find us ever busy.

We pray. Heavenly Father, as we look forward to a New Year, one filled with promise and countless opportunities to show mercy through charity, kindness and thoughtfulness, help us take care to realize on the one hand how unworthy we are, and on the other how well-suited we are to show mercy since Christ dwells within us by His Spirit. May mercy be our hallmark in the weeks and months to come. Wise men DO seek Him; may that be our mission, one in the year to come that will find us ever busy. In Jesus name we pray. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.

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