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Second act?

(07.12.21– Secret To Happy Living! –Hosea 11:8)

What does God look like? Sometimes does it seem that severing ourselves, however painfully, from things that seemed important but are now somehow holding us back, is one key to finding happiness in life?

My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I'm M. Clifford Brunner.

The secret to happiness; we all seek to be happy in this life and there seem to be so many paths advertising as to how to get there. There's the money path and the power path, just to name two. How does a Christian decide? There was a news story recently that caught my attention in that regard. It seems that a man had got himself stuck inside of a furnace that he was cleaning. No one could hear his cries for help as he found himself hopelessly pinned, his left arm crushed and pinned. After several days he decided the only thing to do was to sever the useless arm and save himself. He did and he was at once free. Although he was missing his left arm, he had a new lease on life, a life that would be forever changed, but life nonetheless.

Sometimes severing ourselves, however painfully, from things that seemed important but are now somehow holding us back is one key to finding happiness in life.

Here's a story: The date is June 24, 1859. Henri was on a business trip to speak to Napoleon III about a financial transaction between the Swiss and the French. But he arrived late and found himself in a position to witness first-hand the atrocities of war. Entering a small town shortly thereafter, Henri observed the battle's refugees. Every building was filled with the mangled, the injured, the dead and he realizes that his life would never be the same again. Driven by a powerful pas- sion to abolish war, Henri Dunant eventually lost his successful banking career and all his worldly possessions only to die as a virtual unknown in an obscure poorhouse. But we remember him today as the first recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1901. We also remember him because of the movement he founded – the Red Cross. Act One of Henri Dunant's life closed June 24, 1859. Act Two opened immediately and played the remainder of his 81 years. (Steve Goodier)

Many people's lives can be divided into Act One and Act Two. The first performance ends when a person decides to follow a new direction or passion. Henri Dunant's old life, driven by financial success, prestige and power, no longer satisfied. For some, Act Two may begin with a conversion, or a turning point. Others speak of a defining moment. However it is understood, the "old self" is laid to rest and a new self is born – one governed by principle, spirit and passion. You may be ready for Act Two today, that part of your life that leads to true happiness. It may mean a severing from things that today seem important, even essential; but sometimes severing, however painful, is the only way to find true freedom; one essential foundation stone upon which to build a happy life.

We pray. Heavenly Father, sometimes severing ourselves, however painfully, from things that seemed important but are now somehow holding us back is one key to finding happiness in life. Thank You Lord for showing us this, even when we aren’t looking for it. Continue to help us Father to put the "old self" to rest and allow a new self to be born – one governed by principle, spirit and passion. Lord, we are ready for the next part of our life, the part that leads to true happiness. It may mean a severing from things that today seem important, even essential; but You have taught us in Your Word that sometimes severing, however painful, is the only way to find true freedom; the essential foundation stone upon which to build a happy life. In Jesus name we pray. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


Second act?

(07.12.21– Secret To Happy Living! –Hosea 11:8)

What does God look like? Sometimes does it seem that severing ourselves, however painfully, from things that seemed important but are now somehow holding us back, is one key to finding happiness in life?

My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I'm M. Clifford Brunner.

The secret to happiness; we all seek to be happy in this life and there seem to be so many paths advertising as to how to get there. There's the money path and the power path, just to name two. How does a Christian decide? There was a news story recently that caught my attention in that regard. It seems that a man had got himself stuck inside of a furnace that he was cleaning. No one could hear his cries for help as he found himself hopelessly pinned, his left arm crushed and pinned. After several days he decided the only thing to do was to sever the useless arm and save himself. He did and he was at once free. Although he was missing his left arm, he had a new lease on life, a life that would be forever changed, but life nonetheless.

Sometimes severing ourselves, however painfully, from things that seemed important but are now somehow holding us back is one key to finding happiness in life.

Here's a story: The date is June 24, 1859. Henri was on a business trip to speak to Napoleon III about a financial transaction between the Swiss and the French. But he arrived late and found himself in a position to witness first-hand the atrocities of war. Entering a small town shortly thereafter, Henri observed the battle's refugees. Every building was filled with the mangled, the injured, the dead and he realizes that his life would never be the same again. Driven by a powerful pas- sion to abolish war, Henri Dunant eventually lost his successful banking career and all his worldly possessions only to die as a virtual unknown in an obscure poorhouse. But we remember him today as the first recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1901. We also remember him because of the movement he founded – the Red Cross. Act One of Henri Dunant's life closed June 24, 1859. Act Two opened immediately and played the remainder of his 81 years. (Steve Goodier)

Many people's lives can be divided into Act One and Act Two. The first performance ends when a person decides to follow a new direction or passion. Henri Dunant's old life, driven by financial success, prestige and power, no longer satisfied. For some, Act Two may begin with a conversion, or a turning point. Others speak of a defining moment. However it is understood, the "old self" is laid to rest and a new self is born – one governed by principle, spirit and passion. You may be ready for Act Two today, that part of your life that leads to true happiness. It may mean a severing from things that today seem important, even essential; but sometimes severing, however painful, is the only way to find true freedom; one essential foundation stone upon which to build a happy life.

We pray. Heavenly Father, sometimes severing ourselves, however painfully, from things that seemed important but are now somehow holding us back is one key to finding happiness in life. Thank You Lord for showing us this, even when we aren’t looking for it. Continue to help us Father to put the "old self" to rest and allow a new self to be born – one governed by principle, spirit and passion. Lord, we are ready for the next part of our life, the part that leads to true happiness. It may mean a severing from things that today seem important, even essential; but You have taught us in Your Word that sometimes severing, however painful, is the only way to find true freedom; the essential foundation stone upon which to build a happy life. In Jesus name we pray. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


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