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02.17.21—My Love Is! – 1 Corinthians 13: 1-13

My friend, may I ask you a question? Some have suggested that is why Cupid is always seen as a blindfolded archer; humorous, but is there any truth underlying the humor?

My friend, life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I’m M. Clifford Brunner

"Love is blind!" We've all heard that old adage. Put another way: "Love is blind–and when you get married you get your eyesight back." Some have suggested that is why Cupid is always seen as a blindfolded archer; humorous, but is there any truth underlying the humor?

Here's a thought from author Frank Calvin: "Like good timber, knowledge is not useful unless first seasoned over long periods of time. I remember watching my grandparents years ago as they sat in their living room. Grandma would sit in her rocker next to a slim footed table. Grandpa would sit across the room in his overstuffed chair. There he held court as we grandchildren gathered on the floor. Despite being separated by the distance of a room, there was constant communication going on between those two thrones. Although Grandma would be talking with my Mom and Dad on one side of the room and Grandpa chatting with us on the other, just the slightest pull at his mustache hair and a wink in the direction of Grandma was enough to signal that it was time to invite their guests into the dining room for dinner. Now, if I had tried that with my new bride, I'm afraid that the result would have been quite different. Perhaps there would have been hurt feelings or even embarrassment. Their communication however, honed over decades of marriage and the raising of nine children, was sharp and efficient. They knew each other well and had developed a mode of communication that on its own would have been volatile since it involved deep understanding and insights into the other person. However, combined with love, these potential incendiaries in a young marriage became docile, loving expressions of knowledge in one that had stood the test of time, patience, and endurance." (Frank Calvin)

Scriptures tell us that love "makes no record of wrongs." True love engages the future while always clinging ever so softly to this present time. It is an art; something to be worked at with great patience and deep resolve. In that way it IS blind. True love is love that is impatient with judgment and has no time for faultfinding. Each day we love is another day that our knowledge is seasoned and made more perfectly fitting to those we love. Grandpa's wink, although it could be misconstrued as impatience or dominance, when seen through the eyes of blind love, is what he intended it to be: love and affection. When we stop to find fault with those we love, we run the risk of breaking the bond, the love bond, that secures truth. Unsecured truth can wreck a marriage, ruin many a relationship. When you think about it; perhaps that is the real reason why Cupid is always blindfolded.

We pray. Heavenly Father. You tell us that love "makes no record of wrongs." True love engages the future while always clinging ever so softly to this present time. It is an art; something to be worked at with great patience and deep resolve. In that way it IS blind. We thank You Heavenly Father because You have fashioned true love that is impatient with judgment and has no time for faultfinding. Each day we love is another day that our knowledge is seasoned and made more perfectly fitting to those we love. Forgive us Father when we fail to see this and misconstrue what true love really is. When we stop to find fault with those we love, we run the risk of breaking the bond, the love bond, that secures truth. Unsecured truth can wreck a marriage and ruin many a relationship. Help us to avoid this at all costs. We pray this in Jesus name. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to "This Passing Day!"

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.



02.17.21—My Love Is! – 1 Corinthians 13: 1-13

My friend, may I ask you a question? Some have suggested that is why Cupid is always seen as a blindfolded archer; humorous, but is there any truth underlying the humor?

My friend, life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I’m M. Clifford Brunner

"Love is blind!" We've all heard that old adage. Put another way: "Love is blind–and when you get married you get your eyesight back." Some have suggested that is why Cupid is always seen as a blindfolded archer; humorous, but is there any truth underlying the humor?

Here's a thought from author Frank Calvin: "Like good timber, knowledge is not useful unless first seasoned over long periods of time. I remember watching my grandparents years ago as they sat in their living room. Grandma would sit in her rocker next to a slim footed table. Grandpa would sit across the room in his overstuffed chair. There he held court as we grandchildren gathered on the floor. Despite being separated by the distance of a room, there was constant communication going on between those two thrones. Although Grandma would be talking with my Mom and Dad on one side of the room and Grandpa chatting with us on the other, just the slightest pull at his mustache hair and a wink in the direction of Grandma was enough to signal that it was time to invite their guests into the dining room for dinner. Now, if I had tried that with my new bride, I'm afraid that the result would have been quite different. Perhaps there would have been hurt feelings or even embarrassment. Their communication however, honed over decades of marriage and the raising of nine children, was sharp and efficient. They knew each other well and had developed a mode of communication that on its own would have been volatile since it involved deep understanding and insights into the other person. However, combined with love, these potential incendiaries in a young marriage became docile, loving expressions of knowledge in one that had stood the test of time, patience, and endurance." (Frank Calvin)

Scriptures tell us that love "makes no record of wrongs." True love engages the future while always clinging ever so softly to this present time. It is an art; something to be worked at with great patience and deep resolve. In that way it IS blind. True love is love that is impatient with judgment and has no time for faultfinding. Each day we love is another day that our knowledge is seasoned and made more perfectly fitting to those we love. Grandpa's wink, although it could be misconstrued as impatience or dominance, when seen through the eyes of blind love, is what he intended it to be: love and affection. When we stop to find fault with those we love, we run the risk of breaking the bond, the love bond, that secures truth. Unsecured truth can wreck a marriage, ruin many a relationship. When you think about it; perhaps that is the real reason why Cupid is always blindfolded.

We pray. Heavenly Father. You tell us that love "makes no record of wrongs." True love engages the future while always clinging ever so softly to this present time. It is an art; something to be worked at with great patience and deep resolve. In that way it IS blind. We thank You Heavenly Father because You have fashioned true love that is impatient with judgment and has no time for faultfinding. Each day we love is another day that our knowledge is seasoned and made more perfectly fitting to those we love. Forgive us Father when we fail to see this and misconstrue what true love really is. When we stop to find fault with those we love, we run the risk of breaking the bond, the love bond, that secures truth. Unsecured truth can wreck a marriage and ruin many a relationship. Help us to avoid this at all costs. We pray this in Jesus name. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to "This Passing Day!"

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


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