(05.05.21 – Choices in Life -Matthew 16:26)
My friend, may I ask you a question? When it comes to smart choices, sometimes waiting things out, gives them time to settle. But, is it better to know when the waiting needs to end and the starting begins?
My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.
I'm M. Clifford Brunner.
When it comes to smart choices, sometimes waiting things out, gives them time to settle. Deciding is: knowing when the waiting needs to end and the starting begins. A number of years ago I had the task of building a banister for the stairway going down into our basement recreation room. Now banisters, complete with railing, insets and base plates, have a lot of angles and cuts to consider. Simply, the geometry and precision required of building that banister far outweighed the simple measuring and cutting of most carpentry tasks around here at Beech Springs. This banister would not be just a simple rail affair. Rather, it would have to fill the space between steps and ceiling so as to prevent little grandkids from falling over the side of the stairway. I spent the first several days simply staring at the empty stair space and scribbling little drawings on a pad of paper. The planning was necessary. But, the more planning I put into it, the more the task seemed to grow. Finally, I knew that I had to leave the pad of paper behind and begin making some honest sawing, gluing and fitting. As daunting as the task seemed, I knew deep down planning had to give way to construction.
Here's a story: "A man, who had trouble with his eyes went to see his doctor. After a thorough examination the doctor told the man that he was losing his eyesight and that eventually he would go completely blind. The doctor advised that the man have an operation to restore his eyesight. With resignation the man agreed and the operation was done. When the man awoke from the operation he was amazed that his sight was nearly perfect. He could see well even without glasses. Unfortunately it soon became apparent that, although his eyesight was restored, now his memory had been affected. He could remember anything from his past at all. So the doctor operated again. This time his memory improved to where it had been but his eyesight once again regressed to being quite poor. Finally, perplexed, the doctor asked the man, "What do you choose–your memory or your eyesight?" After a moment of deep thought, the man replied, "I choose eyesight. I'd rather look ahead than to the past anyway." (Complete Speakers Sourcebook.)
Planning is an integral part of the decision process. To make good choices we need to be able to put the proper amount of and type of planning into it. Nevertheless, when the daunting tasks of life face us, it's often better to choose forging ahead as opposed to dwelling on yesterday's threats or challenges. God gives us time to think and time to act in this life especially when it comes to our willingness to seek Him. Sometimes it’s best to greet tomorrow with a smile, hammer and saw in hand, and a willingness to get the work done. Choose to do the work rather than worry about the labor.
We pray. Heavenly Father, we know that planning is an integral part of the decision process. Thank You for revealing this to us through Your Spirit. Nevertheless, when the daunting tasks of life face us, we sometimes get stuck in the planning, afraid of the doing. Forgive us and help us to to choose forging ahead as opposed to dwelling on yesterday's threats or challenges. We appreciate the time to think, but the time to act is essential, especially when it comes to seeking and knowing Your will for us. It’s best to greet tomorrow with a smile, the tools in hand, and a willingness to get the work done. Help us to choose to do the work rather than worry about the labor. In Jesus name we pray. Amen!
Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.
If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”
<thispassingday@gmail.com> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.