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03.08.21—(Trials and Temptations! – John 13: 3-5

My friend, may I ask you a question? If God has given us a particular spiritual gift, perhaps the ability to preach or show mercy, isn’t it natural that we might wish to immerse ourselves in the comfort it gives us and, for that matter, the glory?

My friend, life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I’m M. Clifford Brunner

It's so easy to often overlook the opportunities that God gives us to focus on the needs of others rather than ourselves. It's just plain hard to put our lives away sometimes isn’t it? For that matter, since God gives us certain skills and talents, why shouldn’t we put great effort into honing these and using them as often as possible? If God has given you or I a particular spiritual gift, perhaps the ability to preach or show mercy, isn’t it only natural that we might wish to immerse ourselves in the comfort it gives us and, for that matter, the glory? It’s very hard to put these things away when they provide such great comfort. In a way, it’s like trying to put down a good novel. You keep telling yourself "just one more page and I will be satisfied." Yet, the greater the pleasure, the greater the compelling need to remain wrapped up in the pleasure.

What about Jesus? As he neared the cascading climax of his death and resurrection, what was His focus?

Here's a story: As he looked across the table at all those faces, he couldn't help but reflect on the three years he'd spent teaching and loving these simple men. His gaze fixed on each one, even the one who was to betray him. With each face a picture. The shade tree under which this one was found. The net this one had strained at or the booth that one had sat behind. But now the time of friendship and ministry was over. In a few hours all would change. Breaking off another piece of the brittle bread, he dipped it into the cup passed to him by John. Putting it to his lips he was reminded of the bitterness that awaited him and the cup of suffering he must bear. A shiver passed up his spine; the glory of the coming hours was deeply upon his mind. But now, reflections of oneness with the Father, a memory of a perfect time when all things were newly made, and a time to come when righteousness would destroy evil forever began to pour into his heart. It wouldn't be long before he would be seated at the Father’s right hand in glory. Despite the reverie, his gaze returned to those who needed him. They were his purpose and would always be the object of his thoughts. There was work to do, the Father’s work. He retrieved a basin and filled it with water and began to wash their feet. He must bring his thoughts into agreement with his work. After all, it was now his purpose to serve. “Your will be done my Father. Your will be done!”

May we never forget that our glory is not a substitute for the service God has called us to perform; we must learn to put these things away, lay them aside, in favor of the work that must be done. May we never exalt our gifts above the purpose for which God has given them; may all pride be put away in deference to the good that we might do serving our neighbor in humble obedience to the Savior who put aside his divinity to wash our dirty feet.

We pray. Heavenly Father. May we never forget that our glory is not a substitute for the service You have called us to perform; help us by Your Spirit to learn to put these things away, lay them aside, in favor of the work that must be done. Forgive us Lord when we exalt our gifts above the purpose for which You have given them; may all pride be put away in deference to the good that we might do serving our neighbor in humble obedience to You who put aside Your divinity to wash our dirty feet. We pray this in Jesus name. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to "This Passing Day!"

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.



03.08.21—(Trials and Temptations! – John 13: 3-5

My friend, may I ask you a question? If God has given us a particular spiritual gift, perhaps the ability to preach or show mercy, isn’t it natural that we might wish to immerse ourselves in the comfort it gives us and, for that matter, the glory?

My friend, life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I’m M. Clifford Brunner

It's so easy to often overlook the opportunities that God gives us to focus on the needs of others rather than ourselves. It's just plain hard to put our lives away sometimes isn’t it? For that matter, since God gives us certain skills and talents, why shouldn’t we put great effort into honing these and using them as often as possible? If God has given you or I a particular spiritual gift, perhaps the ability to preach or show mercy, isn’t it only natural that we might wish to immerse ourselves in the comfort it gives us and, for that matter, the glory? It’s very hard to put these things away when they provide such great comfort. In a way, it’s like trying to put down a good novel. You keep telling yourself "just one more page and I will be satisfied." Yet, the greater the pleasure, the greater the compelling need to remain wrapped up in the pleasure.

What about Jesus? As he neared the cascading climax of his death and resurrection, what was His focus?

Here's a story: As he looked across the table at all those faces, he couldn't help but reflect on the three years he'd spent teaching and loving these simple men. His gaze fixed on each one, even the one who was to betray him. With each face a picture. The shade tree under which this one was found. The net this one had strained at or the booth that one had sat behind. But now the time of friendship and ministry was over. In a few hours all would change. Breaking off another piece of the brittle bread, he dipped it into the cup passed to him by John. Putting it to his lips he was reminded of the bitterness that awaited him and the cup of suffering he must bear. A shiver passed up his spine; the glory of the coming hours was deeply upon his mind. But now, reflections of oneness with the Father, a memory of a perfect time when all things were newly made, and a time to come when righteousness would destroy evil forever began to pour into his heart. It wouldn't be long before he would be seated at the Father’s right hand in glory. Despite the reverie, his gaze returned to those who needed him. They were his purpose and would always be the object of his thoughts. There was work to do, the Father’s work. He retrieved a basin and filled it with water and began to wash their feet. He must bring his thoughts into agreement with his work. After all, it was now his purpose to serve. “Your will be done my Father. Your will be done!”

May we never forget that our glory is not a substitute for the service God has called us to perform; we must learn to put these things away, lay them aside, in favor of the work that must be done. May we never exalt our gifts above the purpose for which God has given them; may all pride be put away in deference to the good that we might do serving our neighbor in humble obedience to the Savior who put aside his divinity to wash our dirty feet.

We pray. Heavenly Father. May we never forget that our glory is not a substitute for the service You have called us to perform; help us by Your Spirit to learn to put these things away, lay them aside, in favor of the work that must be done. Forgive us Lord when we exalt our gifts above the purpose for which You have given them; may all pride be put away in deference to the good that we might do serving our neighbor in humble obedience to You who put aside Your divinity to wash our dirty feet. We pray this in Jesus name. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to "This Passing Day!"

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


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