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Prayer gears?

Gearing? (10.26.21–You Have To Pray! –Acts 10:31)

My friend, may I ask you a question? Did you known there is no such thing as an unanswered prayer? Really! Does God’s Word tells us that He hears every prayer, and all sent to Him in Jesus name are not only heard but are granted?

My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I'm M. Clifford Brunner.

Two of my grandsons: James and Jayson, are 6 and 4 respectively. Even though they're separated by 2 years, they share one important trait that nearly every little boy seems, by default, to possess; it’s what I would call “incidental male deaf- ness.” There’s something about little boys and their innate sense of hearing but not comprehending that makes getting them to actually do or not do something, well, difficult. You can grab them by the shoulder and tell them, face-to-face: “Now, don’t do that again!” In a matter of seconds, however, the banned behavior almost magically reappears. I know the words went in and some processing occurred; but, ultimately, the gear that connects the “should” or “should not” to the “OK” is stripped or something. Engaging that gear can take some time and effort and a whole lot of patience.

I think that's kind of the way that God looks at you and I when we hear His prayer promises but don't believe.

Here's a story: An elderly widow's husband's death had left her almost destitute and no longer able to meet the heavy expense of maintaining her home. She asked in prayer that she might by some miracle be able to keep it. Nothing happened. The house was to be sold at auction the following week. She was heartbroken. She went through her house sort- ing and discarding the accumulation of long years of living there. In the attic she ran across an old stamp collection almost throwing it out, but somehow, something made her set it aside. A year went by. The house had been sold. Her prayer had not been answered. Then one day she happened to see in the newspaper a list of the values of certain rare stamps. She went to a dealer and left with a check for $11,000. The big old house had been much too large anyway to care for comfortably. She did not need all that space. Today she realizes it. What she required was smaller living quarters, together with enough money in the bank for her expenses. That's exactly what God gave her in answer to her supposedly unanswered prayer. (Author unknown)

Did you known there is no such thing as an unanswered prayer? Really! God Word tells us that He hears every prayer and all sent to Him in Jesus name are not only heard but are granted. The fact is sometimes our plans fail so that God's plans may succeed. So, when we pray we ought to pray without doubting that God not only can, but he WILL do it. Are your “prayer gears” stripped, not engaging properly between the "promise" and the “I believe?” God is patient but it's your job to make sure that those prayer gears aren't jammed with doubt. If you pray in doubt you aren't getting through and "divine incidental deafness" won't be cured any other way.

We pray. Heavenly Father, Your Word tells us that You hear every prayer and all sent to You in Jesus name are not only heard but granted. Sometimes our plans fail so that Your plans may succeed. So, when we pray we ought to pray without doubting that You not only can, but WILL do it. Forgive us when our “prayer gears” get stripped, not engaging properly between the "promise" and the “I believe?” Thank You for your patience but it's our job to make sure those prayer gears aren't jammed with doubt. If we pray in doubt we aren't getting through and "divine incidental deafness" won't be cured any other way. In Jesus name we pray—for sure. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


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Prayer gears?

Gearing? (10.26.21–You Have To Pray! –Acts 10:31)

My friend, may I ask you a question? Did you known there is no such thing as an unanswered prayer? Really! Does God’s Word tells us that He hears every prayer, and all sent to Him in Jesus name are not only heard but are granted?

My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I'm M. Clifford Brunner.

Two of my grandsons: James and Jayson, are 6 and 4 respectively. Even though they're separated by 2 years, they share one important trait that nearly every little boy seems, by default, to possess; it’s what I would call “incidental male deaf- ness.” There’s something about little boys and their innate sense of hearing but not comprehending that makes getting them to actually do or not do something, well, difficult. You can grab them by the shoulder and tell them, face-to-face: “Now, don’t do that again!” In a matter of seconds, however, the banned behavior almost magically reappears. I know the words went in and some processing occurred; but, ultimately, the gear that connects the “should” or “should not” to the “OK” is stripped or something. Engaging that gear can take some time and effort and a whole lot of patience.

I think that's kind of the way that God looks at you and I when we hear His prayer promises but don't believe.

Here's a story: An elderly widow's husband's death had left her almost destitute and no longer able to meet the heavy expense of maintaining her home. She asked in prayer that she might by some miracle be able to keep it. Nothing happened. The house was to be sold at auction the following week. She was heartbroken. She went through her house sort- ing and discarding the accumulation of long years of living there. In the attic she ran across an old stamp collection almost throwing it out, but somehow, something made her set it aside. A year went by. The house had been sold. Her prayer had not been answered. Then one day she happened to see in the newspaper a list of the values of certain rare stamps. She went to a dealer and left with a check for $11,000. The big old house had been much too large anyway to care for comfortably. She did not need all that space. Today she realizes it. What she required was smaller living quarters, together with enough money in the bank for her expenses. That's exactly what God gave her in answer to her supposedly unanswered prayer. (Author unknown)

Did you known there is no such thing as an unanswered prayer? Really! God Word tells us that He hears every prayer and all sent to Him in Jesus name are not only heard but are granted. The fact is sometimes our plans fail so that God's plans may succeed. So, when we pray we ought to pray without doubting that God not only can, but he WILL do it. Are your “prayer gears” stripped, not engaging properly between the "promise" and the “I believe?” God is patient but it's your job to make sure that those prayer gears aren't jammed with doubt. If you pray in doubt you aren't getting through and "divine incidental deafness" won't be cured any other way.

We pray. Heavenly Father, Your Word tells us that You hear every prayer and all sent to You in Jesus name are not only heard but granted. Sometimes our plans fail so that Your plans may succeed. So, when we pray we ought to pray without doubting that You not only can, but WILL do it. Forgive us when our “prayer gears” get stripped, not engaging properly between the "promise" and the “I believe?” Thank You for your patience but it's our job to make sure those prayer gears aren't jammed with doubt. If we pray in doubt we aren't getting through and "divine incidental deafness" won't be cured any other way. In Jesus name we pray—for sure. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


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