(03.14..22—Trust Me!--Psalm 9:10)
May I ask you a question? Did you know that God often opens a door to trust Him and we’d prefer to pass through it only if we can do it OUR way.?
My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.
I'm M. Clifford Brunner.
Many years ago when planes still had propellers I took my first trip on an old, North Central Airlines airliner. It wasn’t a long flight, really just a hop across Lake Michigan and over to Ohio. The plane was one of those old DC-4’s that sat on the runway with a downward tilt toward the tail and a portable, runway, boarding ramp instead of a gait passageway. I was a bit nervous having never flown before but figured the old plane had made the trip many times before and one more trip was a piece of cake. On the trip I remember sitting next to an elderly woman who was going to visit a daughter in Ohio and was also flying for the first time. We shared stories and then she told me something I’ll never forget, “I hope we make it young man and, just to be sure, I’m not going to put my full weight down until we land.”
That little old lady wasn’t about to put her trust in either the plane or its pilot. So it is with many Christians when God asks them to trust him. He opens a door to trust Him and we’d prefer to pass through it only if we can do it OUR way.
Here’s a thought from John Sammis: “Bill was our show horse. He was a gaited horse, a beautiful racker. He had five different gaits, or manners in which he lifted his feet, that made him a smooth rider. The rack was his best: a fast, flashy, four-beat gait in which his feet touched the ground separately and at equal intervals. He was a beautiful horse, our best, and loved to show off his strut once he arrived at the shows. But Bill had one flaw: he was spooked out by the loading ramp of the truck. Unknown to his previous owner, the horse trainer had beaten Bill, and the loading ramp was one of his hang-ups from abuse. He would not trust us or obey us to walk up the ramp. Instead, he would be so frightened that he would shake, tremble, and quiver until the ramp was removed. Then, taking a giant leap, he would jump into the truck. How much easier loading would have been if only he could have trusted us.” (John Sammis)
How many times do we, like Bill, forget that God is in our corner, if only we will turn to Him and trust Him! Some who have not yet learned that God is trustworthy may feel that is a giant leap! So, how is it done? I believe that the first step toward trusting God is an archival one. Think back to all the times in your life when you bolted in the wrong direction simply because you weren’t willing to put all of your weight behind God’s way; how did it turn out; my guess, not very well. Discipline yourself today to be reminded of how often your unwillingness to be patient with God has led to failure. Take out that “failure file” the next time you’re tempted to do it YOUR way. Odds are His way will lead to success; and, why not? Is there a better pilot you’d like flying your aircraft?
We pray. Heavenly Father, we know in our hearts that the first step toward trusting You is based on what You have done so often for us in the past. When we think back to all the times in our life when we bolted in the wrong direction simply because we weren’t willing to put all of your weight behind Your way; that’s when we remember how it turned out, not very well. Help us Lord to discipline ourselves today to be reminded of how often our unwillingness to be patient with You has led to failure. Remind us to take out that “failure file” the next time we’re tempted to do it OUR way. Odds are Your way will lead to success; and, why not? Is there a better pilot we’d like flying our aircraft? In Jesus name we pray. Amen!
Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.
If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”
<thispassingday@gmail.com> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.