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Open doors?

Another level? Why is it so hard to pray sometimes? Often we are left with an empty feeling, a sense of unbelief in what we have just asked for. God wants you to live on another level. He’s well aware that some of our yesterdays are just plain awful. We have our moments where life is a bit hard-knock.

Think about it. The abandonment of a loved one—an irresponsible parent, an unfaithful spouse, a rebellious teenage son or daughter—these things render us alone, empty, and in pain. But God never intends for us to be dominated by the hard knocks life deals us. He sent his Son to bring us to a more abundant life.

God’s Word tells us: “Jesus said, ‘I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.’ We need to believe it’s waiting for us.” (Psalm 145:14).

Is the door of your heart open to the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Are you ready to live on a level of grace that not only promises us that God’s will is assured but that all of our worst fears are baseless when we focus on our Savior’s empty tomb?

“I pray today in Jesus name that when we are faced with moments when we don’t know where to turn, how to cope or who to rely on, we turn to our Savior, Jesus Christ, who always had our backs.” Amen!”

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew 6:34)


Open doors?

Another level? Why is it so hard to pray sometimes? Often we are left with an empty feeling, a sense of unbelief in what we have just asked for. God wants you to live on another level. He’s well aware that some of our yesterdays are just plain awful. We have our moments where life is a bit hard-knock.

Think about it. The abandonment of a loved one—an irresponsible parent, an unfaithful spouse, a rebellious teenage son or daughter—these things render us alone, empty, and in pain. But God never intends for us to be dominated by the hard knocks life deals us. He sent his Son to bring us to a more abundant life.

God’s Word tells us: “Jesus said, ‘I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.’ We need to believe it’s waiting for us.” (Psalm 145:14).

Is the door of your heart open to the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Are you ready to live on a level of grace that not only promises us that God’s will is assured but that all of our worst fears are baseless when we focus on our Savior’s empty tomb?

“I pray today in Jesus name that when we are faced with moments when we don’t know where to turn, how to cope or who to rely on, we turn to our Savior, Jesus Christ, who always had our backs.” Amen!”

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew 6:34)


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