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02.02.21—Our Enemies!--1 Samuel 18:1-12

My friend, may I ask you a question? Can there be a more implausible command than to love our enemies? By nature, we simply aren't well equipped to do it. Our first inclination is to strike out and defend. Love our enemies?

My friend, life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I’m M. Clifford Brunner

There's simply nothing more difficult in life to deal with on a daily basis than dealing with those who seek to destroy our peace and make life miserable: our enemies. In fact it's been said that there's really only one way to overcome our enemies: outlive them. It's in the nature of living that sooner or later no matter how hard we try we'll discover someone who just doesn't like us. It may be someone who has taken a dislike for no apparent reason. Or they may have imagined somehow an injustice or a slight. Whatever the case, there is no doubt that sooner or later it will happen. And, like that nagging pain in a joint that never seems to go away, you either decide to live with it or complain about it. Of these Abraham Lincoln once said, “They’re like that grapevine yonder that twists itself around the tree. Looks like a good marriage. But in the end the tree’s the one that chokes and smothers.”

When it comes to our enemies, God has asked us to forbear them; He has even commanded that we turn around and hug those that would push us away with their words. Can there be a more implausible command? By nature, we simply aren't well equipped to do it. Our first inclination is to strike out and defend. Love our enemies?

Here's a story: During the persecution of the Armenians by the Turks prior to and during the First World War, an Armenian girl and her brother were pursued by a bloodthirsty Turkish soldier. He trapped them at the end of a lane and killed the brother before the sister’s eyes. The sister managed to escape by leaping over the wall and fleeing into the country. Later she became a nurse. One day a wounded soldier was brought into her hospital. She recognized him at once as the soldier who had tried to kill her. His condition was such that the least neglect would have cost him his life. But she gave him the most painstaking and constant care. One day when he was on the road to recovery he recognized her as the girl whose brother he had slain. He said to her, “Why have you done this for me who killed your brother?” She answered, “Because I have a religion which teaches me to forgive my enemies.”(Clarence Macrtney, Macartney’s Illustrations, pg. 128)

Perhaps there's someone is your life who has grown to dislike you and made you an enemy. Perhaps something you do intimidates them and makes them feel uncomfortable. Although it is natural to strike back or at least avoid them, God is asking much more of you and I. He wants us to embrace our enemies, think well of them and love them. There can be no room in a Christian’s heart for hatred even when it seems fair and just. Our “religion” does not afford us this luxury.

We pray. Heavenly Father. There's someone is my life who has grown to dislike me and made me an enemy. I do not know if there is something I do that intimidates them and makes them feel uncomfortable? Forgive me Lord when I want to strike back or at least avoid them, but Lord are You asking much more of me than that? Help me byYour Spirit to embrace my enemies, think well of them and love them. I know there can be no room in my heart for hatred even when it seems fair and just. My“religion” does not afford me this luxury. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to "This Passing Day!"

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


No room?

02.02.21—Our Enemies!--1 Samuel 18:1-12

My friend, may I ask you a question? Can there be a more implausible command than to love our enemies? By nature, we simply aren't well equipped to do it. Our first inclination is to strike out and defend. Love our enemies?

My friend, life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I’m M. Clifford Brunner

There's simply nothing more difficult in life to deal with on a daily basis than dealing with those who seek to destroy our peace and make life miserable: our enemies. In fact it's been said that there's really only one way to overcome our enemies: outlive them. It's in the nature of living that sooner or later no matter how hard we try we'll discover someone who just doesn't like us. It may be someone who has taken a dislike for no apparent reason. Or they may have imagined somehow an injustice or a slight. Whatever the case, there is no doubt that sooner or later it will happen. And, like that nagging pain in a joint that never seems to go away, you either decide to live with it or complain about it. Of these Abraham Lincoln once said, “They’re like that grapevine yonder that twists itself around the tree. Looks like a good marriage. But in the end the tree’s the one that chokes and smothers.”

When it comes to our enemies, God has asked us to forbear them; He has even commanded that we turn around and hug those that would push us away with their words. Can there be a more implausible command? By nature, we simply aren't well equipped to do it. Our first inclination is to strike out and defend. Love our enemies?

Here's a story: During the persecution of the Armenians by the Turks prior to and during the First World War, an Armenian girl and her brother were pursued by a bloodthirsty Turkish soldier. He trapped them at the end of a lane and killed the brother before the sister’s eyes. The sister managed to escape by leaping over the wall and fleeing into the country. Later she became a nurse. One day a wounded soldier was brought into her hospital. She recognized him at once as the soldier who had tried to kill her. His condition was such that the least neglect would have cost him his life. But she gave him the most painstaking and constant care. One day when he was on the road to recovery he recognized her as the girl whose brother he had slain. He said to her, “Why have you done this for me who killed your brother?” She answered, “Because I have a religion which teaches me to forgive my enemies.”(Clarence Macrtney, Macartney’s Illustrations, pg. 128)

Perhaps there's someone is your life who has grown to dislike you and made you an enemy. Perhaps something you do intimidates them and makes them feel uncomfortable. Although it is natural to strike back or at least avoid them, God is asking much more of you and I. He wants us to embrace our enemies, think well of them and love them. There can be no room in a Christian’s heart for hatred even when it seems fair and just. Our “religion” does not afford us this luxury.

We pray. Heavenly Father. There's someone is my life who has grown to dislike me and made me an enemy. I do not know if there is something I do that intimidates them and makes them feel uncomfortable? Forgive me Lord when I want to strike back or at least avoid them, but Lord are You asking much more of me than that? Help me byYour Spirit to embrace my enemies, think well of them and love them. I know there can be no room in my heart for hatred even when it seems fair and just. My“religion” does not afford me this luxury. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to "This Passing Day!"

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


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