No free lunch? Do you ever get angry with God for not doing what you ask him to do? Since the Bible does tell us that whatever we ask in the name of Christ, God will give it, it only seems fair that when we ask and He doesn’t grant, we have a right to wonder why.
Think about it. Perhaps God doesn’t think we were sincere or, perhaps, He wanted to be asked more than once? It seems sometimes that we pray and pray but God not only doesn’t answer our prayers as we wish, He does something totally opposite of what we asked Him to do in the first place. Does that mean He wasn’t listening?
God’s Word tells us: God’s Word tells us to cast our cares upon the Lord and put our confidence in him (1 Peter 5).
Everything has its price even if that price is hidden. Is the price of our relationship with God the fact that we are subject to His will? No free lunch? Maybe not, but, for anyone willing to let God set the table in his life, the lunch we are served will be divine. There will be nothing that is not served for our benefit. So, please pass the salt!
“I pray today in Jesus name that we understand everything has its price and the price of our relationship with God is we are subject to Him. Let God set the table in this life.There’s no free lunch” Amen!”
“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew 6:34)