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Measuring up?

Measuring up? Do you consider yourself gifted? It seems that these days it’s easy to feel untalented or not much gifted. Perhaps it’s because it’s so easy to compare ourselves to others than it used to be. Is that the way God wants you and I to feel? Or, does He have something else in mind?

Think about it. Each of us has our own unique flaws. But if we will allow it, Jesus will use our flaws, and in God's great economy, nothing goes to waste. So, as we seek ways to minister together, don't be afraid of your flaws.

God’s Word tells us: “‘Well done, my good servant!’ his master replied. ‘Because you have been trustworthy in a small matter, take charge of ten cities.’” (Luke 19:11).

God measures everyone by His perfect, “just plain Christian” scale. We’re all on level ground with God. As it turns out the weak, the obscure and struggling are just the type of “gifted” folks He’s looking for. In that case, I feel I measure up pretty well. How about you?

“I pray today in Jesus name that each of us upon measuring our own skills and talents will give honor to God our Father and abide in His mercy and grace to know He will always use us best.. Amen!”

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew 6:34)


Measuring up?

Measuring up? Do you consider yourself gifted? It seems that these days it’s easy to feel untalented or not much gifted. Perhaps it’s because it’s so easy to compare ourselves to others than it used to be. Is that the way God wants you and I to feel? Or, does He have something else in mind?

Think about it. Each of us has our own unique flaws. But if we will allow it, Jesus will use our flaws, and in God's great economy, nothing goes to waste. So, as we seek ways to minister together, don't be afraid of your flaws.

God’s Word tells us: “‘Well done, my good servant!’ his master replied. ‘Because you have been trustworthy in a small matter, take charge of ten cities.’” (Luke 19:11).

God measures everyone by His perfect, “just plain Christian” scale. We’re all on level ground with God. As it turns out the weak, the obscure and struggling are just the type of “gifted” folks He’s looking for. In that case, I feel I measure up pretty well. How about you?

“I pray today in Jesus name that each of us upon measuring our own skills and talents will give honor to God our Father and abide in His mercy and grace to know He will always use us best.. Amen!”

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew 6:34)


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