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Meant to be?

04.13.21 Dealing With Change! – Genesis 1:26

My friend, may I ask you a question? Or, even though His will to cause change in our lives is compelling, does Newton's First Law of Motion not apply when it comes to motivating Christians to change, to move or, for that matter, do anything?

My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day. I'm M. Clifford Brunner.

"Everything continues in a state of rest unless it’s compelled to change by forces impressed upon it." This is Sir Isaac Newton's First Law of Motion. The laws form the basis for classical mechanics; describing the relationship between forces pushing on a body and how that body moves in reaction to the push. Newton used them to explain the motion of physical objects and systems. But, think about this for a moment: as objects are compelled to move because of the forces around them, are our lives subject to the same type of movement when God pushes against our consciences with the force of His holy will? Or, even though His will to cause change in our lives is compelling, does Newton's First Law of Motion not apply when it comes to motivating Christians to change, to move or, for that matter, do anything?

Here's a thought from Bob Perks: "I've watched the rain run free. Rain can only be held back until it gathers strength enough to move on. It refreshes and nourishes at its best. Over time it has the power to wear down stone. Overflowing it can move mountains. I've felt the wind blow. At it's best it cools, but can wipe out an entire town when it gathers strength enough. Birds, butterflies all are free to follow the wind and water; but what about you and I? We, too, can go where we want, but stay. You and I can work long enough to create change, but often just go with the flow making no difference at all. You and I can move mountains but see them as blockades instead. You and I can set our sails against the wind and yet, we all too often fall down waiting to be rescued. We can follow the wind and ride the oceans, yet we never leave the shore. Why would God make the wind, water, birds and butterflies free and limit us? He doesn't. We are held captive by what we think, what we believe and how we see ourselves. We become prisoners of our mind. We were never meant to be "captive" in a world created for us." (Bob Perks)

Christians are born for change; in fact it's our only real purpose in this world. Think about it; the world is comprised of billions, all creating one gigantic mass of potential. Part of that potential is a sizable portion of Christians. When just one Christian, somewhere in the world changes, as a portion of the whole, the whole is altered. Just one Christian who effects change causes the very nature of the whole, the billions of God's children, to be changed. One small act, word or deed, forever changes the whole of mankind. It all began with one man in the Garden of Eden and change hasn't slowed since. When God pushes on us to change, Sir Isaac, there is only one reaction, to move. Thank you!

We pray. Heavenly Father, we are born for change; and You have told us that it's our only real purpose in this world. We are part of one gigantic mass of potential, a sizable portion of billions of Christians. When just one of us, somewhere in the world, changes, the whole is altered. Just one Christian who effects change causes the very nature of the whole, the billions of God’s children, to be changed. A small act of kindness, word or deed, forever changes the whole of mankind. It all began with Adam and change hasn't slowed since. When God pushes on us to change, there is only one reaction: to move. In His name I pray. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


Meant to be?

04.13.21 Dealing With Change! – Genesis 1:26

My friend, may I ask you a question? Or, even though His will to cause change in our lives is compelling, does Newton's First Law of Motion not apply when it comes to motivating Christians to change, to move or, for that matter, do anything?

My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day. I'm M. Clifford Brunner.

"Everything continues in a state of rest unless it’s compelled to change by forces impressed upon it." This is Sir Isaac Newton's First Law of Motion. The laws form the basis for classical mechanics; describing the relationship between forces pushing on a body and how that body moves in reaction to the push. Newton used them to explain the motion of physical objects and systems. But, think about this for a moment: as objects are compelled to move because of the forces around them, are our lives subject to the same type of movement when God pushes against our consciences with the force of His holy will? Or, even though His will to cause change in our lives is compelling, does Newton's First Law of Motion not apply when it comes to motivating Christians to change, to move or, for that matter, do anything?

Here's a thought from Bob Perks: "I've watched the rain run free. Rain can only be held back until it gathers strength enough to move on. It refreshes and nourishes at its best. Over time it has the power to wear down stone. Overflowing it can move mountains. I've felt the wind blow. At it's best it cools, but can wipe out an entire town when it gathers strength enough. Birds, butterflies all are free to follow the wind and water; but what about you and I? We, too, can go where we want, but stay. You and I can work long enough to create change, but often just go with the flow making no difference at all. You and I can move mountains but see them as blockades instead. You and I can set our sails against the wind and yet, we all too often fall down waiting to be rescued. We can follow the wind and ride the oceans, yet we never leave the shore. Why would God make the wind, water, birds and butterflies free and limit us? He doesn't. We are held captive by what we think, what we believe and how we see ourselves. We become prisoners of our mind. We were never meant to be "captive" in a world created for us." (Bob Perks)

Christians are born for change; in fact it's our only real purpose in this world. Think about it; the world is comprised of billions, all creating one gigantic mass of potential. Part of that potential is a sizable portion of Christians. When just one Christian, somewhere in the world changes, as a portion of the whole, the whole is altered. Just one Christian who effects change causes the very nature of the whole, the billions of God's children, to be changed. One small act, word or deed, forever changes the whole of mankind. It all began with one man in the Garden of Eden and change hasn't slowed since. When God pushes on us to change, Sir Isaac, there is only one reaction, to move. Thank you!

We pray. Heavenly Father, we are born for change; and You have told us that it's our only real purpose in this world. We are part of one gigantic mass of potential, a sizable portion of billions of Christians. When just one of us, somewhere in the world, changes, the whole is altered. Just one Christian who effects change causes the very nature of the whole, the billions of God’s children, to be changed. A small act of kindness, word or deed, forever changes the whole of mankind. It all began with Adam and change hasn't slowed since. When God pushes on us to change, there is only one reaction: to move. In His name I pray. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


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