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Look again?

Look again? (11.02.21–Don't Judge! – John 7:24)

My friend, may I ask you a question? Is it true that first impressions are usually based on the least amount of information we have available to us to make a "right" judgment?

My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I'm M. Clifford Brunner.

Holly and I keep a raspberry patch in the side yard here at Beech Springs. It's a thornless variety of berry that we’ve spent years cultivating. This past spring as the snows melted and the canes began to spout out I noticed with concern that a good number of the canes hadn’t made it through the winter and others were cracked off. "Look's like a scant harvest this summer." I thought. The summer harvest, nonetheless, was one of the best that we've ever seen. The berries were bigger and juicier than in years past and we had a hard time just keeping up with picking them as they ripened. I couldn't have been more wrong. But, based on appearances it sure seemed logical at the time.

When we judge things, especially people, by first appearances, the results are often similar.

Here's a story: A well-known preacher was attending a workshop as a keynote presenter. At the commencement dinner he happened to sit near a couple that he soon became "table friends" with. They chatted and the woman seemed truly interested in the conversation. Her husband, however, appeared disinterested in what was going on around them. The preacher supposed that typically she was the one who had pushed to attend the workshop and he had, reluctantly, just tagged along. The next morning he noticed the couple in attendance as he began his presentation. There was an opening hymn and prayer and no sooner did he begin his presentation when the husband was fast asleep. This was repeated throughout the course of the workshops until finally, on the last day, the husband had fallen asleep even before the hymn was finished. At the end of the conference the preacher was approached by his table friend. They shook hands and she told him how much she and her husband had appreciated his presentations. He thanked her, smiled and remarked that perhaps husband was happy now that the workshop had ended (alluding to his napping). "Oh!" she said. "He was truly looking for- ward to coming. In fact, it was his idea to come. You see, Pastor, my husband has cancer and his medications make him very sleepy." At that point the preacher could only choke back the tears of remorse and shame. (Source unknown.)

The Apostle John reminds us in his gospel, "Stop judging by mere appearances, and make a right judgment" (John 7:24). How easy it is to forget that admonition especially when it seems that mere appearances seem pretty certain. The fact is that first impressions are usually based on the least amount of information we have available to us to make a "right" judgment. It always better to wait for the berries to ripen, and people for that matter, than it is to jump to judgement; better to judge the fruit than it is the vine.

We pray. Heavenly Father, we pray that we stop judging by mere appearances, and make a right judgment” about others that You made in Your image. Lord, it’s so easy to forget that admonition especially when it seems that mere appearances always seem pretty certain. The fact is, and we so often fall prey to this, that first impressions are usually based on the least amount of information we have available to us to make a "right" judgment. Forgive us Father. It always better to wait for the berries to ripen, and people for that matter, than to jump to judgement; better to judge the fruit than it is the vine.

In Jesus name we pray. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


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Look again?

Look again? (11.02.21–Don't Judge! – John 7:24)

My friend, may I ask you a question? Is it true that first impressions are usually based on the least amount of information we have available to us to make a "right" judgment?

My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I'm M. Clifford Brunner.

Holly and I keep a raspberry patch in the side yard here at Beech Springs. It's a thornless variety of berry that we’ve spent years cultivating. This past spring as the snows melted and the canes began to spout out I noticed with concern that a good number of the canes hadn’t made it through the winter and others were cracked off. "Look's like a scant harvest this summer." I thought. The summer harvest, nonetheless, was one of the best that we've ever seen. The berries were bigger and juicier than in years past and we had a hard time just keeping up with picking them as they ripened. I couldn't have been more wrong. But, based on appearances it sure seemed logical at the time.

When we judge things, especially people, by first appearances, the results are often similar.

Here's a story: A well-known preacher was attending a workshop as a keynote presenter. At the commencement dinner he happened to sit near a couple that he soon became "table friends" with. They chatted and the woman seemed truly interested in the conversation. Her husband, however, appeared disinterested in what was going on around them. The preacher supposed that typically she was the one who had pushed to attend the workshop and he had, reluctantly, just tagged along. The next morning he noticed the couple in attendance as he began his presentation. There was an opening hymn and prayer and no sooner did he begin his presentation when the husband was fast asleep. This was repeated throughout the course of the workshops until finally, on the last day, the husband had fallen asleep even before the hymn was finished. At the end of the conference the preacher was approached by his table friend. They shook hands and she told him how much she and her husband had appreciated his presentations. He thanked her, smiled and remarked that perhaps husband was happy now that the workshop had ended (alluding to his napping). "Oh!" she said. "He was truly looking for- ward to coming. In fact, it was his idea to come. You see, Pastor, my husband has cancer and his medications make him very sleepy." At that point the preacher could only choke back the tears of remorse and shame. (Source unknown.)

The Apostle John reminds us in his gospel, "Stop judging by mere appearances, and make a right judgment" (John 7:24). How easy it is to forget that admonition especially when it seems that mere appearances seem pretty certain. The fact is that first impressions are usually based on the least amount of information we have available to us to make a "right" judgment. It always better to wait for the berries to ripen, and people for that matter, than it is to jump to judgement; better to judge the fruit than it is the vine.

We pray. Heavenly Father, we pray that we stop judging by mere appearances, and make a right judgment” about others that You made in Your image. Lord, it’s so easy to forget that admonition especially when it seems that mere appearances always seem pretty certain. The fact is, and we so often fall prey to this, that first impressions are usually based on the least amount of information we have available to us to make a "right" judgment. Forgive us Father. It always better to wait for the berries to ripen, and people for that matter, than to jump to judgement; better to judge the fruit than it is the vine.

In Jesus name we pray. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


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