Let God? The Bible tells us that the poor are not proud that they are not rich and therefore more highly regarded by God. And, the rich ought not to be proud that they have been so blessed materially keeping in mind that God does not regard riches in this world as important.
Think about it. God blesses the poor with the easier task. Since the world condemns poverty and rewards wealth, the poor don’t have to contend with the world.
God’s Word tells us: “Believers in humble circumstances ought to take pride in their high position. But the rich should take pride in their humiliation—since they will pass away like a wild flower.” (James 1: 9 - 11).
The poor can seek God’s wisdom less encumbered with the temptations to gain more wealth. The wealthy, on the other hand, must contend with God’s call to abandon the cares of this world for the glory of the next. Americans are drowning in a sea of financial focus. Are creature comforts a higher priority than reaping souls for Christ? Take stock in God’s Word today and let God worry about the stock market.
. “I pray today in Jesus name that we accept a poor spirit that enables us to have an empty heart willing and able to be filled with the gospel of grace and forgiveness in Jesus Christ. Amen!”
“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew 6:34) www.thispassingday.com