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Keeping on?

Keeping on? Did God design us to last; to be physically “road-able” forever? No, the time will come when both you and I will fail physically. Although God built you and I to see death, He did not build us to experience it. God designed and built the first man, Adam, to be incorruptible. God did not plan for his obsolescence. Rather, he planned for his living, not his destruction.

Think about it. God designed us to live lives of service; quality lives filled with joy. For a Christian this is a design that works so well. We don’t have to think about our death because God has put a clear picture of what eternal life will be in our hearts.

God’s Word tells us: “‘Very truly I tell you,' Jesus answered,’before Abraham was born, I am!’" (John 8: 48-59).

We don’t have to think about our death because God has put a clear picture of what eternal life will be in our hearts. In this sense He has given us the ability to power our way through life burning and “re-burning” the fear of death into a dream of everlasting life. Our design is perfected in our death. Designed for eternity, we “keep on keeping on!”

. “I pray today in Jesus name that as we age and life’s infirmities work on our bodies leading us to failure, we remember one thing: we are designed for life in Christ and not death on earth. Amen!”

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew 6:34)


Keeping on?

Keeping on? Did God design us to last; to be physically “road-able” forever? No, the time will come when both you and I will fail physically. Although God built you and I to see death, He did not build us to experience it. God designed and built the first man, Adam, to be incorruptible. God did not plan for his obsolescence. Rather, he planned for his living, not his destruction.

Think about it. God designed us to live lives of service; quality lives filled with joy. For a Christian this is a design that works so well. We don’t have to think about our death because God has put a clear picture of what eternal life will be in our hearts.

God’s Word tells us: “‘Very truly I tell you,' Jesus answered,’before Abraham was born, I am!’" (John 8: 48-59).

We don’t have to think about our death because God has put a clear picture of what eternal life will be in our hearts. In this sense He has given us the ability to power our way through life burning and “re-burning” the fear of death into a dream of everlasting life. Our design is perfected in our death. Designed for eternity, we “keep on keeping on!”

. “I pray today in Jesus name that as we age and life’s infirmities work on our bodies leading us to failure, we remember one thing: we are designed for life in Christ and not death on earth. Amen!”

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew 6:34)


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