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Keep trying?

Keep trying? Author James Hewett writes: “Heavy hitters, the ones who hit the most home runs, also strike out a lot. For example: Babe Ruth struck out 1,330 times, but he also hit 714 home runs. And successful entrepreneurs often have the same luck. R. H. Macy failed seven times before his store in New York caught on.”

Think about it. You know, it’s really that way for the Christian on fire for God as well. More often than not, people just don’t get it. The unbeliever, lost in sin, shakes his head and walks away wondering what we see in it.

God’s Word tells us: "The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness” (1 Corinthians 2:14-15).

Rejection is pretty much a way of life for anyone looking to grow in grace. We need to be prepared for the ear that just doesn’t hear what we hear, the heart that cannot accept what we love. But, we need to keep on trying. God’s guidance will be there, even in defeat.

“I pray today in Jesus name for the ability to stand fast in the faith even when we suffer rejection after trying our best to do the right thing and having to try over and over again. Amen!”

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew 6:34)


Keep trying?

Keep trying? Author James Hewett writes: “Heavy hitters, the ones who hit the most home runs, also strike out a lot. For example: Babe Ruth struck out 1,330 times, but he also hit 714 home runs. And successful entrepreneurs often have the same luck. R. H. Macy failed seven times before his store in New York caught on.”

Think about it. You know, it’s really that way for the Christian on fire for God as well. More often than not, people just don’t get it. The unbeliever, lost in sin, shakes his head and walks away wondering what we see in it.

God’s Word tells us: "The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness” (1 Corinthians 2:14-15).

Rejection is pretty much a way of life for anyone looking to grow in grace. We need to be prepared for the ear that just doesn’t hear what we hear, the heart that cannot accept what we love. But, we need to keep on trying. God’s guidance will be there, even in defeat.

“I pray today in Jesus name for the ability to stand fast in the faith even when we suffer rejection after trying our best to do the right thing and having to try over and over again. Amen!”

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew 6:34)


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