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In your pocket?

(07.14.21– Secret To Happy Living! – Ephesians 3:20-21)

What does God look like? Looking for happiness? Perhaps sometimes it's closer than you think. It may be a matter of just opening your eyes upon the things God has placed right on your doorstep?

My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I'm M. Clifford Brunner.

You know what are the hardest things to find? I'm convinced that it’s things right under our noses. Why is that? This really came home to me the other day as I was searching for a wood screw that I had purposely saved so that I could purchase the appropriate drill bit to fit just that screw. It was a hex head screw that required a hex head bit of a certain size. I set one of the screws aside when I broke the one good bit I had, thinking: "I'll just take this screw to the hardware store and match it to a bit." Two days later, when I found the time to go to the store, I began looking everywhere for that screw. It just couldn't be found. It had been the last one in the box, so there were no others to take its place. I looked and looked. Finally I decided to go to the hardware store and take my chances. I found a clerk and started to describe the screw as best I could, all the while him looking at a lump in my shirt pocket. "Like that one?" he stated quietly. I reached in and there it was; the first place I had thought of for safekeeping and the last place I would have looked to find it; right there, under my very nose.

Looking for happiness? Sometimes it's closer than you think. It may be a matter of just opening your eyes.

Here's a story: In the early years of the 1900s, a couple moved from North Carolina to Oklahoma. There they farmed a small piece of land. Truth be told, they lived mighty poorly for a good number of years. That all changed when a stranger drove up on their property and took a sample of their water. I'm not sure what he found, but it wasn't too much later that another stranger showed up and offered to buy their farm at an unbelievable price. Before long, a high-producing oil well was located between the house and the barn. Reminiscing, the old farmer said, "To think that we slaved here for all those years and all that time we had a fortune under our doorstep and we didn't know about it." (Source unknown)

Now, I'm not going to suggest we all ought to go out and dig in our backyard for oil. Life doesn't work that way – at least not very often. But I do suggest that the Lord, who gave His Son to save us, may have also given unrecognized fortunes to many of us. Looking for real happiness? Perhaps your unrecognized fortune is a spouse who has given faithfully without getting much in return. When it comes to our spouse and family, most of us have fortunes right outside our back doors or under our roofs. Keeping a domestic perspective has its advantages as well. Keeping our eye on what is truly worthwhile, spouse and family, will help us avoid losing things from under our own noses. Don't make your spouse and family the last stop in your search for happiness. Odds are, they've been in your pocket all along; you just had to look.

We pray. Heavenly Father, life doesn't always work the way we plan – at least not very often. But I am thankful Lord, as You have given us Your Son to save us, may I always remember that You have also given unrecognized fortunes to me. I am always looking for real happiness. Perhaps my unrecognized fortune is the spouse who has given to me faithfully without getting much in return. When it comes to our spouse and family, most of us have fortunes right outside our back doors or under our roofs. Forgive us Lord when we don’t keep a domestic perspective in our lives. Keeping our eye on what is truly worthwhile, spouse and family, will help us avoid losing things from under our own noses. By Your spirit don't let us make our spouses and families the last stop in our search for happiness. Odds are, they've been in our pockets all along; we just had to look. In Jesus name we pray. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


In your pocket?

(07.14.21– Secret To Happy Living! – Ephesians 3:20-21)

What does God look like? Looking for happiness? Perhaps sometimes it's closer than you think. It may be a matter of just opening your eyes upon the things God has placed right on your doorstep?

My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I'm M. Clifford Brunner.

You know what are the hardest things to find? I'm convinced that it’s things right under our noses. Why is that? This really came home to me the other day as I was searching for a wood screw that I had purposely saved so that I could purchase the appropriate drill bit to fit just that screw. It was a hex head screw that required a hex head bit of a certain size. I set one of the screws aside when I broke the one good bit I had, thinking: "I'll just take this screw to the hardware store and match it to a bit." Two days later, when I found the time to go to the store, I began looking everywhere for that screw. It just couldn't be found. It had been the last one in the box, so there were no others to take its place. I looked and looked. Finally I decided to go to the hardware store and take my chances. I found a clerk and started to describe the screw as best I could, all the while him looking at a lump in my shirt pocket. "Like that one?" he stated quietly. I reached in and there it was; the first place I had thought of for safekeeping and the last place I would have looked to find it; right there, under my very nose.

Looking for happiness? Sometimes it's closer than you think. It may be a matter of just opening your eyes.

Here's a story: In the early years of the 1900s, a couple moved from North Carolina to Oklahoma. There they farmed a small piece of land. Truth be told, they lived mighty poorly for a good number of years. That all changed when a stranger drove up on their property and took a sample of their water. I'm not sure what he found, but it wasn't too much later that another stranger showed up and offered to buy their farm at an unbelievable price. Before long, a high-producing oil well was located between the house and the barn. Reminiscing, the old farmer said, "To think that we slaved here for all those years and all that time we had a fortune under our doorstep and we didn't know about it." (Source unknown)

Now, I'm not going to suggest we all ought to go out and dig in our backyard for oil. Life doesn't work that way – at least not very often. But I do suggest that the Lord, who gave His Son to save us, may have also given unrecognized fortunes to many of us. Looking for real happiness? Perhaps your unrecognized fortune is a spouse who has given faithfully without getting much in return. When it comes to our spouse and family, most of us have fortunes right outside our back doors or under our roofs. Keeping a domestic perspective has its advantages as well. Keeping our eye on what is truly worthwhile, spouse and family, will help us avoid losing things from under our own noses. Don't make your spouse and family the last stop in your search for happiness. Odds are, they've been in your pocket all along; you just had to look.

We pray. Heavenly Father, life doesn't always work the way we plan – at least not very often. But I am thankful Lord, as You have given us Your Son to save us, may I always remember that You have also given unrecognized fortunes to me. I am always looking for real happiness. Perhaps my unrecognized fortune is the spouse who has given to me faithfully without getting much in return. When it comes to our spouse and family, most of us have fortunes right outside our back doors or under our roofs. Forgive us Lord when we don’t keep a domestic perspective in our lives. Keeping our eye on what is truly worthwhile, spouse and family, will help us avoid losing things from under our own noses. By Your spirit don't let us make our spouses and families the last stop in our search for happiness. Odds are, they've been in our pockets all along; we just had to look. In Jesus name we pray. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


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