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Hidden treasure?

(10.11.21– Hidden Blessings –Matthew 5:6 )

My friend, may I ask you a question? How often do we consume our energies squabbling over trivialities while the true riches of life go unnoticed by us?

My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I'm M. Clifford Brunner.

The Beechnuts have been falling for weeks here at Beech Springs. The decks around the house are carpeted with them and sweeping has become a twice-daily task for Holly. Last night as the sun was setting I happened to watch two chipmunks stuffing their cheeks with the nuts. One started from one end of the deck and the other from an opposite corner. Each would stop, grab a husked nut, quickly slip it into its mouth; remove the husk and store. That is until they both nearly collided reaching for the same husk. Despite the fact that each was surrounded by hundreds of nuts, a fight ensured over that one nut both had claimed. In the end both retreated and scampered away leaving all the bounty behind.

How often we consume our energies squabbling over trivialities while the true riches of life go unnoticed and escape us.

Here's a story: A century ago, Russell Conwell traveled the United States with a speech he called, "Acres of Diamonds." He told of a young man who studied at Yale to become a mining engineer. Upon graduation, "gold fever" struck him and he set off to California to seek his fortune. Yale had offered him a position as an instructor, which he turned down. He persuaded his mother to sell their Massachusetts farm and accompany him. But the trip was futile as he found no gold and eventually accepted a job in Minnesota working for a mining company - at a lower salary than he would have received at Yale. More interesting is that the man who bought the family farm from the widowed mother was harvesting potatoes one day. As he slid a heavy bushel through an opening in the stonewall, he noticed a shiny stone. He had it assayed and learned it was native silver. The farm was sitting on a fortune in silver! Why had the mining engineer, who had undoubtedly passed by that same rock and others like it hundreds of times, not discovered the ore? Could it be that he never dreamed a treasure could be found so easily? Was it because he believed that one must go elsewhere to fulfill a dream? (Steve Goodier)

What we are seeking may be found right where we are! It usually is a matter of opening our eyes and looking around. There are certainly times to make life changes, but sometimes we must simply change our thinking. Focusing on one nut like those Chipmunks can blind you to the many blessings all around you. What you seek may be at your fingertips, though yet unseen. There may be hidden potential in your present job, your current relationships or the location in which you live. The answers to your dreams may be found at your fingertips if you only believe it is possible. Before making that big life change, look carefully around. You may be sitting on acres of diamonds!

We pray. Heavenly Father, Lord, often what we are seeking in this life may be found right where we are! It usually is a matter of opening our eyes and looking around. Help us to do that Lord. In so doing, lead us to a place where we can change our thinking, focusing on the many blessings all around us You have place there What we seek may be at our fingertips, though not always apparent. There may be hidden potential in our present job, current relationships or even just where we live. The answers to our dreams may be found at our fingertips if we only believe it’s possible. In Jesus name we pray. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


Hidden treasure?

(10.11.21– Hidden Blessings –Matthew 5:6 )

My friend, may I ask you a question? How often do we consume our energies squabbling over trivialities while the true riches of life go unnoticed by us?

My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I'm M. Clifford Brunner.

The Beechnuts have been falling for weeks here at Beech Springs. The decks around the house are carpeted with them and sweeping has become a twice-daily task for Holly. Last night as the sun was setting I happened to watch two chipmunks stuffing their cheeks with the nuts. One started from one end of the deck and the other from an opposite corner. Each would stop, grab a husked nut, quickly slip it into its mouth; remove the husk and store. That is until they both nearly collided reaching for the same husk. Despite the fact that each was surrounded by hundreds of nuts, a fight ensured over that one nut both had claimed. In the end both retreated and scampered away leaving all the bounty behind.

How often we consume our energies squabbling over trivialities while the true riches of life go unnoticed and escape us.

Here's a story: A century ago, Russell Conwell traveled the United States with a speech he called, "Acres of Diamonds." He told of a young man who studied at Yale to become a mining engineer. Upon graduation, "gold fever" struck him and he set off to California to seek his fortune. Yale had offered him a position as an instructor, which he turned down. He persuaded his mother to sell their Massachusetts farm and accompany him. But the trip was futile as he found no gold and eventually accepted a job in Minnesota working for a mining company - at a lower salary than he would have received at Yale. More interesting is that the man who bought the family farm from the widowed mother was harvesting potatoes one day. As he slid a heavy bushel through an opening in the stonewall, he noticed a shiny stone. He had it assayed and learned it was native silver. The farm was sitting on a fortune in silver! Why had the mining engineer, who had undoubtedly passed by that same rock and others like it hundreds of times, not discovered the ore? Could it be that he never dreamed a treasure could be found so easily? Was it because he believed that one must go elsewhere to fulfill a dream? (Steve Goodier)

What we are seeking may be found right where we are! It usually is a matter of opening our eyes and looking around. There are certainly times to make life changes, but sometimes we must simply change our thinking. Focusing on one nut like those Chipmunks can blind you to the many blessings all around you. What you seek may be at your fingertips, though yet unseen. There may be hidden potential in your present job, your current relationships or the location in which you live. The answers to your dreams may be found at your fingertips if you only believe it is possible. Before making that big life change, look carefully around. You may be sitting on acres of diamonds!

We pray. Heavenly Father, Lord, often what we are seeking in this life may be found right where we are! It usually is a matter of opening our eyes and looking around. Help us to do that Lord. In so doing, lead us to a place where we can change our thinking, focusing on the many blessings all around us You have place there What we seek may be at our fingertips, though not always apparent. There may be hidden potential in our present job, current relationships or even just where we live. The answers to our dreams may be found at our fingertips if we only believe it’s possible. In Jesus name we pray. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


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