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Hello God?

(07.21.21– Getting There On My Own! –Matthew 25: 31-41)

My friend, may I ask you a question? A direct line to God! Wouldn’t it be great to be able to just pick up the phone or tap a few keys and we would be linked with the Lord, just like that?

My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I'm M. Clifford Brunner.

Back in the days when the earth's crust was cooling and I was growing up, if you wanted to get a message to someone and you didn’t have the phone number, you had to rely on an operator for assistance. That was a phone number I memorized as a kid: 555-1212. With this handy number, you could at least find a telephone number, and if you were lucky, a street address. Then again, if you couldn’t spell their name and didn’t know the city, you might be stymied after all. Today with the power of the Internet there's a high probability you'll easily find them somehow. With a little digging, you can probably end up with a street, telephone number and e-mail address in one complete set. Staying in touch has never been easier. But, how about staying in touch with God. Can it be that easy?

Here's a story: In 1958 Anita Goulden went on holiday to Peru to visit her brother. Anita was a widowed, single mother. She was about to go home when she saw an unbelievable sight–children with tuberculosis and meningitis lying neglected and abandoned in the street in pools of their own blood. So Anita stayed to help–for the next 44 years she stayed, only returning home one time before her death in 2002, and that trip was to buy medicine. Anita started traveling by donkey to the nearby villages surrounding Piura, Peru to find more unwanted children. 'Anita's unwavering faith in God's capacity to answer her desperate prayers for food, clothing or housing when there was none left for the children, has succeeded in providing permanent care for the most sorely afflicted and has established a good education for 250 of the poorest children from the shanties,' states the Anita Goulden Trust newsletter. Anita's Peruvian assistant said of her, 'She has a direct line to God,' and ‘Thank God for the British.' Anita herself merely said, 'Thank God there is a God.

A direct line to God! Wouldn’t it be great to be able to just pick up the phone or tap a few keys and we would be linked with the Lord, just like that? Life would be so much simpler and so much more rewarding if God had set up the Internet first and then created the universe. That way we would have full access to His love and counsel 24-7. But that's exactly what He has provided to each of us. Every time we take the time to consider the poor, care for the sick, and befriend the lonely, we're connecting directly to God. It's just like having His telephone number and e-mail address in our address book. Your good works are the best way of connecting to God and keeping a clear channel of communication open 24-7. If you seek His face, find someone you can serve. Then, when that service is complete, looking into their eyes, you WILL see your God face to face.

We pray. Heavenly Father, life would indeed be so much simpler and so much more rewarding if You had set up the Internet first and then created the universe. That way we would have full access to Your love and counsel 24-7. But thank goodness that's exactly what You have provided to us. Every time we take the time to consider the poor, care for the sick, and befriend the lonely, we're connecting directly to You. It's just like having Your telephone number and e-mail address in our address book. Our good works are the best way of connecting to You and keeping a clear channel of communication open 24-7. If we seek Your face, we will find someone we can serve. Then, when that service is complete, looking into their eyes, we WILL see You face to face.

In Jesus name we pray. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


Hello God?

(07.21.21– Getting There On My Own! –Matthew 25: 31-41)

My friend, may I ask you a question? A direct line to God! Wouldn’t it be great to be able to just pick up the phone or tap a few keys and we would be linked with the Lord, just like that?

My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I'm M. Clifford Brunner.

Back in the days when the earth's crust was cooling and I was growing up, if you wanted to get a message to someone and you didn’t have the phone number, you had to rely on an operator for assistance. That was a phone number I memorized as a kid: 555-1212. With this handy number, you could at least find a telephone number, and if you were lucky, a street address. Then again, if you couldn’t spell their name and didn’t know the city, you might be stymied after all. Today with the power of the Internet there's a high probability you'll easily find them somehow. With a little digging, you can probably end up with a street, telephone number and e-mail address in one complete set. Staying in touch has never been easier. But, how about staying in touch with God. Can it be that easy?

Here's a story: In 1958 Anita Goulden went on holiday to Peru to visit her brother. Anita was a widowed, single mother. She was about to go home when she saw an unbelievable sight–children with tuberculosis and meningitis lying neglected and abandoned in the street in pools of their own blood. So Anita stayed to help–for the next 44 years she stayed, only returning home one time before her death in 2002, and that trip was to buy medicine. Anita started traveling by donkey to the nearby villages surrounding Piura, Peru to find more unwanted children. 'Anita's unwavering faith in God's capacity to answer her desperate prayers for food, clothing or housing when there was none left for the children, has succeeded in providing permanent care for the most sorely afflicted and has established a good education for 250 of the poorest children from the shanties,' states the Anita Goulden Trust newsletter. Anita's Peruvian assistant said of her, 'She has a direct line to God,' and ‘Thank God for the British.' Anita herself merely said, 'Thank God there is a God.

A direct line to God! Wouldn’t it be great to be able to just pick up the phone or tap a few keys and we would be linked with the Lord, just like that? Life would be so much simpler and so much more rewarding if God had set up the Internet first and then created the universe. That way we would have full access to His love and counsel 24-7. But that's exactly what He has provided to each of us. Every time we take the time to consider the poor, care for the sick, and befriend the lonely, we're connecting directly to God. It's just like having His telephone number and e-mail address in our address book. Your good works are the best way of connecting to God and keeping a clear channel of communication open 24-7. If you seek His face, find someone you can serve. Then, when that service is complete, looking into their eyes, you WILL see your God face to face.

We pray. Heavenly Father, life would indeed be so much simpler and so much more rewarding if You had set up the Internet first and then created the universe. That way we would have full access to Your love and counsel 24-7. But thank goodness that's exactly what You have provided to us. Every time we take the time to consider the poor, care for the sick, and befriend the lonely, we're connecting directly to You. It's just like having Your telephone number and e-mail address in our address book. Our good works are the best way of connecting to You and keeping a clear channel of communication open 24-7. If we seek Your face, we will find someone we can serve. Then, when that service is complete, looking into their eyes, we WILL see You face to face.

In Jesus name we pray. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


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