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God is?

Sensing God? (11.15.21– Get Real! –Hebrews 11: 1)

My friend, may I ask you a question? You can't sense the wind except for how it affects the things it touches. We do feel it; so we know it's there. But, how about God?

My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I'm M. Clifford Brunner.

In the last several years quite a few wind generators have been built within a few miles of Beech Springs. As you drive up Highway 41 you can see literally dozens and dozens of these four-armed giants spread throughout what used to be open farmland. I've always been fascinated by these hard-working mills ever since I was a little boy and grew up around farms, most of which had one of those old wood-paddled, water-pumping mills. What's so fascinating is how the slightest breeze can start their giant arms turning. You can't see the breeze; but the fact that those blades start slowly revolving is a dead give-away that it's there. In some ways it's like, we're surrounded by this massive, invisible, muscular arm of God, his finger tips gently touching each blade and setting them spinning.

You can't sense the wind except for how it affects the things it touches. We do feel it; so we know it's there. But, how about God? How do we know that He is that unseen force driving those wind generators and guiding our lives?

Here's a story: A man once went to his doctor, an unbelieving man who scoffed at faith, for a checkup. While sitting on the examination table the unbelieving doctor began a conversation in an attempt to prove to his patient that "faith" did not, in reality, exist. He claimed that the only reality was what the senses discerned. "Did you every see faith?" he asked the man. "No." was the response. "Did you ever hear faith?" the doctor smiled. "No, I can't say that I have." the patient frowned. "Did you ever smell it?" "No again." "How about taste it?" "You can't taste faith Doc; I'll grant you that." "Ok," the doctor triumphed, have you felt it?" "Yes, faith can be felt," the man admitted. "Now, then," said the doctor, "I've proved, beyond a doubt, by four respectable witnesses, that faith is not seen, heard, smelled or tasted. The weight of evi- dence is overpowering, sir, and you must give up!" The patient scratched his chin but soon a broad smile creased his lips. "Doc, have you ever seen, heard, smelled or tasted pain?" The patient squinted in the doctor's direction. "Well, no," the doctor mumbled. "But I have felt it." "By your measure, doctor, pain does not exist and you have no purpose then, do you?" I guess in that case one out of five isn't bad?

God is real; though we can not sense Him except for knowing that we feel His presence in our lives empowering us just like the slightest breeze pushes those wind generators. The Bible tells us that we know Him by faith, a spiritual tool that discerns God for us even though our sense tell us He can't be there. So, does feeling God as a presence in your life prove He is there? As His patient in need of His love and forgiveness we can only say: "One out of five isn't bad.”

We pray. Heavenly Father, just as we can't sense the wind except for how it affects the things it touches, we know about You oh God. We know that You are that unseen force driving the events in our lives and guiding our lives to where You wish them to go? You are real; though we can not sense You except for knowing that we feel Your presence in our lives empowering us just like the slightest breeze pushes those wind generators. The Bible tells us that we know You by faith, a spiritual tool that discerns You for us even though our senses tell us You can't be there. In Jesus name we pray. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


God is?

Sensing God? (11.15.21– Get Real! –Hebrews 11: 1)

My friend, may I ask you a question? You can't sense the wind except for how it affects the things it touches. We do feel it; so we know it's there. But, how about God?

My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I'm M. Clifford Brunner.

In the last several years quite a few wind generators have been built within a few miles of Beech Springs. As you drive up Highway 41 you can see literally dozens and dozens of these four-armed giants spread throughout what used to be open farmland. I've always been fascinated by these hard-working mills ever since I was a little boy and grew up around farms, most of which had one of those old wood-paddled, water-pumping mills. What's so fascinating is how the slightest breeze can start their giant arms turning. You can't see the breeze; but the fact that those blades start slowly revolving is a dead give-away that it's there. In some ways it's like, we're surrounded by this massive, invisible, muscular arm of God, his finger tips gently touching each blade and setting them spinning.

You can't sense the wind except for how it affects the things it touches. We do feel it; so we know it's there. But, how about God? How do we know that He is that unseen force driving those wind generators and guiding our lives?

Here's a story: A man once went to his doctor, an unbelieving man who scoffed at faith, for a checkup. While sitting on the examination table the unbelieving doctor began a conversation in an attempt to prove to his patient that "faith" did not, in reality, exist. He claimed that the only reality was what the senses discerned. "Did you every see faith?" he asked the man. "No." was the response. "Did you ever hear faith?" the doctor smiled. "No, I can't say that I have." the patient frowned. "Did you ever smell it?" "No again." "How about taste it?" "You can't taste faith Doc; I'll grant you that." "Ok," the doctor triumphed, have you felt it?" "Yes, faith can be felt," the man admitted. "Now, then," said the doctor, "I've proved, beyond a doubt, by four respectable witnesses, that faith is not seen, heard, smelled or tasted. The weight of evi- dence is overpowering, sir, and you must give up!" The patient scratched his chin but soon a broad smile creased his lips. "Doc, have you ever seen, heard, smelled or tasted pain?" The patient squinted in the doctor's direction. "Well, no," the doctor mumbled. "But I have felt it." "By your measure, doctor, pain does not exist and you have no purpose then, do you?" I guess in that case one out of five isn't bad?

God is real; though we can not sense Him except for knowing that we feel His presence in our lives empowering us just like the slightest breeze pushes those wind generators. The Bible tells us that we know Him by faith, a spiritual tool that discerns God for us even though our sense tell us He can't be there. So, does feeling God as a presence in your life prove He is there? As His patient in need of His love and forgiveness we can only say: "One out of five isn't bad.”

We pray. Heavenly Father, just as we can't sense the wind except for how it affects the things it touches, we know about You oh God. We know that You are that unseen force driving the events in our lives and guiding our lives to where You wish them to go? You are real; though we can not sense You except for knowing that we feel Your presence in our lives empowering us just like the slightest breeze pushes those wind generators. The Bible tells us that we know You by faith, a spiritual tool that discerns You for us even though our senses tell us You can't be there. In Jesus name we pray. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


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