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Evergreen? Has the blossom of youth faded from your life? Perhaps the aches and pains of growing older have taken over. As your life and mine moves on beyond the flower of youth, does that mean no beauty remains?

Think about it. When the blossoms of life, the carefree time of our youth, fade into the beauty of life’s end times, we need to look forward to the eternal Spring that awaits us.

God’s Word tells us: “Night pierces my bones my gnawing pains never rest” (Job 30:17).

Pain is neither good nor permanent. One day all of our pain will pass and we will stand in the beauty of the Lord, a beauty that will remain forever. Are you suffering in pain? Draw near to the Lord and draw comfort from Him. The flower of youth and the vigor of days gone by will never return. But the long-suffering we practice as age and infirmity overtake us is like the color in the ground cover around Beech Springs. It has a beauty of its own and it is evergreen, no matter the season of life.

“I pray today in Jesus name that when the pains of aging and just plain living overwhelm us, we should look to God and be reminded that He has prepared us for a time of eternal youth and ageless grace. Amen!”

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew 6:34)



Evergreen? Has the blossom of youth faded from your life? Perhaps the aches and pains of growing older have taken over. As your life and mine moves on beyond the flower of youth, does that mean no beauty remains?

Think about it. When the blossoms of life, the carefree time of our youth, fade into the beauty of life’s end times, we need to look forward to the eternal Spring that awaits us.

God’s Word tells us: “Night pierces my bones my gnawing pains never rest” (Job 30:17).

Pain is neither good nor permanent. One day all of our pain will pass and we will stand in the beauty of the Lord, a beauty that will remain forever. Are you suffering in pain? Draw near to the Lord and draw comfort from Him. The flower of youth and the vigor of days gone by will never return. But the long-suffering we practice as age and infirmity overtake us is like the color in the ground cover around Beech Springs. It has a beauty of its own and it is evergreen, no matter the season of life.

“I pray today in Jesus name that when the pains of aging and just plain living overwhelm us, we should look to God and be reminded that He has prepared us for a time of eternal youth and ageless grace. Amen!”

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew 6:34)


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