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Either way?

(05.21.21 – Value -Genesis 13:1-2)

My friend, may I ask you a question? Looking at things this way keeps your perspective positive. In the same way is it also a good idea to put our material lives into that same "either-way" perspective?

My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I'm M. Clifford Brunner.

Life is full of "either ways." You go on a vacation and pray that it doesn't rain. It does! Either way you're blessed because although your camping equipment is damp and muddy, your grass back at home is green and growing. I suppose it's just my way of dealing with things that don't always go the way I plan them. But then, perhaps, it's more than that. Especially when you think of God's injunction that "all things work together for good!"

Here's a story: Several years ago I was involved in a serious auto accident. It happened on the freeway and there were three cars involved, including mine. Getting out of the car I surveyed the damage. The left, rear fender of my Corvair was dented and the light fixture broken and the rear bumper bent pretty badly. Since I was in the middle of the crash the front end of the Corvair was damaged as well with the left front fender crumpled pretty badly. Within seconds I began to worry about what might turn out to be a big repair bill. "Now what?" I thought to myself. "How did I get myself into this?" As it happens, the situation turned out to be an "either way" after all. Why? As it turned out, because I received insurance coverage to repair the dents, I was also able to do some touch-up painting that was badly needed any way. After the accident my car ended up looking better than it did before the crash.

Looking at things this way keeps your perspective positive. In the same way it's also a good idea to put our material lives into that same "either-way" perspective. Take the patriarch Abraham, for example. He was a very rich man. Because of his possessions he probably traveled with a large party, perhaps hundreds, of servants and family. Did you ever wonder why God picked such a wealthy man to do His humble bidding? Here's where the "either-way" concept comes in. God could have accomplished His plan through just about anyone. Nonetheless, He chose Abraham. God used him to do His will both despite and because of his wealth. His wealth gave him the ability to travel and establish himself in various places throughout Canaan. God also used him because he was a man who didn't serve his wealth. Rather, he used it generously and graciously.

It's no virtue to be wealthy or to be poor. "Either-way" we can and should be blessed. If God has given you wealth, use it wisely and be careful not to serve it; and He will also bless your poverty with an opportunity to do His will despite your lack of materials things. In the end we achieve nothing through a status of wealth or poverty. Instead we achieve all great things through our service to the Lord by or despite our material blessings. It's an "either-way" proposition!

We pray. Heavenly Father, we know that it's no virtue to be wealthy or to be poor. "Either-way" we can and should be blessed by You. If You have given us wealth, send Your Spirit to help us use it wisely and be careful not to serve it; and You will also bless our poverty with an opportunity to do Your will despite our lack of materials things. In the end we achieve nothing through a status of wealth or poverty. Instead we achieve all great things through our service to You by or despite our material blessings. It's an "either-way" proposition! Help us always to remember that. In Jesus name we pray. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


Either way?

(05.21.21 – Value -Genesis 13:1-2)

My friend, may I ask you a question? Looking at things this way keeps your perspective positive. In the same way is it also a good idea to put our material lives into that same "either-way" perspective?

My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I'm M. Clifford Brunner.

Life is full of "either ways." You go on a vacation and pray that it doesn't rain. It does! Either way you're blessed because although your camping equipment is damp and muddy, your grass back at home is green and growing. I suppose it's just my way of dealing with things that don't always go the way I plan them. But then, perhaps, it's more than that. Especially when you think of God's injunction that "all things work together for good!"

Here's a story: Several years ago I was involved in a serious auto accident. It happened on the freeway and there were three cars involved, including mine. Getting out of the car I surveyed the damage. The left, rear fender of my Corvair was dented and the light fixture broken and the rear bumper bent pretty badly. Since I was in the middle of the crash the front end of the Corvair was damaged as well with the left front fender crumpled pretty badly. Within seconds I began to worry about what might turn out to be a big repair bill. "Now what?" I thought to myself. "How did I get myself into this?" As it happens, the situation turned out to be an "either way" after all. Why? As it turned out, because I received insurance coverage to repair the dents, I was also able to do some touch-up painting that was badly needed any way. After the accident my car ended up looking better than it did before the crash.

Looking at things this way keeps your perspective positive. In the same way it's also a good idea to put our material lives into that same "either-way" perspective. Take the patriarch Abraham, for example. He was a very rich man. Because of his possessions he probably traveled with a large party, perhaps hundreds, of servants and family. Did you ever wonder why God picked such a wealthy man to do His humble bidding? Here's where the "either-way" concept comes in. God could have accomplished His plan through just about anyone. Nonetheless, He chose Abraham. God used him to do His will both despite and because of his wealth. His wealth gave him the ability to travel and establish himself in various places throughout Canaan. God also used him because he was a man who didn't serve his wealth. Rather, he used it generously and graciously.

It's no virtue to be wealthy or to be poor. "Either-way" we can and should be blessed. If God has given you wealth, use it wisely and be careful not to serve it; and He will also bless your poverty with an opportunity to do His will despite your lack of materials things. In the end we achieve nothing through a status of wealth or poverty. Instead we achieve all great things through our service to the Lord by or despite our material blessings. It's an "either-way" proposition!

We pray. Heavenly Father, we know that it's no virtue to be wealthy or to be poor. "Either-way" we can and should be blessed by You. If You have given us wealth, send Your Spirit to help us use it wisely and be careful not to serve it; and You will also bless our poverty with an opportunity to do Your will despite our lack of materials things. In the end we achieve nothing through a status of wealth or poverty. Instead we achieve all great things through our service to You by or despite our material blessings. It's an "either-way" proposition! Help us always to remember that. In Jesus name we pray. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


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