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Cold feet?

Cold feet? (03.02.11--Valor!--Psalm 91:15)

May I ask you a question? While it’s natural to get cold feet from time to time, as a Christian is it natural to let that deter us from action?

My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I'm M. Clifford Brunner.

Cold feet! We’ve all been warned about getting cold feet from time to time. The image of the young groom standing at the altar with a line of groomsmen standing behind him, sweating, uneasy and, as many might be thinking at that moment, getting a bad case of last minute cold feet. I can personally attest to the feeling myself. Although it didn’t affect me at the altar, I can remember getting cold feet more than once waiting for a job interview. It seems to start when we begin to fumble with the odds in our minds. What are the odds of succeeding? What is the likelihood of saying some- thing wrong? Maybe I wore the wrong tie? But this old adage has always helped me make it through those sweaty moments, “If you want to cure cold feet, the best doctor is you.” It gets me through every time.

While it’s natural to get cold feet from time to time, as a Christian it’s not natural to let that deter us from action.

Here's a story from Lynne Atlin: “I was drifting off to sleep when I heard chattering. I followed the noise to the bath- room. There, sitting smugly, were my cats: Henry and BJ. About a foot in front of them stood a tiny little mouse with his front arms and paws out toward them in a fighting stance, much like a boxer might face his opponent. His long tail stood straight out behind him as his loud and challenging chatter continued. His lips were rolled back exposing his sharp minute fangs. This little guy had courage with a capital C! If he was being taken out, he wasn't going without a fight. Suddenly the cats spied me in the doorway. BJ took flight past my leg while Henry made a move for the mouse, who in turn grabbed him by the mouth and bit him. As Henry leapt back I threw a towel over the mouse and gently picked him up. Carrying him downstairs and outside I released him to live and enjoy, another day.” (Lynne Phipps Atlin)

While it’s natural to get cold feet, we can’t let that stop us from standing firm amidst overwhelming, even seemingly impossible odds. The reason is that God has promised us that He would never abandon us; that He would always support us no matter what. The Bible makes it clear that God is always attentive to the calls of those who love and trust him. And he promises to answer us; to be with us in times of trouble, to deliver us and honor us. So, the next time the odds seem to be against you remember the story of this courageous little mouse and challenge your opponent whoever or whatever it may be by calling out in faith to God. Cold feet and the inability to be comfortable with life’s threats, is natural. The next time you hesitate and life knocks you down write yourself a prescription for overcoming. Before you know it you’ll be back on your feet, cold or not.

We pray. Heavenly Father, Your Word makes it clear that You are always attentive to the calls of those who love and trust You. And You promise to answer us; to be with us in times of trouble, to deliver us and honor us. So, the next time the odds seem to be against us, we need to remember You want us to challenge what opposes us whoever or whatever it may be by calling out in faith to You. Cold feet and the inability to be comfortable with life’s threats, is natural. The next time we hesitate and life knocks us down, help us to write a prescription for overcoming. Before we know it You’ll have our back and we will be back on our feet, cold or not. In Jesus name we pray. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.

Silly Putty addresses questions Christians have about the silly things unbelievers believe. Go to: and get your copy today. Click on image below.


Cold feet?

Cold feet? (03.02.11--Valor!--Psalm 91:15)

May I ask you a question? While it’s natural to get cold feet from time to time, as a Christian is it natural to let that deter us from action?

My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I'm M. Clifford Brunner.

Cold feet! We’ve all been warned about getting cold feet from time to time. The image of the young groom standing at the altar with a line of groomsmen standing behind him, sweating, uneasy and, as many might be thinking at that moment, getting a bad case of last minute cold feet. I can personally attest to the feeling myself. Although it didn’t affect me at the altar, I can remember getting cold feet more than once waiting for a job interview. It seems to start when we begin to fumble with the odds in our minds. What are the odds of succeeding? What is the likelihood of saying some- thing wrong? Maybe I wore the wrong tie? But this old adage has always helped me make it through those sweaty moments, “If you want to cure cold feet, the best doctor is you.” It gets me through every time.

While it’s natural to get cold feet from time to time, as a Christian it’s not natural to let that deter us from action.

Here's a story from Lynne Atlin: “I was drifting off to sleep when I heard chattering. I followed the noise to the bath- room. There, sitting smugly, were my cats: Henry and BJ. About a foot in front of them stood a tiny little mouse with his front arms and paws out toward them in a fighting stance, much like a boxer might face his opponent. His long tail stood straight out behind him as his loud and challenging chatter continued. His lips were rolled back exposing his sharp minute fangs. This little guy had courage with a capital C! If he was being taken out, he wasn't going without a fight. Suddenly the cats spied me in the doorway. BJ took flight past my leg while Henry made a move for the mouse, who in turn grabbed him by the mouth and bit him. As Henry leapt back I threw a towel over the mouse and gently picked him up. Carrying him downstairs and outside I released him to live and enjoy, another day.” (Lynne Phipps Atlin)

While it’s natural to get cold feet, we can’t let that stop us from standing firm amidst overwhelming, even seemingly impossible odds. The reason is that God has promised us that He would never abandon us; that He would always support us no matter what. The Bible makes it clear that God is always attentive to the calls of those who love and trust him. And he promises to answer us; to be with us in times of trouble, to deliver us and honor us. So, the next time the odds seem to be against you remember the story of this courageous little mouse and challenge your opponent whoever or whatever it may be by calling out in faith to God. Cold feet and the inability to be comfortable with life’s threats, is natural. The next time you hesitate and life knocks you down write yourself a prescription for overcoming. Before you know it you’ll be back on your feet, cold or not.

We pray. Heavenly Father, Your Word makes it clear that You are always attentive to the calls of those who love and trust You. And You promise to answer us; to be with us in times of trouble, to deliver us and honor us. So, the next time the odds seem to be against us, we need to remember You want us to challenge what opposes us whoever or whatever it may be by calling out in faith to You. Cold feet and the inability to be comfortable with life’s threats, is natural. The next time we hesitate and life knocks us down, help us to write a prescription for overcoming. Before we know it You’ll have our back and we will be back on our feet, cold or not. In Jesus name we pray. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.

Silly Putty addresses questions Christians have about the silly things unbelievers believe. Go to: and get your copy today. Click on image below.


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