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Christmas hype?

Christmas hype? What a wonderful Christmas holiday it would be if all the liquor ads on roadside billboards were replaced for the month of December with colorful displays of angels, shepherds and Christmas stars. Perhaps then, when the true message of Christmas couldn’t be missed by anyone, we’d finally get it right. Right?

Think about it. God doesn’t work through Madison Avenue and He couldn’t care less about our billboards and magazine ads. God’s billboards aren’t found on the highway; His live in the hearts of those who love Him and believe in His Son, Jesus Christ.

God’s Word tells us: “… the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger… (Luke 2: 1-7).

We see Christ in Christmas not because a star has guided us there, but because God has silently taken us by the hand and led us there. He uses His ways, not ours. We are led to a lowly manger not because of what a Christmas decoration or a movie have revealed to us. When we look within our hearts, we will find Him. Merry Christmas!

. “I pray today in Jesus name that as the day approaches and the advertising builds, we look into our hearts and discover the eternal hype that is too great to put on a billboard. Christ. Amen!”

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew 6:34)


Christmas hype?

Christmas hype? What a wonderful Christmas holiday it would be if all the liquor ads on roadside billboards were replaced for the month of December with colorful displays of angels, shepherds and Christmas stars. Perhaps then, when the true message of Christmas couldn’t be missed by anyone, we’d finally get it right. Right?

Think about it. God doesn’t work through Madison Avenue and He couldn’t care less about our billboards and magazine ads. God’s billboards aren’t found on the highway; His live in the hearts of those who love Him and believe in His Son, Jesus Christ.

God’s Word tells us: “… the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger… (Luke 2: 1-7).

We see Christ in Christmas not because a star has guided us there, but because God has silently taken us by the hand and led us there. He uses His ways, not ours. We are led to a lowly manger not because of what a Christmas decoration or a movie have revealed to us. When we look within our hearts, we will find Him. Merry Christmas!

. “I pray today in Jesus name that as the day approaches and the advertising builds, we look into our hearts and discover the eternal hype that is too great to put on a billboard. Christ. Amen!”

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew 6:34)


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