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Christ inside?

03.18.21– Philippians 1:29

My friend, may I ask you a question? It’s hard to deflect these because they seem so insurmountable, so unjust. What is God’s will for us in times of these major afflictions?

My friend, life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I’m M. Clifford Brunner

Most of the time the things that afflict us in this life are pretty static. There’s that aching pain in our knee or the boss who bugs us and we just can’t seem to overcome the resentment. But then there’s the larger afflictions, the ones that are really unjust. They grow with time and become great burdens. It’s hard to deflect these because they seem so insurmountable, so unjust. What is God’s will for us in times of these major afflictions?

The little things can be endured. But, the big things, those major surgeries or the loss of a loved one, really push the lim- its of our ability to endure. How does God want us to react to the really big, unfair things in life?

In 1924, two climbers were part of an expedition that set out to conquer Mount Everest. As far as is known, they never reached the summit; and they never returned. Somewhere on that gigantic mountain they were overpowered by the elements and died. After the failure of the expedition, the rest of the party returned home. Addressing a meeting in London, one of those who returned described the ill-fated adventure. He then turned to a huge photograph of Mount Everest, mounted on the wall behind him. “Everest,” he cried, “we tried to conquer you once, but you overpowered us. We tried to conquer you a second time, but again you were too much for us. But, Everest, I want you to know that we are going to conquer you, for you can’t grow any bigger, and we can!” (Gene Getz, Doing Your Part, Regal, 1984, pp. 152-3.)

When you think about it, the big afflictions, those that catch us unaware and seem so unjust because we really don’t feel we earned the pain and the suffering, don’t get any bigger over time. Even the loss of life can’t grow bigger than the limits God has set upon it. Every problem in life, even the ones as big as Mount Everest, has its limits. They have been so set by a just and merciful God. When we determine that it is not our burden to suffer but rather our privilege to do so for the sake of Jesus Christ, there is no affliction that can match our ability to grow in grace and obedience beyond it. In affliction a Christian overshadows the pain and the suffering because Christ is in us and He is bigger than life.

We pray. Heavenly Father. The big afflictions that catch us unaware seem so unjust sometimes because we really don’t feel we earned the pain and the suffering. Yet Lord, they don’t get any bigger over time. Even losing our life can’t grow bigger than the limits You have set upon it. Lord, every problem in life, even the ones as big as Mount Everest, has its limits. Forgive us when we don’t see that, because the limits have been so set by You, a just and merciful God. What a blessing. Lord, help us daily to determine that it is not our burden to suffer but rather our privilege to do so for the sake of Jesus Christ. With that, there is no affliction that can match our ability to grow in grace and obedience beyond it. Remind us daily that in affliction a Christian overshadows the pain and the suffering because Christ is in us and He is bigger than life itself. We pray this in Jesus name. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to "This Passing Day!"

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


Christ inside?

03.18.21– Philippians 1:29

My friend, may I ask you a question? It’s hard to deflect these because they seem so insurmountable, so unjust. What is God’s will for us in times of these major afflictions?

My friend, life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I’m M. Clifford Brunner

Most of the time the things that afflict us in this life are pretty static. There’s that aching pain in our knee or the boss who bugs us and we just can’t seem to overcome the resentment. But then there’s the larger afflictions, the ones that are really unjust. They grow with time and become great burdens. It’s hard to deflect these because they seem so insurmountable, so unjust. What is God’s will for us in times of these major afflictions?

The little things can be endured. But, the big things, those major surgeries or the loss of a loved one, really push the lim- its of our ability to endure. How does God want us to react to the really big, unfair things in life?

In 1924, two climbers were part of an expedition that set out to conquer Mount Everest. As far as is known, they never reached the summit; and they never returned. Somewhere on that gigantic mountain they were overpowered by the elements and died. After the failure of the expedition, the rest of the party returned home. Addressing a meeting in London, one of those who returned described the ill-fated adventure. He then turned to a huge photograph of Mount Everest, mounted on the wall behind him. “Everest,” he cried, “we tried to conquer you once, but you overpowered us. We tried to conquer you a second time, but again you were too much for us. But, Everest, I want you to know that we are going to conquer you, for you can’t grow any bigger, and we can!” (Gene Getz, Doing Your Part, Regal, 1984, pp. 152-3.)

When you think about it, the big afflictions, those that catch us unaware and seem so unjust because we really don’t feel we earned the pain and the suffering, don’t get any bigger over time. Even the loss of life can’t grow bigger than the limits God has set upon it. Every problem in life, even the ones as big as Mount Everest, has its limits. They have been so set by a just and merciful God. When we determine that it is not our burden to suffer but rather our privilege to do so for the sake of Jesus Christ, there is no affliction that can match our ability to grow in grace and obedience beyond it. In affliction a Christian overshadows the pain and the suffering because Christ is in us and He is bigger than life.

We pray. Heavenly Father. The big afflictions that catch us unaware seem so unjust sometimes because we really don’t feel we earned the pain and the suffering. Yet Lord, they don’t get any bigger over time. Even losing our life can’t grow bigger than the limits You have set upon it. Lord, every problem in life, even the ones as big as Mount Everest, has its limits. Forgive us when we don’t see that, because the limits have been so set by You, a just and merciful God. What a blessing. Lord, help us daily to determine that it is not our burden to suffer but rather our privilege to do so for the sake of Jesus Christ. With that, there is no affliction that can match our ability to grow in grace and obedience beyond it. Remind us daily that in affliction a Christian overshadows the pain and the suffering because Christ is in us and He is bigger than life itself. We pray this in Jesus name. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to "This Passing Day!"

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


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