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Cheating God?

(06.01.21 – Pressing On -Hebrews 10:36)

My friend, may I ask you a question? We get things where they needed to go despite our lack of effort or initiative. Is this the way that God wants us to pursue our dreams; haphazardly and by chance?

My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I'm M. Clifford Brunner.

I guess it's human nature but for most of us all it takes is a negative comment from someone about an idea or opinion that we have and we're ready to retreat. Even though we might have been very confident that what we were proposing or espousing was the right thing, all of our positive feelings, no matter how dominant they might be, can be easily toppled by just one, small negative opinion. Take the This Passing Day radio broadcast for example. When I proposed doing this a number of years ago, a good friend told me that he thought it would never get airtime. Even though I was convinced that it would, his 10-second comment hit home and I just couldn't shake it. I began to doubt and, finally, I decided not to pursue the idea at all. A year later This Passing Day was on the air. It really wasn't because I had pursued it; it had everything to do with the radio station that approached me. It got where it needed to go despite my lack of effort or initiative.

Is this the way that God wants us to pursue our dreams; haphazardly and by chance?

Here's a story: Bette Nesmith had a good secretarial job in a Dallas bank when she ran across a problem that interested her. Wasn't there a better way to correct the errors she made on her electric typewriter? Bette had some art experience and she knew that artists who worked in oils just painted over their errors. Maybe that would work for her too. So she concocted a fluid to paint over her typing errors. Before long, all the secretaries in her building were using what she then called "Mistake-Out." She attempted to sell the product idea to marketing agencies and various companies, but they turned her down. However, secretaries continued to like her product, so Bette's kitchen became her first manufacturing facility and she started selling it on her own. When she sold the enterprise, the tiny white bottles were earning $3.5 mil- lion annually on sales of $38 million. The buyer was Gillette Company and the sale price was $47.5 million. (Crossroads.)

Bette left nothing to chance as she kept pursuing her dream even when others did their best to discourage her. God doesn't give us dreams just for kicks. He gives us dreams in order to give us the opportunity to fulfill those dreams through prayer, careful thought and the willingness to employ hope and trust in efforts to make our dreams come true. The Bible tells us that when we persevere we do God's will and He, in turn, blesses us. Don't give up even when others encourage you to quit. Your dreams are special; they belong to you and not to your detractors. God expects more from you and I than just what we know we can do; He also wants our dreams, the things we long to do. He has an investment in our dreams and He's expecting a return on that investment. Far be it from you or I to cheat the Almighty out of His due.

We pray. Heavenly Father, You don’t give us dreams without purpose. you give us dreams in order to give us the opportunity to fulfill those dreams through prayer, careful thought and the willingness to employ hope and trust in efforts to make our dreams come true. Forgive us Father when we miss opportunities because we don’t believe in the dreams You give user we give up when others encourage us to quit. Our dreams are special; they belong to us and not to our detractors. By Your Spirit Lord show us what we know we can do; perhaps through the things we long to do. You have an investment in our dreams and are expecting a return on that investment. May we never cheat You out of Your due. In Jesus name we pray. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


Cheating God?

(06.01.21 – Pressing On -Hebrews 10:36)

My friend, may I ask you a question? We get things where they needed to go despite our lack of effort or initiative. Is this the way that God wants us to pursue our dreams; haphazardly and by chance?

My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I'm M. Clifford Brunner.

I guess it's human nature but for most of us all it takes is a negative comment from someone about an idea or opinion that we have and we're ready to retreat. Even though we might have been very confident that what we were proposing or espousing was the right thing, all of our positive feelings, no matter how dominant they might be, can be easily toppled by just one, small negative opinion. Take the This Passing Day radio broadcast for example. When I proposed doing this a number of years ago, a good friend told me that he thought it would never get airtime. Even though I was convinced that it would, his 10-second comment hit home and I just couldn't shake it. I began to doubt and, finally, I decided not to pursue the idea at all. A year later This Passing Day was on the air. It really wasn't because I had pursued it; it had everything to do with the radio station that approached me. It got where it needed to go despite my lack of effort or initiative.

Is this the way that God wants us to pursue our dreams; haphazardly and by chance?

Here's a story: Bette Nesmith had a good secretarial job in a Dallas bank when she ran across a problem that interested her. Wasn't there a better way to correct the errors she made on her electric typewriter? Bette had some art experience and she knew that artists who worked in oils just painted over their errors. Maybe that would work for her too. So she concocted a fluid to paint over her typing errors. Before long, all the secretaries in her building were using what she then called "Mistake-Out." She attempted to sell the product idea to marketing agencies and various companies, but they turned her down. However, secretaries continued to like her product, so Bette's kitchen became her first manufacturing facility and she started selling it on her own. When she sold the enterprise, the tiny white bottles were earning $3.5 mil- lion annually on sales of $38 million. The buyer was Gillette Company and the sale price was $47.5 million. (Crossroads.)

Bette left nothing to chance as she kept pursuing her dream even when others did their best to discourage her. God doesn't give us dreams just for kicks. He gives us dreams in order to give us the opportunity to fulfill those dreams through prayer, careful thought and the willingness to employ hope and trust in efforts to make our dreams come true. The Bible tells us that when we persevere we do God's will and He, in turn, blesses us. Don't give up even when others encourage you to quit. Your dreams are special; they belong to you and not to your detractors. God expects more from you and I than just what we know we can do; He also wants our dreams, the things we long to do. He has an investment in our dreams and He's expecting a return on that investment. Far be it from you or I to cheat the Almighty out of His due.

We pray. Heavenly Father, You don’t give us dreams without purpose. you give us dreams in order to give us the opportunity to fulfill those dreams through prayer, careful thought and the willingness to employ hope and trust in efforts to make our dreams come true. Forgive us Father when we miss opportunities because we don’t believe in the dreams You give user we give up when others encourage us to quit. Our dreams are special; they belong to us and not to our detractors. By Your Spirit Lord show us what we know we can do; perhaps through the things we long to do. You have an investment in our dreams and are expecting a return on that investment. May we never cheat You out of Your due. In Jesus name we pray. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


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