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Born again?

(09.15.21– Rebirth –John 3: 31-36)

My friend, may I ask you a question? When we're born again, the gift of salvation is instantaneous. Is there's no anticipation because God didn't promise to give it to us eventually?

My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I'm M. Clifford Brunner.

Over the course of my lifetime I've received a lot of gifts. But, the ones that really stick in memory are those that were unexpected, unanticipated. As a twelve-year-old, I received my first BB gun. It was a Winchester model, side-loader with a real wood stock. No one else on my block owned a gun like that. It was special; not only because it stood out from the others; but because I had no idea I was going to get it in the first place. When I opened that Winchester box the rush of excitement was unparalleled. The satisfaction was complete, as the gift had won the moment completely and totally. Nevertheless, after the excitement had worn down a bit, though I held the gun in my hands and the tag said it was mine, the first words from my mouth were: "Is it mine?" It was just that unbelievable to me.

Here's a story: A preacher stood in the pulpit one morning holding up a poinsettia plant and said: "Whoever wants this beautiful Christmas poinsettia may have it. All you have to do is take it." Everyone just stared. Finally a mother timidly raised her hand and said, "I'll take it." "Great!" said the preacher, "It's yours." But to his astonishment, she nudged her son–"Go get it for me." "No," said the preacher. "If you want this gift you must get it yourself." She shook her head, not willing to risk embarrassment. He waited again. No one moved. Suddenly a woman stood up and quickly strode to the altar and picked up the plant. "I'll take it," she said. As she returned to her seat, the preacher launched into his text: "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." "The gift of God is eternal life! It's free." When the service was over, the woman who claimed the poinsettia came to the platform and held out her hand in which was a crumpled $10 Bill. ‘Here!’ she held out her hand. ‘This flower is too pretty to just take home for free. I couldn’t do that with a clear conscience." "So much for sermon illustrations," he sighed. (Jeff Strite,

When we're born again, the gift of salvation is instantaneous. There's no anticipation because God didn't promise to give it to us eventually. One moment we were in the dark, lost and condemned; the next we were walking in the light, forever free with the blessing of eternal life. That’s what it means to be born again. Its instantaneous transformation–the kind of gift that has the greatest satisfaction. It's free. It happens without waiting. Even though, like my BB Gun or that poinsettia, it's certainly a shocker and we might be tempted to say, "Can this really be," we need never question God's sincerity in the giving. When faced with opening a gift like that, we need not waste time looking for the right words or, worse yet, wondering if it's really ours. There is only one required response: "Thank you Lord!"

We pray. Heavenly Father, Help us, O Lord, to let our old self die, to let me die to the thousand big and small ways in which I am still building up my false self and trying to cling to my false desires. Let me be reborn in you and see through you the world in the right way, so that all my actions, words, and thoughts can become a hymn of praise to you. I need your loving grace to travel on this hard road that leads to the death of my old self to a new life in and for you. I know and trust that this is the road to freedom. In Jesus name we pray. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


Born again?

(09.15.21– Rebirth –John 3: 31-36)

My friend, may I ask you a question? When we're born again, the gift of salvation is instantaneous. Is there's no anticipation because God didn't promise to give it to us eventually?

My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I'm M. Clifford Brunner.

Over the course of my lifetime I've received a lot of gifts. But, the ones that really stick in memory are those that were unexpected, unanticipated. As a twelve-year-old, I received my first BB gun. It was a Winchester model, side-loader with a real wood stock. No one else on my block owned a gun like that. It was special; not only because it stood out from the others; but because I had no idea I was going to get it in the first place. When I opened that Winchester box the rush of excitement was unparalleled. The satisfaction was complete, as the gift had won the moment completely and totally. Nevertheless, after the excitement had worn down a bit, though I held the gun in my hands and the tag said it was mine, the first words from my mouth were: "Is it mine?" It was just that unbelievable to me.

Here's a story: A preacher stood in the pulpit one morning holding up a poinsettia plant and said: "Whoever wants this beautiful Christmas poinsettia may have it. All you have to do is take it." Everyone just stared. Finally a mother timidly raised her hand and said, "I'll take it." "Great!" said the preacher, "It's yours." But to his astonishment, she nudged her son–"Go get it for me." "No," said the preacher. "If you want this gift you must get it yourself." She shook her head, not willing to risk embarrassment. He waited again. No one moved. Suddenly a woman stood up and quickly strode to the altar and picked up the plant. "I'll take it," she said. As she returned to her seat, the preacher launched into his text: "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." "The gift of God is eternal life! It's free." When the service was over, the woman who claimed the poinsettia came to the platform and held out her hand in which was a crumpled $10 Bill. ‘Here!’ she held out her hand. ‘This flower is too pretty to just take home for free. I couldn’t do that with a clear conscience." "So much for sermon illustrations," he sighed. (Jeff Strite,

When we're born again, the gift of salvation is instantaneous. There's no anticipation because God didn't promise to give it to us eventually. One moment we were in the dark, lost and condemned; the next we were walking in the light, forever free with the blessing of eternal life. That’s what it means to be born again. Its instantaneous transformation–the kind of gift that has the greatest satisfaction. It's free. It happens without waiting. Even though, like my BB Gun or that poinsettia, it's certainly a shocker and we might be tempted to say, "Can this really be," we need never question God's sincerity in the giving. When faced with opening a gift like that, we need not waste time looking for the right words or, worse yet, wondering if it's really ours. There is only one required response: "Thank you Lord!"

We pray. Heavenly Father, Help us, O Lord, to let our old self die, to let me die to the thousand big and small ways in which I am still building up my false self and trying to cling to my false desires. Let me be reborn in you and see through you the world in the right way, so that all my actions, words, and thoughts can become a hymn of praise to you. I need your loving grace to travel on this hard road that leads to the death of my old self to a new life in and for you. I know and trust that this is the road to freedom. In Jesus name we pray. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


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