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Believe it?

(10.28.21–You Have To Pray! –2 Corinthians 1:11)

My friend, may I ask you a question? Are our prayers affected by others praying? In that respect would it be good to have many praying at the same time, including yourself?

My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I'm M. Clifford Brunner.

Holly and I are empty nesters now but it wasn't that long ago our evenings were filled with a variety of bedtime prayers. Some of our kids were fast prayers and others more willing to take their time. Our oldest, Sarah, was one of the more deliberate prayers. Sometimes as she prayed and paused I would insert my "Amen" in hopes that she was finished. On one such occasion I remember her frowning and, hands clasped even tighter, telling God to "ignore what Daddy was say- ing. He doesn't know when I'm done anyway." As I look back on that now what strikes me is not so much how cute that was but how insightful. Sarah believed that God not only heard her prayer, but mine as well and she truly believed that her prayer was affected directly by mine.

Sarah had it right. Our prayers ARE affected by others praying and it would be good to remember that often.

Here's a story: During the Korean war, one man was wounded badly on the battlefield and his buddies were in a foxhole about 50 yards away when the man was hit by sniper fire. As the fire continued, the other men discussed amongst them- selves what to do. For a while no one would move. They could hear their wounded friend yelling for help. Then one of the men in the foxhole began to look intensely at his watch. He could not keep his eyes off it. All others in the foxhole noticed this, and began to ask questions. All of a sudden, the man with the watch jumped out of the foxhole, and crawled over to his wounded buddy. He then grabbed him by the nape of the collar, and very slowly made his way back to the foxhole, all the while sniper fire whizzing around. Both amazingly did make it back to the foxhole without another bullet penetration. After the sniper fire had died down, the man who saved his wounded buddy was asked why he waited so long to crawl after his wounded friend. To which he responded: "My mom said every day at the exact same time she would be praying for me. And according to my watch, I left the foxhole exactly when she started praying." (Author unknown.)

Do you pray for others knowing they are praying for you? Do you believe that God hears those tandem prayers and that He hears them distinctly when they are uttered simultaneously? You should. The Bible teaches that the "prayers of many" (2 Corinthians 1:11) will deliver the believer from peril. It's no wonder that Jesus said that "Except we believe like little children"(Matthew 18:3), we won't enter the Kingdom of Heaven. You and I, if we are to be believers in the power of prayer, must first believe that the prayers of others for us and with us are heard; plainly and at that moment–just like Sarah. Amen!

We pray. Heavenly Father, teach us to pray for others knowing they are praying for us as well. Help us to believe that You hear those tandem prayers and that You hear them distinctly when they are uttered simultaneously. Your Word teaches that the "prayers of many" will deliver the believer from peril. Lord, it’s no wonder that Jesus said that "Except we believe like little children", we won't enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Forgive us Father when we doubt the power of prayer, and help us to believe that the prayers of others for us and with us are heard; plainly and at that momentI. Jesus name we pray—for sure. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


Believe it?

(10.28.21–You Have To Pray! –2 Corinthians 1:11)

My friend, may I ask you a question? Are our prayers affected by others praying? In that respect would it be good to have many praying at the same time, including yourself?

My friend, Life’s a story, welcome to This Passing Day.

I'm M. Clifford Brunner.

Holly and I are empty nesters now but it wasn't that long ago our evenings were filled with a variety of bedtime prayers. Some of our kids were fast prayers and others more willing to take their time. Our oldest, Sarah, was one of the more deliberate prayers. Sometimes as she prayed and paused I would insert my "Amen" in hopes that she was finished. On one such occasion I remember her frowning and, hands clasped even tighter, telling God to "ignore what Daddy was say- ing. He doesn't know when I'm done anyway." As I look back on that now what strikes me is not so much how cute that was but how insightful. Sarah believed that God not only heard her prayer, but mine as well and she truly believed that her prayer was affected directly by mine.

Sarah had it right. Our prayers ARE affected by others praying and it would be good to remember that often.

Here's a story: During the Korean war, one man was wounded badly on the battlefield and his buddies were in a foxhole about 50 yards away when the man was hit by sniper fire. As the fire continued, the other men discussed amongst them- selves what to do. For a while no one would move. They could hear their wounded friend yelling for help. Then one of the men in the foxhole began to look intensely at his watch. He could not keep his eyes off it. All others in the foxhole noticed this, and began to ask questions. All of a sudden, the man with the watch jumped out of the foxhole, and crawled over to his wounded buddy. He then grabbed him by the nape of the collar, and very slowly made his way back to the foxhole, all the while sniper fire whizzing around. Both amazingly did make it back to the foxhole without another bullet penetration. After the sniper fire had died down, the man who saved his wounded buddy was asked why he waited so long to crawl after his wounded friend. To which he responded: "My mom said every day at the exact same time she would be praying for me. And according to my watch, I left the foxhole exactly when she started praying." (Author unknown.)

Do you pray for others knowing they are praying for you? Do you believe that God hears those tandem prayers and that He hears them distinctly when they are uttered simultaneously? You should. The Bible teaches that the "prayers of many" (2 Corinthians 1:11) will deliver the believer from peril. It's no wonder that Jesus said that "Except we believe like little children"(Matthew 18:3), we won't enter the Kingdom of Heaven. You and I, if we are to be believers in the power of prayer, must first believe that the prayers of others for us and with us are heard; plainly and at that moment–just like Sarah. Amen!

We pray. Heavenly Father, teach us to pray for others knowing they are praying for us as well. Help us to believe that You hear those tandem prayers and that You hear them distinctly when they are uttered simultaneously. Your Word teaches that the "prayers of many" will deliver the believer from peril. Lord, it’s no wonder that Jesus said that "Except we believe like little children", we won't enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Forgive us Father when we doubt the power of prayer, and help us to believe that the prayers of others for us and with us are heard; plainly and at that momentI. Jesus name we pray—for sure. Amen!

Therefore my friend, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry for itself; each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:34) This Passing Day. May this passing day honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be a blessing to you and everyone you meet. Find a stranger and say hello. Don't let another day pass without your day blessing someone else.

If you have a special prayer request, please send your request to ”This Passing Day!”

<> From Beech Springs, God bless you for Jesus sake.


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